Cómo triunfar en las negociaciones de venta con técnicas de cierre de probada eficacia

Masterclass de canalización de ventas: Séptima parte

Un cartel en una ventana que dice "cerrado" como resultado metafórico de las técnicas de cierre
Fotógrafo: Benedikt Geyer | Fuente: Unsplash

You’re now managing your pipeline well, with a clear view of the high-quality opportunities you have. The next step is to take your sales process forward, negotiate and close those deals. But it won’t be easy. Most closing techniques require a very strategic approach.

This post is Part Seven in a new Masterclass series on how to build your sales pipeline. Building a strong sales pipeline is the #1 key to sales success. That’s why we created this indispensable step-by-step guide, to teach you how to build your pipeline the right way.

- Jeroen Corthout, Cofundador Salesflare, un CRM de ventas fácil de usar para pequeñas empresas B2B.

In this article, we’re going to cover how to nail your negotiation using proven closing techniques and how to remain in the game for the long run.


1. Técnicas de cierre

No matter how well optimized your sales process is, closing remains one of the hardest aspects. Getting people to commit to your business doesn’t just require a strategic approach, but also delving into the client’s mindset. Here are some of the tactics that always work:

1. The ‘best you could get’ close

Es cuando el cliente potencial está convencido del valor que usted aporta, pero busca un beneficio añadido. Normalmente, un vendedor hace una oferta que crea miedo a perderse algo y empuja al cliente potencial a realizar una compra inmediata.

For instance, you could mention that you’re offering a special 20% discount to your first ten customers only.

2. The ‘try it before you buy it’ close

A lot of your prospects will want to try or test your product before signing the deal. They want to be sure of the value you bring to the table and if you’re really a good fit for them. That’s why sales processes that include a trial of the product, have a higher closure rate.

Be sure to qualify your leads well. You don’t want to end up investing a lot of effort into a lead that won’t convert at the end of the trial period.

3. The ‘impressive package’ close

Imagine you’re reading an ebook on sales and get to the end. No matter how attentively you went through all the chapters, a structured summary, acting as a convenient recap will help you clearly formulate the next steps to take in your sales process. The same holds true when closing a deal.

fotografia de primer plano de mujer sosteniendo caja gris y roja
Fotógrafo: Kira auf der Heide | Fuente: Unsplash

La forma de ejecutar esta táctica es resumiendo todos los puntos de valor que estableció para crear un paquete impresionante de características y sus beneficios. Algo así como una lista de comprobación imprimible que se ofrece al final de ese ebook.

4. The ‘assumptive’ close

En este caso, el profesional de ventas asume que el cliente potencial ve valor en su producto y va a realizar una compra. Es una buena táctica si te aseguras de que cada paso del proceso de venta aporta suficiente valor al cliente potencial.

The key here is to remain confident about what you’re selling and make sure you know the prospect’s perspective at every stage. Regular temperature checks will help ensure that you’re still on the same page.

5. The ‘sharp angle’ close

La mayoría de los clientes potenciales B2B pedirán reducciones de precio o, al menos, añadidos. Si tiene margen para ofrecer descuentos o la aprobación para hacerlo, es probable que esta táctica consiga una mayor conversión porque ofrece una gratificación instantánea.

Así que si tu cliente potencial te pide un complemento, dáselo y pídele que firme el contrato de inmediato.

6. The ‘question’ close

It’s important for sales reps to ask questions about the prospect’s challenges and goals during the sales process. But even when you’re coming to a close, questions can help eliminate any possible objections that the prospect may have regarding the purchase.

signo de interrogación de neón
Fotógrafo: Emily Morter | Fuente: Unsplash

A simple question asking if they feel what you’re offering solves one of their pressing challenges gives you the chance to further nurture the connection before ending the meeting. It’s best to address any confusion your prospects might still have before leaving them to their own thoughts.

7. The ‘hard’ close

A los clientes les encantan las empresas que quieren aportarles valor añadido y no limitarse a vender sus productos. Sin embargo, a veces ni siquiera todas las ventajas del mundo conseguirán que un cliente potencial tome finalmente una decisión de compra. En casos así, un cierre duro te ayudará a cerrar el trato y a que el proceso de venta siga avanzando.

If you think there is no other way to close the deal anymore, use the hard close. Ask the prospect if they’re interested in buying your product or not. If the answer is no, immediately move them out of your pipeline so you can focus on other opportunities.


2. Negociar con principios, no con posiciones

Just as you’d like to bag the best price on a product you find in the market, a B2B sales deal includes a lot of bargaining and negotiation. Sometimes it is all about the price and at other times, it only takes a few add-ons, like features, extra monthly trials and support.

La única forma de que sea una situación beneficiosa para ambas partes es escuchar. Estas son las seis pautas que debes seguir al negociar con técnicas de cierre.

1. Don’t conflate the problem with the people

When closing a deal, you’re focusing on bagging a sale and it is common to forget that there are people on the other side. They have their own opinions, values, backgrounds and feelings that contribute to the way they interact with you or make a purchase decision.

Así que, en lugar de intentar remediar sus dudas con concesiones, intenta primero comprender su punto de vista. Esto te ayudará a evitar conflictos durante las negociaciones para la firma del acuerdo.

dos personas sentadas en un escritorio mirando una tableta blanca
Fotógrafo: rawpixel | Fuente: Unsplash

2. Centrarse en los intereses, no en las posiciones

In most cases, we tend to start negotiations by stating our position to clarify our hold on the situation. For example, saying that you’re a sales expert with 10 years of experience in the industry before you even begin a discussion, is like indicating you’re superior. And setting that tone leads to nothing but clashing egos.

Así que céntrate en identificar los intereses del posible cliente en lugar de empujarle a compartir su posición en la empresa. Entiende qué puede llevarles a hacer una compra y luego comparte tus propios intereses.

Esto ayudará a que ambas partes se abran y exploren oportunidades juntas, lo que aumenta las posibilidades de obtener un sí en el acuerdo.

3. Controlar las emociones

The point of a negotiation is to discuss anything and everything around the B2B deal. Both parties should be able to freely express their emotions concerning the deal – be it a worry they have about the product or the vision of the business they’re engaging with.

Para mantener a raya las emociones negativas, asegúrate de escuchar de verdad cuando el cliente potencial exprese sus emociones. Así no solo evitarás discusiones, sino que tendrás la oportunidad de comprender mejor sus necesidades.

4. Exprese siempre su agradecimiento

If you’re taking out time to do something that is important to the other, you want to be given a little credit for it. No one likes to feel unappreciated and that especially holds true while you’re in negotiation.

gracias papel y bolígrafo negro sobre superficie de madera
Fotógrafo: Kelly Sikkema | Fuente: Unsplash

Exprese su aprecio por el cliente potencial haciendo un esfuerzo por comprender realmente su punto de vista y comunicándolo con palabras y acciones. Incluso dándole las gracias por haber leído el programa de ventas que le has presentado.

5. Mantener una actitud positiva

Communicating in a positive way is the most effective way of getting a yes on the deal. Instead of stressing how a prospect isn’t understanding the value you offer, put a positive spin on the sentence. Try aligning your value proposition with what the prospect is saying instead of trying to forcibly get them to agree with your point of view.

Las técnicas de negociación y cierre que mantienen al cliente en primer lugar consiguen una mayor conversión.

6. Evitar el bucle de acción y reacción

Every action has a reaction. But that’s exactly what you should be avoiding during negotiations. If the prospect does not see value in your offer, don’t react sharply to it. Instead, try to understand what they’re not liking about it and how you can make it better for them.

Esto le ayudará a identificar más oportunidades de trabajar con el cliente potencial, comprender las razones que le impiden realizar la compra y ofrecerle una oferta adaptada a sus intereses.

But most importantly, remember to determine the prospect’s perceived value of your product before beginning negotiations. And always focus on adding value to the prospect than selling your product!


3. Monitor your prospect’s behavior

Good closing techniques continue after a successful sales meeting: it’s important to keep reaffirming the value you bring to the prospect and to keep a close eye on how they interact with your business post the closing meet and even post-sales.

visor de la torre negra
Fotógrafo: Viviana Rishe | Fuente: Unsplash

Track every move your prospect makes: follow-up email opens, click-through rates and what they interact with on your website. How they interact with your business indicates their level of understanding of what you offer, their possible lingering doubts and what they’re most interested in exploring. Moreover, it enables you to reach out to them at the right time, with the right message.

Algunas cosas que hay que tener en cuenta son:

  • ¿Están abriendo tus correos de seguimiento?
  • ¿Han visitado su sitio web?
  • ¿Qué características están comprobando con más detalle?
  • ¿Están revisando sus precios?
  • ¿Buscan estudios de casos y testimonios de clientes para hacerse una mejor idea del valor que usted ofrece?

Doing so helps you understand the prospect’s needs better, what they are thinking about or are interested in. This then helps you custom-fit specific closing techniques to different prospects to get more conversions.

Los sistemas CRM inteligentes como Salesflare le ayudan a llevar un seguimiento de cómo interactúan sus clientes potenciales con los correos electrónicos y enlaces que comparte y su sitio web. A continuación, almacena esta información por prospecto y te envía notificaciones en tiempo real de su actividad, para que puedas adaptar tus técnicas de cierre y hacer un seguimiento informado.

Pero al final, recuerda:


4. Cerrar siempre

No matter what closing techniques you’re using, B2B leads take a while to close.

There are multiple decision-makers involved in the sales process; sometimes even in individual stages. So don’t get stuck following up one single lead.

Remember to keep moving your high-opportunity leads to the next step before they lose interest in what you’re offering. Continually nurture them and keep track of their changing needs to tailor your sales process for more closures.

But most importantly, don’t be afraid to close leads. If a prospect is taking too long to make a decision or isn’t interested in your product at the moment, move them to your nurture list and reshift your focus to follow up with better leads.

Always work towards the next step and don’t be afraid to close leads. Have a straightforward sales meeting to get an answer from prospects that are taking too long to make a purchase decision.

Al fin y al cabo, la única forma de mantenerse en la cima de su proceso de ventas es optimizar continuamente los recursos y centrarse en las mejores oportunidades.

All set to take on the next sales meeting with these negotiating and closing techniques? Well, don’t forget to tune in next week for Part Eight in our Sales Pipeline Masterclass: How To Get More B2B Sales Referrals. Need a refresher? Go back and read Part Six: How To Nail Sales Pipeline Management Like A Pro.

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Vanhishikha Bhargava