21+ Meilleurs outils de prospection commerciale B2B [par catégorie]

Les meilleurs logiciels pour chaque étape du processus

Vous cherchez un logiciel de prospection commerciale pour vous aider à remplir votre pipeline ?

The amount of available tools out there can be truly mind-boggling. 🤯

That’s why we’ve listed the absolute best B2B sales prospecting tools you can use for every respective step of the process:

  1. Trouver de bons prospects
  2. S'adresser efficacement à l'extérieur
  3. Nourrir les prospects tièdes
  4. Assurer le suivi et la conclusion des contrats avec les clients potentiels
  5. Bonus : Intégrer le tout

Looking for any of the above in specific? Just click the link to go to the right section. 👆

That’s what this article would look like in PowerPoint 😂

If you see Salesflare pop up more than once in the list, it’s normal: Salesflare comes with many sales prospecting tools built in, so you don’t have to juggle your prospects between a lot of different software. Fret not, however: we’ll present you in each section with a worthy alternative. That’s a promise! 😘

Now, let’s explore these top tools. 👇

1. Des outils pour trouver de bons prospects

Finding quality sales leads is essential. To make your sales prospecting process work effectively, you’ll need well targeted leads with well verified contact details. Here are some dedicated sales prospecting software you can use.

Recherche de données sur les prospects B2B


Want to prospect people who work in a specific industry, geography, company size, and role or department (and maybe use a specific technology on their website)? Adapt.io can help you find these people with their respective email address and often also their phone number. It’s one of the best B2B lead data finder tools we’ve tried. And its pricing starts at $39 per month.


UpLead is a worthy alternative to Adapt.io (just above) and it comes very highly recommended by reviewers on G2.com as well. Even though its lowest plan is slightly more expensive than Adapt.io’s, it becomes significantly less expensive as you scale.

Recherche d'adresses électroniques


Want to find an email address for someone you see on LinkedIn, for a list of prospects (like in Excel or in a csv), or for any contact in your CRM? Then Salesflare will find you a quality email address in over 70% of the time. The best part: this email finder is built into your CRM (with an integrated email sequence tool and LinkedIn sidebar) and all CRM plans come with free email finder credits included. 🆓


Votre outil de séquence d'envoi d'e-mails et votre système de gestion de la relation client (CRM) ne sont plus d'actualité ? Dans ce cas, vous pouvez utiliser VoilaNorbert au lieu de Salesflare. Sa précision est assez similaire (bonne qualité !), son prix n'est pas exorbitant et sa recherche est assez rapide. Conseil : lorsque vous dites "VoilaNorbert", essayez de prendre votre meilleur accent français. 🥐


Une troisième option intéressante : FindThatLead. Comme Salesflare et VoilaNorbert, FindThatLead propose également une barre latérale LinkedIn très pratique. Dans l'ensemble, les fonctionnalités sont relativement similaires et le prix est légèrement inférieur. Notre seul reproche : le moteur de recherche d'adresses électroniques peut prendre beaucoup de temps pour parcourir une liste.

Pour une comparaison plus approfondie de ces trois outils, consultez cette comparaison d'outils de recherche d'adresses électroniques détaillée.

Vérificateurs de listes d'adresses électroniques


With tens of email list verifiers on the market (even VoilaNorbert and FindThatLead have their own version) it’s hard to find which is the best one. MyEmailVerifier is the best one we’ve found so far at a (very) affordable price. Works great for B2B prospecting.

Recherche d'adresses électroniques sur LinkedIn


We’ve covered email finders, but what if you’re looking at someone’s LinkedIn profile and you’d like to find their email address straight from there? With Salesflare’s email finder extension for LinkedIn it’s just a click away. And best of all: you can add the person straight into the CRM and enter them in an email sequence. Could life be any easier? 😍


We tested a whole series of email finder extensions for LinkedIn and most are slow or ugly. In that sense, the plugin that Snov.io offers is a breath of fresh air. It looks good, quickly offers results, and adds them to a list so you can easily use them in the next step. Installing it can be a little complex for novice Chrome users, as you need to sideload the extension; if you know how to do it, don’t let it hold you back.

2. Outils pour atteindre les prospects

Got your sales prospect data together? Then let’s get in touch with them using emails, LinkedIn connections requests/messages, calls or personalized videos. The below prospecting tools can help.

Outils de sensibilisation/séquence par courrier électronique


Salesflare pops up again? 😮 Yes, it can also power your outreach to sales prospects. With Salesflare, you can effortlessly send personalized email sequences at scale. You can send the emails from the CRM and have everything recorded back in the CRM automatically: email opens, clicks, replies, bounces, unsubscribes, … Salesflare even detects and parses the email signatures in these replies to update the contact details. And it helps you follow up and close the deals.


While we previously used to recommend Mailshake because it was more affordable, they upped their price and now only offer annual billing. Reply.io is a great, premium alternative with monthly billing. It’s pleasing to the eyes and does what you expect it to do, i.e. send email sequences reliably.

Outils d'automatisation des contacts avec LinkedIn


Our tool of choice for many years now when automating outreach on LinkedIn, like connection requests, messages and endorsements: Dux-Soup. This sales prospecting software is very reliable, adapts quickly to new LinkedIn updates, and consistently manages to stay off their radar. It also has the necessary safety mechanisms built in to make sure that you don’t get your LinkedIn account suspended. (Check out the interview with their founder on our Founder Coffee podcast when you have a chance!)

Logiciel d'appel


Want strong VOIP (Voice over IP) software to place calls to sales prospects straight from your computer? Then RingCentral is what we usually recommend. It doesn’t only work well; it also offers great integration options with any other software using Zapier.

Outils vidéo de vente


To say “bonjour” in a warmer way to your sales prospects, you can use Bonjoro. The handy thing about Bonjour is that you can get notified on your phone automatically when there are new people to send a video to and then immediately record and send it from your phone. That way it easily fits in your normal workflow. Want to send a “group video” to a list? That’s super easy too.

3. Outils pour nourrir les prospects

When you’re reaching out to sales prospects, you often find that they’re interested in what you’re offering, but it’s just not the right time or there is no burning need right now that calls them to action. As this happens so often, good nurturing of your sales prospects can make a huge difference in your sales performance.

Outils de campagne d'envoi de courriels


Yup, Salesflare can do this too! 😁 It can send automated emails from your mailbox (no one can tell it wasn’t you sending the email manually!) based on triggers, like when an opportunity moves to a certain stage, a tag is added, the last interaction is more than x days in the past, or any other combination of the tens of filters available. If you want to get some good inspiration on how you can use these powers effectively, make sure to watch the video at the bottom of this article. 👇 (or just watch it here!)


If you want to go beyond drip emails and build more complex messaging workflows, with complex filtering and with other channels like SMS and push notifications, then have a look at Customer.io. It’s not the cheapest sales prospecting software, but it’s definitely fancy stuff.

Outils de reciblage publicitaire


While you can drip emails to your prospects to entice them, you can also approach them through other channels in parallel, like ads. AdRoll allows you to “retarget” your tools across multiple media with ads, like through Facebook, Google and many other sites. You’ll be everywhere.

Logiciel de webinaire


One of the best ways to nurture a prospect (it’s all about providing them value!) is inviting them to an interesting webinar. While there’s a lot of good webinar software out there, Zoom offers one of the simplest, most stable and most familiar experiences out there. Plus, it’s very affordable.

4. Outils de suivi et de clôture des prospects

Got some warm prospects? Then you can’t afford to let them slip. The sales prospecting tools below will help you follow up flawlessly and eventually close that deal.

Logiciel de gestion de la relation client (CRM)


With Salesflare already appearing a bunch of times in this list, you probably got the impression that Salesflare is all about sales prospecting… while it actually started off as an intelligent CRM for small and medium-sized B2B businesses that helps you follow up much better. The CRM automatically tracks all interactions with your sales prospects and all information about your prospects by plugging into the systems you already use. Salesflare integrates very closely with Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365 and LinkedIn. And of course it has all these neat sales prospecting tools built in. Don’t hesitate to give it a try! (it’s free for up to 30 days)


When people are looking for a goodsalesCRM for their startup, they usually compare Salesflare with Pipedrive, so it’s only fair that we include them in this listing. We like how its basic platform is easy to use and really helps you keep a good view on your sales pipeline… Although we must of course stress that Pipedrive is not nearly as automated as Salesflare, doesn’t offer an email finder, no email sequences, no Chrome extension for LinkedIn, only a limited set of features in their mobile app… oh sorry, I got a little carried away here. 😬

Looking for more sales CRMs? Then check out our sales CRM comparison… or our list of lead management software. If you need a CRM for another purpose, check out these example CRM use cases. And if you’re not ready for a real one yet, check our CRM templates for Excel and Google Sheets.

Outils de suivi des courriels


Did we already mention that Salesflare can track email opens and clicks? The tracking works in Salesflare, Gmail (personal and Google Workspace), Outlook, and of course in email sequences. Your own opens and clicks are automatically excluded. What’s more: Salesflare also offers website tracking that links up with the email click tracking and follows your prospects across your site, showing you what pages they look at and for how long. 👀

Right Inbox

Si vous souhaitez simplement suivre les e-mails dans Gmail, Right Inbox peut vous aider. L'extension Chrome intègre le suivi des e-mails dans tous les e-mails que vous envoyez à partir de Gmail avec la barre latérale activée et vous montre également tout le suivi directement dans Gmail. Nous admettons que l'extension semble un peu désuète, mais elle fonctionne toujours très bien. Elle est gratuite pour un maximum de 5 e-mails suivis par mois.

Want to check out more email trackers like these? We’ve compiled a detailed email tracker comparison.

Logiciel de suivi des documents


While it seems a little weird to have prospects read your document through an online link in their browser (and you should only do this if you can get away with it), it can have one big advantage: you can see when and how long they read your document, down to the page. If you’re sending over long sales decks or proposals, this can be a gold mine.

Logiciel de proposition de vente

Better Proposals

If you’re still making sales proposals in PowerPoint or Word and want to upgrade to something more pretty and modern (and that looks good on small phone screens), then check out Better Proposals. This software has nailed proposal design. And it has some neat extra functionality too, like document tracking (yup!), electronic signatures and even built-in payments. (Here’s an interview with BP’s co-founder Adam on our podcast!)

5. Des outils pour tout intégrer

Vous voulez relier tout cela de manière claire ? Vous pouvez soit utiliser une plateforme de prospection commerciale tout-en-un comme Salesflare, soit utiliser une plateforme d'intégration pour intégrer différents outils de prospection. Et si vous êtes vraiment avancé, vous pouvez même avoir besoin des deux !

Plateformes d'intégration


Want to integrate different tools super easily? Zapier is the absolute easiest integration platform we know of and it also integrates with 5000+ different tools (including all the above!). You can check out some of the integration possibilities with Salesflare and a series of handy templates on this dedicated page. It has however become a little expensive lately and it isn’t the most advanced in the market, which is why we also present you to…


A worthy Zapier alternative for the power user. It allows you to build slightly more advanced workflows AND it’s significantly cheaper. The cons are that it connects to less apps (1500+ at the time of writing) and is less easy to use. If you’re not afraid of discovering software however, give it a try!

Now, how to build a working B2B sales prospecting machine? ⚙️

Comme vous pouvez le constater, il existe un ensemble incroyable d'outils de prospection commerciale B2B pour vous aider.

But how can you actually build a solid sales prospecting machine? 🤔

Dans l'enregistrement ci-dessous de notre webinaire avec Matteo et Giacomo de ResultConsulting, ils vous expliqueront comment fonctionne leur machine de prospection commerciale éprouvée, notamment :

  • Comment générer régulièrement des prospects commerciaux B2B à partir de LinkedIn ?
  • Comment entretenir ces prospects pour en convertir un plus grand nombre à long terme ?
  • Comment les suivre efficacement et conclure des affaires
  • Et comment doubler la conversion de vos ventes en suivant vos indicateurs de vente.

The video takes about an hour, but – if you want to generate more prospects – we promise their free sales prospecting advice is 100% worth it! 🤩

Matteo and Giacomo of ResultConsulting explain how they generate tens of prospects per month from LinkedIn ☝️

Si vous n'avez pas beaucoup de temps, voici cinq points à retenir de cette vidéo :

  1. Vous pouvez générer des dizaines de nouveaux clients par an avec seulement 1 heure de prospection commerciale par jour.
  2. Lorsque vous prenez contact pour la première fois avec de nouveaux prospects, évitez à tout prix d'essayer de leur vendre quoi que ce soit (évitez même toute allusion au fait que vous pourriez être sur le point de vendre quelque chose).
  3. When prospects decide to connect with you, focus on providing them a lot of value with case studies, webinars, …
  4. Continuez à entretenir vos prospects : la plupart des ventes ne se produisent qu'après avoir été en contact permanent avec les gens pendant un certain temps.
  5. Build a repeatable prospecting process and then massively improve it by tracking your sales metrics on your CRM’s sales dashboards.

Mais, encore une fois, pour des exemples concrets et la preuve de ce qu'il faut retenir, il suffit de regarder la vidéo. ☝️

Questions fréquemment posées

Qu'est-ce qu'un outil de prospection commerciale ?

Un outil de prospection commerciale est un outil, généralement un logiciel, qui permet d'organiser et d'automatiser la prospection commerciale. Il peut apporter une aide à n'importe quel stade du processus de prospection commerciale : trouver des prospects, les contacter, les fidéliser, les suivre et conclure des contrats de vente.

Quel est le meilleur outil de prospection ?

As always, what the best tool is depends on your specific needs. If you want an all-in-one sales prospecting tool, have a look at Salesflare. It offers an email finder, LinkedIn integration, email sequences, email templates, email tracking, … inside its easy-to-use sales CRM.

What are the 5 P’s of prospecting?

The 5 P’s of prospecting according to Jim Brodo are Purpose, Preparation, Personalization, Perseverance, and Practice. These principles represent a prescribed approach towards sales prospecting. It is a reference to the 5 P’s of marketing Product, Price, Place, Promotion, and People as proposed by Jerome McCarthy and popularized by Philip Kotler. They were originally 4 P’s and the last one (People) was added in later.

Qu'est-ce qu'un outil de prospection B2B ?

Un outil de prospection B2B est un outil, généralement un logiciel, qui aide les personnes qui vendent à d'autres entreprises (d'où le terme "business-to-business" ou B2B) à organiser et à automatiser leurs efforts de prospection commerciale. Il peut apporter une aide à n'importe quel stade du processus de prospection commerciale : trouver des prospects, les contacter, les fidéliser, les suivre et conclure des contrats de vente.

Comment trouver des prospects pour les ventes B2B ?

If you’re looking for B2B sales prospects, the best place to start is your own personal network. As soon as you have figured out what specific target market responds best to your prospecting, you can use a B2B lead data tool like Adapt.io or UpLead to create a larger list of prospects. To reach out and successfully follow up and close these leads you can use a tool like Salesflare.

Found the B2B sales prospecting tool you were looking for? Awesome! Glad we could help 😀

Didn’t find the right one just yet? Reach out to us through the chat on the Salesflare homepage and we’ll try to help you out as well as we can. 🖐️

obtenir le CRM de Salesflare avec des outils de prospection commerciale intégrés

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Jeroen Corthout