5 Best Cold Emails We’ve Ever Sent + Downloadable Templates

Ces exemples d'e-mails froids nous ont permis d'obtenir un grand nombre de prospects.

Vous souhaitez envoyer des courriers électroniques non sollicités dont l'efficacité en matière de prospection a été testée et prouvée ?

Dans ce cas, ce guide est fait pour vous.

We will cover 👇:

  1. Comment structurer chaque étape de la séquence d'envoi d'e-mails froids ?
  2. Comment ne pas envoyer d'e-mail à froid
  3. Comment faire en sorte que votre PDG soit diffusé sur des centaines de podcasts
  4. How to prospect with your competitor’s partners
  5. Comment établir des partenariats avec des cabinets de conseil ?
  6. Comment construire votre site d'intégration
  7. Comment aborder la prospection de liens retour (backlink)
  8. What we tried that didn’t work

Comment structurer chaque étape de la séquence d'envoi d'e-mails froids ?

To start off, I’ll break down how to structure each step of your cold email sequence. Then I’ll go into detail using 5 cold email examples we’ve sent that brought us a 32% reply rate on average. 💪

Cela signifie que 32% de personnes ont répondu en moyenne à nos 5 meilleures séquences d'e-mails froids.

When the average cold email response rate is 1%, you know we’re onto something! 😏

Première étape de l'envoi d'un courriel à froid

Above anything, it’s important to write each email as if you were writing it to one person. When you frame your mind as if you’re going to send this email to one person, your cold email will come off way more personal and less like an automated blast sent out to a huge list.

For your first cold email step, it’s important to:

  1. Establish quickly why you’re getting in touch
  2. Indiquez clairement ce que la personne peut tirer de votre courriel
  3. Ask a very low barrier question (no, people don’t want to “jump on a call” right away…)

Par exemple, je leur demande presque toujours quelle est la bonne personne à qui s'adresser.

It doesn’t make sense to bombard someone if you aren’t even 100% sure they’re the person you’re supposed to be cold emailing anyway. 🤔

Plus, once someone puts you in contact with a colleague, you’re almost certain you’ll keep getting answers.

Deuxième (et plus) étape de suivi d'un e-mail froid

Le courriel(s) de suivi , en fonction du nombre de courriels que vous envoyez, est le moment où vous devez essayer d'adopter un angle différent par rapport à votre proposition initiale.

For example, ask if there’s a form to fill out or establish a bit more credibility to show them why your email adds value to them. This helps you approach the situation a little differently, without starting over from scratch.

I’ll go into more detail on the different angles you can take in our cold email example templates below.

L'e-mail de rupture

Our last email in our cold email examples are what we call the “breakup email”. 💔

I always let the person know I won’t be following up more after this. This gives them a warning that if they’ve been too busy to answer, now is the time – otherwise the email will get lost in their inbox forever.

Although it may not sound too crazy – it works! I often get replies to this email from people letting me know they are interested but haven’t had time to dig in and it’s best to follow up in a certain amount of days, weeks or months. 👍

Comment ne pas envoyer d'e-mail à froid

Before we jump into our cold email examples, I’ll quickly touch on what doesn’t work. 🚫

There’s nothing more frustrating than getting a bad cold email. The type of email that comes off lazy and makes you do all the work to figure out what they want. The one that gives you the feeling that the sender is blatantly inconsiderate of your time.

Quelque chose comme ça :

  1. Un mur de texte géant
  2. Highlighting what they want out of you and not what’s in it for you
  3. Et ne correspond pas du tout à votre secteur d'activité

Avoid this at all costs. It may seem obvious, but we’ve all received them.

At best, you’ll get ignored; at worst, you’ll be marked as spam, hurting your deliverability rates.

If this was you in the past – don’t sweat it. We all started somewhere and everyone has their own embarrassing cold email prospecting fails. 🥴

It’s time now to leave those types of cold emails in the past. Use our cold email example templates in this guide to nail your prospecting. 🎯

Now for the good stuff – below you’ll find 5 examples of our best cold emails we’ve sent at Salesflare.

I’ll state the goal of the sequence, explain why we structure each step like that and why it works.

Save these cold email templates for reuse instead of re-typing the text from this guide by downloading the templates here. 👇

Don’t have a list of leads to cold email yet? First, build your lead list.

Podcasts : Comment faire figurer votre PDG sur des centaines de podcasts ?

Goal: get our CEO, Jeroen, on a podcast. (We’ve written a detailed guide on how to get on podcasts to.)

My podcast sequence is my best performing sequence with a 48% met goal rate – meaning about half of the people I sent the sequence to replied. 🤯

48% of people replied to the sequence! 🤯 (as measured by Salesflare‘s built-in email workflows)

I’ll break down how I set this sequence up. 👇

Before writing my first email I tried to think in the podcast host’s shoes. They probably get hundreds of requests like this a week. How can I stand out?

First, I focused on making it as easy as possible for them by asking if they’re the right person to talk to. If not, they can quickly pass it onto the person responsible for me to discuss further.

Here you go ✨

I made sure to establish our company a bit by including that we’re the #1 CRM on Product Hunt, but I didn’t bombard them with a ton of information on Jeroen or Salesflare before finding out if they’re the right person to pitch to.

Se concentrer sur la bonne personne à qui s'adresser

Ensuite, j'ai essayé d'aborder la question sous un angle différent. J'ai essayé de réfléchir à d'autres moyens par lesquels un animateur de podcast pourrait contrôler ses invités potentiels.

I first reiterated my question of who the right person to talk to is, assuming with no answer they may not be the right person. Then I approached it from the new angle, asking – is there a form I should fill out instead? 📝

All of this still keeping in mind that I’m trying to make this as easy as possible for them.

Approche sous un angle différent

Pour le prochain suivi, j'ai une approche encore différente.

I can assume they’re ignoring me either because they’re not the person who handles this or because I haven’t built any trust with them yet and they don’t know who Jeroen or Salesflare is.

To establish ourselves, I provide a bit more information on Jeroen and point them to Jeroen’s personal podcast link. That way, if they were skeptical, they can quickly do a little research on Jeroen, but I’m also not bombarding them with information yet without them giving any sign of interest.

I also leave a note that I understand it’s hard to weed through all the messages to show them that I’m also human and understanding, but to establish confidence that I indeed think Jeroen is the right fit. ✅

Fournir plus d'informations

Last is the aforementioned breakup email. If they’re interested but haven’t answered by now because they’re busy, they may still be somewhat relying on my follow up.

I send this email out as a last Hail Mary to show that I won’t follow up anymore and that if they are indeed too busy, they can send me a quick note to let me know or else it will get lost in their inbox forever.

With a 5% reply rate – again, this email does work! 100% of the replies at this step are people telling me that they’re really busy but they’re interested and to check back in x amount of weeks/months. If I didn’t give them this warning, we could have missed out on that last 5%.


And that’s how, in the end, we’ve booked hundreds of valuable podcast appearances in the past year!

Partners: How to prospect with your competitor’s partners

Objectif : téléphoner aux partenaires de HubSpot (le gros gorille) pour discuter des possibilités.

In the first email we try to gauge their interest by finding out – are they loyal to selling HubSpot? Or are they the type of consultancies that sell multiple products based on what fits their customers best?

I let them know why I’m reaching out and tell them what’s in it for them by framing the email around giving their customers another option if HubSpot isn’t the right fit.

I lastly ask the same question as from the first sequence – I check if they’re the right person to talk to or if there’s someone better to reach out to.

In the second email, I try to gain a bit of credibility by showing them how we compare to HubSpot. I included a visual of how Salesflare compares to HubSpot from G2 (the world’s leading B2B review platform).

I ask at the end to let me know if they think it’d be interesting to partner together.

In the 3rd email, I tried to sell us a little bit more over HubSpot by quickly pointing out the main advantages to Salesflare compared to HubSpot. The short list is easy and quick to read and can help them connect to what their customers may be looking for and how it may fit them if HubSpot isn’t the right choice.

I also ask to get on a call if they’re interested. What’s important here is that I explain what the agenda of the meeting is. That way they can understand exactly what the call would be about and that it’s not just another cold sales call where I try to push something on them.

In all honesty, with a 1% reply rate we probably could have done way better. Maybe with a shorter email or another call to action we could have had better results, but we didn’t test it further at the time.

There’s always room for improvement!

Lastly, another version of our breakup email. I ask them one last time to book a meeting if they’re interested, otherwise I wish them the best. 👋

This sequence didn’t have a massive result like the previous one, as many of the people we emailed weren’t a great match as a potential partner, but that’s something we only learned along the way.

De plus, nous aurions probablement pu améliorer les résultats en rédigeant des messages plus courts et plus clairs et en améliorant les appels à l'action.

Still, 18% reply rate is 18x better than 1%. 😏 And we did get on a whole lot of calls!

Consultants : Comment établir des partenariats avec des cabinets de conseil ?

Objectif : inciter les conseillers en vente à remplir un formulaire afin que nous puissions les ajouter à notre liste top sales training programs (et essentiellement commencer à construire une relation avec eux).

44% a répondu à cette séquence d'emails

For the first email, I wanted to let them know what my intentions were – to build a list with them in it and get it ranking in Google. Then I thought, if I got an email like this I’d think, “too good to be true”.

That’s why I made sure to add the P.S. section letting them know exactly why we were making the list and that there are no strings attached.

Dans le deuxième courriel, je leur ai demandé s'ils étaient la bonne personne à qui s'adresser, mais j'ai également veillé à inclure le lien de l'enquête cette fois-ci. Ils pouvaient ainsi vérifier les questions et confirmer nos intentions.

For my last email, I again let them know that it was the last time I’d be following up in case there was still any interest.

Vous pouvez commencer à voir le schéma récurrent que j'ai expliqué au début.

It’s really simple but powerful, especially when you build the cold email sequence with a large dose of empathy. 💌

Let’s go on and explore a few more possible applications of it, before showing you what didn’t work for us. 👇

Intégrations : Comment construire votre site d'intégration

Objectif : se faire référencer sur les sites d'intégration.

42% a répondu à cette séquence d'emails

I started off this cold email by establishing our relationship by explaining that we both integrate through Zapier. And since we both had an integrations site, I let them know I’m happy to add them to ours and asked if they would add us to theirs as well.

De cette manière, ils connaissaient exactement mes intentions et pouvaient comprendre clairement ce que je proposais.

Pour le deuxième courriel, j'ai abordé la question sous l'angle de leurs clients. De cette façon, ils pouvaient voir que nous ajouter à leur site d'intégration ne serait pas seulement bénéfique pour eux, mais aussi pour leurs clients.

Like always, I ended it by letting them know I wouldn’t be following up anymore. This helped create urgency for them to get back to me if there was still any interest.

You can see how well this worked this time with a 27% reply rate! 🚀

Backlinks : Comment aborder la prospection de liens retour

Goal: get companies to link to blog posts we’re trying to rank.

Although this sequence doesn’t have the highest reply rate, I’ve noticed that if they do reply, we’re able to build a long-term relationship that goes beyond this type of quick-win SEO tactics into stronger and more sustainable content partnerships.

For the first email, I tried to think about the person receiving this email again. I imagined they get tons of backlink requests in their inbox. That’s why I kept it clear and concise.

L'essentiel : Nous avons un site web bien classé, nous pouvons vous donner des liens, aimeriez-vous travailler ensemble pour améliorer nos classements respectifs ?

Pour l'e-mail de suivi, je me suis efforcé de trouver la bonne personne à qui parler. De cette manière, ils pouvaient passer rapidement à autre chose s'ils étaient trop occupés ou non responsables.

Lastly, I sent them the breakup email letting them know that I wouldn’t be following up anymore.

That’s it. Super simple. ✅

In very short: when writing these cold emails, it’s important to first decide what you’re going after, feel empathy for the other person as if you were in their shoes, and clearly define what they can get out of the email.

Want to re-use some of the text I wrote? (Again, keep in mind that empathy comes first! So do adapt it carefully to your specific case.) Then you can get the above cold email templates sent straight to your inbox by clicking “download the templates” below.

Bonus: What we tried that didn’t work

Some things work, some things don’t. Even when following the simple guidelines above, it doesn’t guarantee success.

Here’s two email sequences we tried that didn’t work… and why they probably didn’t.

Envoyer automatiquement des courriels aux personnes qui se trouvent sur le site

Vous connaissez ces outils qui permettent de savoir quelles entreprises visitent votre site ?

We used to use Leadworx. It’s discontinued now, but there’s multiple similar alternatives listed on our integrations site.

Here’s how we had it set up:

  1. Leadworx détecterait quelle entreprise a visité le site (sur la base de l'IP, etc.).
  2. Si l'entreprise correspond à notre filtre pour le public cible, il recherchera automatiquement les bonnes personnes au sein de l'entreprise, y compris leurs coordonnées.
  3. Grâce à l'intégration avec Salesflare, un compte, une opportunité (dans un pipeline spécifique) et les contacts associés sont ajoutés à Salesflare.
  4. Cela déclencherait automatiquement un flux d'e-mails dans Salesflare (avec email tracker intégré).

True magic! ✨

However… only 5% of people replied.

That’s still 5x more than 1%, but also 5x below our expectations.

The gist of our email: we detected you’ve been browsing, can we help?

Cela ressemble à un plan ?

Le problème majeur est que, bien que nous ayons plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'entreprises qui consultent notre site chaque mois, Leadworx n'a réussi à détecter que 112 entreprises avec des contacts sur une période de près de 10 mois.

And when we look at who replied, it was a potential partner, a competitor of ours, and a few people who changed jobs in the meantime 😝

The conclusion here: we don’t know for sure whether this email works or not, because the lead list we targeted was too imprecise and too small. This is crucial too!

Envoyez un courrier électronique aux journalistes pour les informer de notre dernier cycle de financement

For all the talk about empathy above, we didn’t do a great job on this one.

Everyone tries to grab the attention of journalists, so if you’re reaching out to them, you need to go the extra mile when it comes to using your empathy and bringing clarity fast.

That’s unfortunately not what we did here… and we got 0 replies.

Nous avons été trop excités par nos nouvelles, ce qui nous a fait perdre le contact avec ce que les journalistes cherchaient à lire.

Does a journalist get excited if we say it’s exciting? No.
Do they care that another journalist has written about it already? It might.
Do they consider yet another funding round newsworthy enough? Probably not.
What about one where a co-founder of a competitor invests? That may actually do it! 🧐

If we’d send this again, we’d probably lead with that as follows:

Bonjour {{ first_name }} !

Le cofondateur de l'un de nos concurrents a dirigé notre dernier tour de table, clôturé cette semaine.

This got covered by De Tijd (the Belgian equivalent of the Financial Times) already, but it hasn’t hit international tech press just yet.

If you’re interested, I’m happy to give you the inside scoop. Just call me soon at <myphonenumber>.

If we’d have structured it like this, the journalist could have been hooked by the first sentence, reeled it by the second, and called to action by the third.

Or not… You don’t know before you actually try it… Next time! 😄

To achieve reply rates similar to the ones we’re usually getting (around 30%), it’s not just important to write great emails, but also to use a great tool to send them out.

We – of course – use our own software, Salesflare, whose CRM also allows you to follow up and build relationships after they reply. Because getting a reply is only 20% of the work…

Here’s how it works in short:

With Salesflare, once you’ve built your lead list, simply import the contacts with a certain tag, for example, and they’re automatically entered into your cold email sequence (called email workflows in Salesflare).

Once people reply to your cold email sequences, you’re able to move them down the pipeline in Salesflare based on what stage of the sales process you’re at.

As they move through your pipeline, Salesflare even automatically reminds you when to follow up. ✨

Easy peasy 😄

Prêt à mettre en place vos séquences d'e-mails froids avec le bon outil ? Essayez Salesflare.

Ou allez sur YouTube et voyez comment nos clients automatisent leurs courriels.

Vous avez des questions ? Posez-nous-les sur le chat du site web !

Nous espérons que cet article vous a plu. Si c'est le cas, passez le mot !

👉 Vous pouvez suivre @salesflare sur Twitter, Facebook et LinkedIn.

Keri Byrne