7 Ejemplos de Cuadros de Mando de Ventas (30 Informes) + Cómo Construirlos

Let’s get you some sales insights 💡

Want to start building sales dashboards but don’t know where to begin? 🤔

We’ve broken down a relatively comprehensive set of sales KPIs/metrics into 7 separate sales dashboards. Every dashboard comes with example reports plus more details on why they’re important.

For those who are using Salesflare or looking to use it, we’ll detail which reports are built-in and which can be custom-built. 👷‍♂️

Here are the 7 sales dashboards we’ll explore:

  1. Generación de clientes potenciales
  2. Previsión de ventas
  3. Ingresos por ventas
  4. Resultados del cierre de ventas
  5. Ciclo de ventas
  6. Actividad comercial
  7. Ingresos recurrentes

You can click to any specific one right away 👆 or start from the beginning below 👇.

Welcome to the wonderful world of sales reporting 🔮

What’s the scope of each sales dashboard?

With our “impressive” PowerPoint skills, we’ve tried to visualize this for you. 👇

cuadro de mandos de ventas: descripción general de los posibles cuadros de mandos


  • La generación de clientes potenciales llena nuestro canal de ventas.
  • Actividad comercial empuja a sus clientes potenciales a través de él.
  • Al final de la cadena se cierran.
  • Mida la duración de su ciclo de ventas para conocer su velocidad.
  • Prevea sus ingresos a partir del pipeline para predecir sus ingresos.
  • Y luego mida sus ingresos por ventas (que podrían ser ingresos recurrentes).

Makes sense? 😁 Let’s start digging for insights! ⛏️

1. Cuadro de mandos de generación de clientes potenciales

Let’s start at the beginning of your sales pipeline. You know 😁, this thing:

proceso de ventas

If you want to bring in revenue consistently, you need to keep filling it consistently. Our first sales dashboard will help you measure how well you’re doing on that front… and how you’re actually making it happen.

Por cierto, ya estamos aquí:

panel de generación de prospectos

# Nuevas oportunidades (incorporado)

The easiest way to track how many leads you’ve generated is to count the amount of new opportunities in your pipeline.

You’ll find this report in Salesflare on the built-in “Revenue” dashboard.

# Cuentas nuevas (personalizadas)

If you’re not immediately creating an opportunity for every new lead (which we’d actually recommend to do), an alternative measure you can use is the number of new accounts created.

This report is very simple to build in Salesflare: just report on the “accounts” entity, apply the dashboard time filter to the “creation date”, and use a “scorecard” as the chart type.

Valor total de las nuevas oportunidades por mes (personalizado)

Counting the number of new leads you’re creating is a great way to measure your input and stay motivated. If you also want to know what these new leads represent in terms of total value brought in (and how that evolves over time), then this report comes in handy.

To build it in Salesflare, report on “opportunities” (1), apply the dashboard filter to the “creation date” (2), choose a “column chart” to represent it (3), view by the “opportunity creation date” (x-axis) (4), and measure by the “sum” (5) of the “opportunity value” (y-axis) (6).

With numbered arrows (linked to text above) on this one, for your convenience 😁

Principales fuentes de clientes potenciales (integrado, opcional)

Now that you know how many leads you bring in and what amount of total value they represent, the question remains: what lead generation tactics are bringing you most leads? 💰

This is why you keep track of the “lead source” of every new opportunity. It’ll give you the insight into what generates you most leads, so you can either double down on what works or explore new ways of generating leads.

As most people don’t track the lead sources and we like to keep things clean in Salesflare, we made it an option that is off by default but fully built-in so you can turn on the field in Settings > Customize fields > Opportunity > Predefined fields whenever you’re ready (more info about this here).

The above report will then automatically pop up in your built-in “Revenue” dashboard.

Valor total de las nuevas oportunidades por fuente de clientes potenciales (personalizado)

Why so colorful? We’ve segmented the total value by country too ✨

Este informe es una combinación de los dos anteriores: mide el valor total de las nuevas oportunidades, pero esta vez por fuente de contactos (y segmentado por países).

You can build it in Salesflare as follows: report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “creation date”, choose a “column chart” to represent it, view by the “opportunity lead source” (x-axis), and measure by the “sum” of the “opportunity value” (y-axis).

We have additionally segmented it by “account country” here so we can check how each country is represented (you can hover on the bars in Salesflare to get more info about these segments and how big they are).

2. Cuadro de mando de previsión de ventas

When we know how many leads are generated and how, we can look a bit further in our pipeline and start tracking how much revenue it is expected to produce by creating a sales forecast. 📈

cuadro de mandos de previsión de ventas

Previsión de ingresos: Ingresos previstos (incorporados)

This report helps you to figure out whether you’ll make the target… or not.

It adds up the revenue you’ve already won and the revenue you’re expecting to close in the current period. This expected revenue is calculated by multiplying the values of the opportunities you’re expecting to close this period with the probabilities that you’ll win them.

While revenue forecasts are included as a feature on the Pro/Professional plan by most small business CRM software, it is offered as a built-in report (in the “Revenue” dashboard) on Salesflare’s lowest priced Growth plan, so everyone can easily take advantage of it.

Ingresos esperados de las oportunidades abiertas por mes (a medida)

Want to know when you’re expected to close all that revenue? Just view the expected revenue by its expected close date. ⏱️

To build it in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “column chart” to represent it, view by the “opportunity close date” (x-axis), and measure by the “sum” of the “opportunity expected value” (y-axis).

To only include the expected revenue from open opportunities, filter the opportunities by stage too. Exclude won, lost, and any other stage you’ve created behind those.

Ingresos previstos por etapa (a medida)

If you’re wondering where in your pipeline the revenue potential is hiding, then this report is what you’re looking for. 👀

To build it in Salesflare, you can duplicate the above report and make one tweak: measure by the “opportunity stage”.

To build it from scratch: report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “column chart” to represent it, view by the “opportunity stage” (x-axis), and measure by the “sum” of the “opportunity expected value” (y-axis). Then filter (on the right) to only include the first stages.

Ingresos previstos por país (a medida)

Hmm, yes 😏

Finally, if you want to know in which countries you’re expected to make that revenue, you can build this report. 🌍

You can easily duplicate one of the two above reports, change it into a “pie chart” and segment by “account country”.

To build it from scratch: report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “pie chart” to represent it, measure by the “sum” of the “opportunity expected value” and segment by “account country”. Then filter (on the right) to only include the first stages.

3. Cuadro de mandos de ingresos por ventas

So far, we’ve been measuring new leads and forecasting expected revenue. Now it’s time to measure results.

cuadro de mandos de ingresos por ventas

We’ll answer questions like:

  • ¿Cuántos acuerdos cerramos?
  • Who’s closing them?
  • What’s the average value per deal?
  • ¿Quiénes son nuestros principales clientes?
  • ¿Y cuáles son nuestros productos estrella?

Let’s get started 👇

# Oportunidades ganadas (incorporado)

Want to count the amount of opportunities you’ve won? 🔢

This report comes built into the “Revenue” dashboard in Salesflare.

# Oportunidades ganadas por propietario de la oportunidad al mes (personalizado)

Para ver cómo contribuye cada persona al número de oportunidades ganadas a lo largo del tiempo, puede elaborar este informe.

To do that in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “bar chart” to represent it, measure by the “# opportunities” (x-axis), view by the “opportunity close date” (y-axis), segment by “opportunity owner”, and filter on the “won” stage (right sidebar).

If you want to see the bar segments next to each other instead of stacked, scroll down to the “Advanced options” and uncheck the option “Stack segments”.

Valor medio de las oportunidades ganadas (incorporadas)

What can be interesting to see is how big your deals are on average… and how that’s evolving. 📊

Salesflare shows this report by default in the out-of-the-box “Revenue” dashboard.

Valor medio de las oportunidades ganadas por propietario de la oportunidad (personalizado)

So you know your average deal size, but you don’t know how that differs across team members. Let’s figure this out! 🤓

To build the report in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “bar chart” to represent it, measure by the “opportunity value” (x-axis), view by the “opportunity owner” (y-axis), and filter on the “won” stage (right sidebar). Done!

Cuentas que más ganan: tabla (integrada)

Our top earning accounts? It’s all a blur 🥃

If you want to know who your best customers are in terms of won revenue in the current period, you need a “top earning accounts” report.

Salesflare shows it by default in the out-of-the-box “Revenue” dashboard.

Cuentas que más ganan: gráfico de barras (personalizado)

You like the above but want to see a chart instead of a table? We hear ya! 🙌

To build this report in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “bar chart” to represent it, measure by the “sum” of the “opportunity value” (x-axis), view by the “account name” (y-axis), and filter on the “won” stage (right sidebar).

Then you get this 👇

Clasificación (integrada)

Si desea ver el rendimiento de cada uno en comparación con su cuota de ingresos, necesita una tabla de clasificación. Los miembros del equipo con las ventas totales más altas en comparación con la cuota suelen aparecer en la parte superior.

Salesflare offers this in the “Team” dashboard. No need to build it yourself.

Ingresos por producto (a medida)

If you’re selling different products, it can also be handy to separate your revenue by product.

To start doing this, you’ll of course first have to track your revenue by product. In Salesflare, you can just create a custom field named “product” of the type “dropdown”.

Then, to build the report in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “bar chart” to represent it, measure by the “sum” of the “opportunity value” (x-axis), view by your “product” custom field (y-axis), and filter on the “won” stage (right sidebar).

And, boom, there you have it… you can see what your top product is!

Is it 🍏, 🐻 or cinnamon?

4. Cuadro de mando del rendimiento del cierre de ventas

Let’s zoom in on your closing performance now.

cuadro de mandos de cierre de ventas

How many of the leads that are newly generated are won? Who is better at closing? And why are they lost? 🤔

Those are some of the important questions we’ll try to answer.

Análisis del embudo

¿Cuántas oportunidades llegan a la etapa ganada? ¿Y cuántas oportunidades necesita en cada etapa anterior para obtener ese resultado?

That’s what the indispensable funnel analysis in Salesflare helps you answer. You can find the answers to these essential questions fully out-of-the-box in Salesflare’s “Revenue” dashboard.

Ratio de cierre por miembro del equipo (incorporado)

If you want to know who’s the most efficient closer, this is the report you’re looking for.

You can find it in the “Team” dashboard in Salesflare.

# Oportunidades ganadas vs perdidas por mes (personalizado)

Ahora bien, ¿cómo cambia su ratio de cierre con el tiempo? ¿Y hasta qué punto depende de la cantidad total de oportunidades que se ganan o se pierden? ¿Puede que algunos meses tenga más clientes potenciales, pero no necesariamente más cualificados?

That’s what you can see by reporting on won vs lost opportunities per month.

To build this in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “bar chart” to represent it, measure by the “# opportunities” (x-axis), view by the “opportunity close date” (y-axis), segment by “opportunity stage”, and filter to only show the stages that are “won OR lost” (right sidebar).

Razones principales de la pérdida (incorporadas)

Now, let’s dig into the “why”. Why are opportunities lost? That way we know how to improve.

This report comes built into the “Revenue” dashboard in Salesflare. Whenever you mark an opportunity as lost, Salesflare asks what the reason is.

That’s unless you disable the “Lost reason” field in Settings > Customize fields > Opportunities > Predefined fields, but we’d definitely recommend you keep it enabled! This report can be a goldmine for insights.

Principales motivos de pérdida por propietario de la oportunidad (personalizado)

The truth is: different people may record different reasons because of their biases. That’s why it also makes sense to report on the lost reasons by team member.

To build this report in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “bar chart” to represent it, measure by the “# opportunities” (x-axis), view by the “opportunity lost reason” (y-axis), and segment by the “opportunity owner”.

5. Cuadro de mando del ciclo de ventas

We’ve analyzed our performance at length now, but what about our speed? 🏎️

cuadro de mandos del ciclo de ventas

¿A qué velocidad estamos trabajando estas oportunidades? ¿Quién puede cerrar acuerdos más rápido? ¿Y dónde suelen atascarse?

Duración media del ciclo de ventas (incorporado)

¿Cuál es la duración de su ciclo de ventas, es decir, cuánto tarda de media desde que se crea una oportunidad hasta que se cierra como ganada?

This report in the “Revenue” dashboard in Salesflare answers that exact question.

Duración media del ciclo de ventas por propietario de la oportunidad a lo largo del tiempo (personalizado)

Este informe arroja luz sobre la rapidez de los distintos miembros del equipo a la hora de cerrar acuerdos y cómo cambia con el tiempo.

To build this report in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “bar chart” to represent it, measure by the “average” “opportunity sales cycle” (x-axis), view by the “opportunity close date” (y-axis), and segment by the “opportunity owner”.

After this, uncheck “Stack segments” in the advanced options (scroll to the bottom) as it makes little sense to stack averages.

Análisis del embudo

Didn’t we already see this report before? Yes, we did!

This time we’re not looking at closing performance, but we’re breaking down our sales cycle length by the stages.

You can check out this “funnel analysis” report on the “Revenue” dashboard in Salesflare whenever you want to know how each stage contributes to the total sales cycle length.

6. Panel de actividad de ventas

Up till now, we’ve been measuring output and performance. Now, let’s measure input aka sales activity! ✉️📞📆

cuadro de mandos de la actividad de ventas

Compañero de equipo más activo (incorporado)

Simple question: who’s your most active teammate?

This standard scorecard is built into the “Team” dashboard in Salesflare.

Actividad por compañero de equipo: reuniones, llamadas, correos electrónicos (integrado)

¿Quiere saber cómo se desglosa esa actividad?

Divida la actividad por persona en correos electrónicos enviados, llamadas realizadas y reuniones mantenidas con los clientes.

Salesflare realiza un seguimiento automático de todo lo anterior y sabe qué actividad está vinculada a cuentas/clientes y cuál no.

# Oportunidades en caliente (personalizado)

Para saber cuántas oportunidades se cruzaron con un determinado interés y nivel de actividad, este informe puede ayudar.

In Salesflare, opportunities are automatically marked as “hot” or “on fire” based on email opens, link clicks, website visits and email activity.

To build a report in Salesflare to count the number of hot leads at all times, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “scorecard” to represent it, measure by the “# opportunities”, and filter by the “account hotness” to only count opportunities linked to “hot OR on fire” accounts.

If you don’t only want to count opportunities with a “close date” in the selected period, scroll down to the advanced options and check “Don’t apply the dashboard time filter”.

7. Cuadro de mandos de ingresos por suscripción

Si vende suscripciones, es imprescindible disponer de una forma de informar sobre sus ingresos por suscripciones.

cuadro de mandos de los ingresos por suscripción

Don’t expect anything too complex from the subscription revenue tracking in a CRM. There’s specialized solutions for this like ProfitWell, ChartMogul and Baremetrics.

Still, it’s great to have some basic subscription revenue reporting in your CRM.

Let’s look at what’s possible. 👇

Ingresos recurrentes mensuales (MRR) (integrado, opcional)

This SaaS product is having initial lift-off 🚀

If you’re selling a SaaS product or another type of subscription product or service, your Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) growth may be the main thing you’re tracking.

Salesflare has MRR reporting built into the “Revenue” dashboard. To make the report appear, turn on “recurring revenue” on the pipeline as shown below.

Head to Settings > Configure pipelines, edit the pipeline, and flip the “Recurring revenue” switch.

MRR por cuenta (personalizado)

Por último, pero no por ello menos importante, puede ser interesante averiguar cuáles son sus principales cuentas en términos de ingresos recurrentes mensuales y cuál es la contribución de cada una de ellas.

To build this report in Salesflare, report on “opportunities”, apply the dashboard filter to the “close date”, choose a “bar chart” to represent it, measure by the “sum” of the “opportunity recurring revenue” (x-axis), view by the “account name” (y-axis), and filter by the “stage” to only include “won” opportunities (right sidebar).

Magic ✨

Oof, that was a long list of example sales dashboards! 😅 The possibilities are truly endless…

If you made it all the way here, congrats 🙌 We hope you found some good inspiration to build more reports and obtain deeper insights.

Anything else you’d like to build or know? Just ask our team using the chat on salesflare.com. We’re here to help 😄

obtener Salesflare CRM con cuadros de mando de ventas integrados

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Jeroen Corthout