C贸mo gestionar la cartera de ventas como un profesional

Masterclass de canalizaci贸n de ventas: Sexta parte

fotografía de paisaje de una colina marrón bajo un cielo azul vista a través de la abertura de una tubería de ventas metafórica
Fot贸grafo: Drew Sal | Fuente: Unsplash

You’re generating more B2B leads, actively qualifying them and booking sales meetings with prospects. But how do you ensure you’re not losing any important data during the sales process and are keeping track of progress made with every prospect? This is where sales pipeline management comes in.

This post is Part Six in a new Masterclass series on how to build your sales pipeline. Building a strong sales pipeline is the #1 key to sales success. That’s why we created this indispensable step-by-step guide, to teach you how to build your pipeline the right way.

- Jeroen Corthout, Cofundador Salesflare, un CRM de ventas f谩cil de usar para peque帽as empresas B2B

In this sixth part of the series, we’ll be walking you through how to effectively manage your pipeline without drowning in a sea of sales leads.


Cinco pasos para mejorar la gesti贸n de la cartera de ventas

1. Visualice su canal de oportunidades

It’s important to get an overview of your sales pipeline if you want to be able to optimize your resources. A clear visualization will get you in control of your opportunities, enabling you to work in a focused way, stage per stage.

Tambi茅n ayuda a identificar r谩pidamente las oportunidades de alta calidad, indicando d贸nde deber铆a esforzarse m谩s para cerrar un trato.

Herramienta de gestión automatizada y visualizada de los flujos de ventas de Salesflare
Salesflare’s visual sales pipeline management screen

Empieza por organizar tu sales pipeline seg煤n las siguientes etapas del proceso de ventas:

  • Leads (la primera vez que alguien aparece en su radar)
  • Contactado (la primera vez que se acerca y establece un contacto real)
  • Cualificaci贸n (aqu铆 es donde se determina si el cliente potencial es adecuado para su negocio o no)
  • Proposal made (those you’ve made a formal offer to)
  • Ganar/Perder (operaciones ganadas y operaciones perdidas)

To make it even better, you can add custom stages to classify prospects that don’t belong in the active pipeline.

For instance, if a prospect mentions needing your solution in six months, categorize them under ‘fridge’. Similarly, if you notice a prospect has gone over your average sales cycle, classify them under ‘blocked’.


2. Centrarse en el siguiente paso y realizar un seguimiento de las tareas

Una vez identificadas las oportunidades de baja, media y alta calidad, debes centrarte en preparar los siguientes pasos para cada una de ellas. Ya se trate de un seguimiento por correo electr贸nico o de una simple llamada para concertar una reuni贸n de ventas, hay que tener presente al cliente potencial y organizar todo lo necesario para que avance en el proceso.

Now as your pipeline grows, this can become difficult. Many sales teams end up losing opportunities simply because they missed a follow-up or it wasn’t timely.

Employ an easy-to-use CRM for better sales pipeline management. Create tasks that need to be focused on next for every prospect based on previous interactions. The CRM will also help you get easy access to data that you will need once it’s time to take these actions.

Captura de pantalla de la pantalla de resumen de tareas de Salesflare para facilitar la gestión de la cartera de ventas
Salesflare’s task overview screen


3. Automatice el tesoro de informaci贸n de su CRM

Get a CRM that automatically pulls in all the necessary data from different digital platforms like email, social media, website, your calendar and your phone. This way you won’t have to spend endless hours inputting everything into your CRM to keep your pipeline up-to-date and can focus on spending time with your prospects.

Un CRM automatizado como Salesflare puede importar firmas de correo electr贸nico para recopilar informaci贸n de contacto, perfiles sociales y datos relacionados, mostr谩ndole todas las interacciones que ha tenido hasta el momento con un cliente potencial.

Captura de pantalla de la introducción automática de datos del Salesflare
Salesflare’s automated data input

El f谩cil acceso a todos los datos tambi茅n le ayuda a controlar el inter茅s de un posible cliente, los contactos que su equipo ha establecido en una empresa y mucho m谩s.

Con todos los datos automatizados y en su lugar, tambi茅n puede automatizar algunos de sus correos electr贸nicos de rutina a los prospectos una vez que alcanzan una cierta etapa en el pipeline.

Automatizaci贸n sobre automatizaci贸n 隆te har谩 ganar m谩s tratos en poco tiempo!


4. Hacer n煤meros

Once you have your sales process tracked in a CRM, it is time for some number crunching. This includes looking at your lead list to identify how many leads are hot, warm and cold, the average sales cycle your pipeline is experiencing, how it is impacting your business goals and the actual number of deals you’re closing.

Captura de pantalla del panel Insights del Salesflare
Salesflare’s Insights panel

Pero adem谩s de todo lo anterior, f铆jese tambi茅n en c贸mo est谩n funcionando sus actividades de divulgaci贸n y seguimiento. Rastrea los correos electr贸nicos, los clics en los enlaces y c贸mo interact煤an los clientes potenciales con tu sitio web. Te ayudar谩 a personalizar y optimizar su recorrido hasta la conversi贸n.


5. Realice peri贸dicamente un barrido de las tuber铆as

It’s hard to let go of the ‘more is better’ philosophy and that’s why most sales team let all their leads remain in the pipeline for a very long time. These include the leads that have proven to be not worth pursuing and those that have gone way over the average sales cycle.

Take a look at your CRM data to identify which prospects haven’t responded to any of your communication. Identify the sluggish leads that only eat into your time and resources and remove them from your sales pipeline.

As a rule of thumb, touch base with them one last time. Send them a quick email to let them know you’re moving them out of your pipeline and if they’re interested, they should reach out to you.


Conclusi贸n: necesita una gesti贸n del canal de ventas

Aunque son muchos los beneficios de la gesti贸n del pipeline de ventas, 44% de los ejecutivos piensan que su empresa es ineficaz al respecto. Admiten haber perdido grandes oportunidades debido a su incapacidad para poner en pr谩ctica los datos de forma eficaz.

En pocas palabras, la gesti贸n de la cartera de ventas es como mantener limpio el espacio de trabajo. Te mantiene productivo y centrado en lo que m谩s importa.

So no matter what stage your business is at, make managing your sales pipeline an active process. After all, it’s data that makes or breaks the growth of your business.

Ready to improve your sales pipeline management? Well, don’t forget to tune in next week for Part Seven in our Sales Pipeline Masterclass: How To Ace Your Sales Negotiations Using Proven Closing Techniques. Need a refresher? Go back and read Part Five: Lead Qualification: How To Qualify Your B2B Leads And Improve Your Sales Process.

“Salesflare improves my mood as I can see the wins. And it alerted me to a lack of early-stage opportunities.”

Simon Lovegrove, Lovegrove Service Ltd.
CRM fácil de usar

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Vanhishikha Bhargava