Como as empresas B2B podem automatizar o alcance das vendas

Masterclass de automação de vendas: Parte Dois

Trilha de luz ao nascer do sol em uma ponte
Fotógrafo: Anders Jildén | Fonte: Unsplash

When you’re growing your business, there comes a point when you realize that you’re spending a lot of time doing repetitive work. Prospecting, sending out emails and then following up on them: it can get overwhelming and doing it all manually only makes it worse. You want to find a way to automate sales outreach.

This post is Part Two in a new Masterclass series on how to automate your sales. Sales automation will save you loads of time and let you close more deals. That’s why we created this comprehensive series, guiding you through all the different aspects of sales that can be automated and explaining how you can automate them.

- Jeroen Corthout, cofundador Salesflare, um CRM de vendas fácil de usar para pequenas empresas B2B

In this article, we’ll be sharing with you how you can automate sales outreach of your own B2B company so you can focus more on growth.


1. Enviar sequências de e-mail automatizadas

Imagine having a pipeline of fifty prospects. Based on what they need and what you’ve got to offer, you make the first sales outreach. You copy-paste and tweak your message depending on who you’re reaching out to.

While sending that initial batch of emails might not be overly tedious, imagine having to follow them all up over a period of about 15-30 days – manually!

Instead, you could simply upload a list of emails and prospect names in your email marketing tool. Then you set up email sequences to follow up with prospects who don’t respond to your initial sales outreach.

E-mails automatizados usando Salesflare
Crie uma sequência/fluxo de trabalho de e-mails, defina atrasos e estabeleça a meta. E, em seguida, faça com que os leads fluam automaticamente.

Some of the smart tools that can help you automate sales outreach include, Mailshake, Woodpecker, … or use it straight from within Salesflare of course, like in the screenshot above!


2. Use um discador VOIP e um fone de ouvido

Imagine meeting someone at an event. You don’t have your phone on you, so you jot down their number. Later you go to save their number on your phone so it doesn’t get lost among the rest of your notes. Then, while preparing your sales outreach, you copy the number to your computer so you can schedule follow-up calls.

The entire time you’re copy-pasting a number from one place to the next, just to get it from a piece of paper to your computer and then, eventually, back to your phone. On top of all that, you also need to take notes during and after each call about how it went.

E se tudo isso pudesse ser tão fácil quanto entrar em contato com um cliente em potencial com apenas um clique?

When you’re using a sales tool like Salesflare, all you need in order to automate sales outreach as desired is a VOIP dialer and a headset. The calls you take on your computer with the VOIP dialer or on your mobile phone automatically get logged.

By not wasting any more time manually looking for phone numbers, dialing them and logging the call by hand, you get to spend more time focusing on the quality of the conversation you’re having with your prospects.

Exemplos de discadores VOIP que podem ajudá-lo a automatizar chamadas de alcance de vendas e registrar as conversas resultantes incluem Aircall e Toky.


3. Automatize o alcance das vendas no LinkedIn

LinkedIn plays a key role in B2B sales. But it’s an incredible drag having to sift through hundreds of profiles based on your defined target audience, shortlisting prospects, visiting their profiles, sending them connection requests with custom messages and following up with them, all manually.

Pode levar dias ou até semanas para fechar um lead dessa forma. Muitas vezes, você corre o risco de perder a oportunidade de engajar um cliente potencial. Ou você perde um acompanhamento importante.

So once you know who you’re looking for and have tracked them down either manually or using Sales Navigator, you need to bring in the dux to properly automate sales outreach on LinkedIn.

Dux-Soup é uma extensão Chrome para o LinkedIn que você pode usar para visitar automaticamente todos os perfis de clientes potenciais em uma página de resultados de pesquisa e enviar solicitações de conexão automatizadas com uma mensagem que menciona coisas como o nome e a empresa deles.

Se eles aceitarem seu convite, você poderá entrar em contato com eles posteriormente pelo LinkedIn para dar andamento ao processo de vendas.

You’ll basically end up establishing a lot more new connections and getting introductions and leads without lifting so much as a finger – but make sure your profile clearly states who you are and what you do.


Captura de tela mostrando como automatizar o alcance de vendas usando um título de perfil do LinkedIn

What’s more, you’ll also get those prospects’ names, industries, roles and company domains, along with any other information they have on their LinkedIn profiles, all neatly exported in a .CSV file. You can then use this data to further automate sales outreach by email, phone and even other social media channels.

If you’re hungry to learn more about how you can optimize your sales outreach, check out The Startup’s Playbook to Finding B2B Customers on LinkedIn. We’ve covered the entire process step-by-step and on top of that we’ve even shared a selection of our secret hacks!

Or if you’d like a specialized agency to help you, check out our list of lead generation agencies.


4. Automatize o alcance das vendas no Twitter

At some point, we’ve all used the follow-for-follow approach to reach out to our target market on Twitter. And we’ve even used automated DM’s or experimented with them to promote products, eBooks or even blog posts.

Mas você já teve uma conversa significativa ou divertida que realmente resultou em um usuário-alvo se tornando um lead ou até mesmo um cliente?

While our founder, Jeroen, uses automated messages too, they’re not to promote our product. They’re to establish that oh-so-important human connection to start understanding what the user is looking for. He doesn’t start trying to sell Salesflare straight out of the gate.

Here’s an example of what Jeroen does. He uses Jooicer to auto-follow people who follow Salesflare competitors. When they connect, the tool sends them an automated message. But after a while, Jeroen jumps in to humanize the conversation.

Captura de tela mostrando como automatizamos o alcance de vendas no Twitter, acompanhando uma mensagem de bot

Ele também pega essa lista de pessoas que seguem um concorrente no Twitter e envia a elas uma solicitação de conexão no LinkedIn.


Here’s how you can do the same:

  • Extract your competitor’s Twitter Friends with FriendOrFollow
  • Corresponda os identificadores do Twitter ao endereço do Gmail com FindThatLead
  • Combine os identificadores do Twitter restantes com os perfis do LinkedIn com FullContact
  • Traga o Dux novamente com Dux-Soup
  • Conecte-se automaticamente no LinkedIn e inicie uma conversa!

Lembre-se: show genuine interest, listen to your prospects carefully and help out. Don’t just promote.

Before you get started, make sure to read How To Target Your Competitor’s Customers With Facebook Ads And More Starting From Twitter.


5. Executar anúncios de redirecionamento e redirecionamento de CRM

We just explained how to get email addresses of prospects starting from LinkedIn and Twitter. Now it’s time to use these email addresses to nurture these prospects and to move them up in your sales pipeline. That’s where CRM retargeting and retargeting ads come into play.


1. Criar um público-alvo personalizado do Facebook

Instead of going for generic targeting and simply hoping the right prospects will see what you’re promoting, you should create a Facebook Custom Audience. Upload all the email addresses you have from a .CSV file or from the email marketing tool you’re using.

Captura de tela mostrando como automatizar o alcance de vendas usando públicos personalizados do Facebook

However, this only works when the email addresses are associated with Facebook profiles. That’s why at Salesflare, we like to combine Custom Audiences created from emails with others created from data like the prospects’ location, phone number or even their last interaction with our business.

Quanto mais dados, melhor o processo de correspondência funciona!

A good example of how you can apply this is by retargeting your blog readers with lead magnets. The higher the perceived value of what you’re offering them – like ebooks or an industry report, the more likely they are to share their email address or more information about their needs.

Captura de tela mostrando como automatizar o alcance de vendas usando públicos personalizados do Facebook

But make sure you don’t make the mistake of asking those who have already subscribed to your blog to opt-in again. It’s essential that your communication feels organic and natural at all times.


2. Segmentar um público semelhante ao do Facebook

Os públicos personalizados são ótimos para nutrir leads em um funil de vendas ou direcionar listas muito específicas. Os Lookalike Audiences são a forma de alcançar novas pessoas, encontrar mais leads e, em seguida, começar a nutri-los com anúncios que os incentivam a se tornarem seus clientes.

Mas o hack aqui é um pouco diferente. Um público semelhante basicamente ajuda você a alcançar pessoas que provavelmente se interessarão por sua empresa, com base na semelhança delas com seus melhores clientes atuais. Para que um público semelhante funcione, você precisa usar os dados de seus clientes mais valiosos. Os dados daqueles com o CLV (Customer Lifetime Value, valor vitalício do cliente) mais alto têm maior probabilidade de fazer com que você alcance alguém que seja como eles.

Primeiro, você cria um público personalizado com base nas conversões:

Captura de tela mostrando como automatizar o alcance de vendas usando públicos semelhantes do Facebook

E, em seguida, você cria um público semelhante usando seu público personalizado:

Captura de tela mostrando como automatizar o alcance de vendas usando públicos semelhantes do Facebook


3. Configure um funil de redirecionamento

No matter how you’re reaching out to your different audiences – be they custom or lookalike, there will always be prospects in there who still won’t interact with your business despite your campaign. That’s why you need to set up a retargeting funnel.

To do this you employ the user’s last activity on your ad campaign or your website as the basis for targeting and what you offer in the message.


Here’s an example of a basic retargeting ad campaign:

  • Dias 0 a 6 desde a última visita: Promover a inscrição na avaliação gratuita
  • Dia 7-11: Ofereça um ímã de leads para obter o endereço de e-mail
  • Dias 12 a 16: Destaque os benefícios de seu produto com uma CTA para se inscrever em uma avaliação
  • Dias 17 a 21: Compartilhe um vídeo de depoimento destacando o valor de seu produto
  • Dias 21 a 25: Destaque outro benefício de seu produto com uma CTA para se inscrever em uma avaliação
  • Dias 26 a 30: Promover a inscrição na avaliação gratuita com uma nova imagem e texto de anúncio

Seu objetivo aqui deve ser simples: direcioná-los gentilmente para a conversão.

There’s a bunch more useful tips waiting for you in The Startup’s Playbook To Finding B2B Customers on Facebook.


Conclusão: Foco na agregação de valor

Embora existam várias maneiras de automatizar convenientemente o alcance das vendas, o sucesso está na relevância de sua mensagem para os clientes em potencial.

Whether it’s in email, on a call or on social media, your messages should bring value to the prospect. The better you can show them that you care, the more likely they are to move up in the sales funnel.

Can’t wait to automate sales outreach until it’s a finely tuned engine? Let us know which tools you think everyone ought to be using and how they made life better for you!

Need a quick recap? Read Part One of the Sales Automation Masterclass: How To Automate Lead Generation For B2B Companies. Also, don’t forget to tune in next week for Part Three in our Sales Automation Masterclass: How B2B Companies Can Automate Sales Follow-Up And Closing.

CRM fácil de usar

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Vanhishikha Bhargava