Creación de contenidos: Cómo crear contenido de calidad de forma consistente como pequeña empresa

Masterclass de marketing de contenidos: Quinta parte

Necesito confesarte algo.

¿Recuerdas todos esos beneficios del marketing de contenidos de los que hablamos en la primera entrega de esta Masterclass? El impulso en los rankings SEO, el aumento del tráfico, los mejores leads? ¿El hecho de que el contenido te ayuda a construir confianza y autoridad?

Well, that was only part of the truth. You see, only valuable, relevant, quality content will do that for you. What’s more, it will only have those benefits if you create it over and over and over again – consistency is key.

As a small team of, well, one, I know that after all that strategizing, brainstorming and planning, actually putting in the effort to create that quality content is bloody hard work. And with the added pressure of having to create something that will have your audience drooling, it can be incredibly intimidating.

What you need is a blueprint for creating quality content – which is exactly what I’ve got lined up for you. So roll up those sleeves and learn how to create great content that will help you build a prosperous brand.

This post is Part Five in a brand spanking new Masterclass Series on Content Marketing. We believe it’s an incredibly important topic – and according to a little survey we did, you do too. Trouble is: there is so much content on content marketing out there (talk about meta) and a lot of the intel is conflicting.

We bring this Masterclass to you in partnership with Anouck Meier, Chief Storytelling Officer at Ampersand. Anouck is a conversion copywriter and a content marketing strategist who has worked with numerous brands, big and small, to help them achieve their business goals through strategic content. Let’s get the story on content straight once and for all in a comprehensive guide. Ready to dive in?

– Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder Salesflare, an easy-to-use sales CRM for small B2B companies

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Calidad, no cantidad

Anyone can create mediocre content. Some would argue the internet is one huge pile of mediocre content. Creating content that has been published, republished, recycled and repurposed a million times is easy – but it will do nothing for your business.

On the contrary – it could hurt your cause. 😳

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: content marketing is like dating. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you’re meeting your in-laws for the first time, you’re not going to show up with a stained sweater, slightly tipsy and only ready to talk about the weather, are you?

Except that’s what so many businesses do when they publish content that is stuffed with keywords and only slightly informative. Content that hasn’t considered the audience’s needs, is outdated, full of spelling or grammar mistakes, inaccurate or plain wrong.

No sólo ahuyenta a los lectores (y clientes potenciales), sino que también molesta a los motores de búsqueda.

Basura que entra, basura que sale. Crea contenidos de calidad para conseguir clientes potenciales de calidad.
Garbage in, garbage out: don’t expect to generate quality leads from mediocre content – Photo by Jilbert Ebrahimi

By now it’s a hard rule in content marketing law: Sólo un contenido bien elaborado y de alta calidad puede generar audiencia, confianza y fidelidad. 

La calidad de sus contenidos también está estrechamente relacionada con la aceptación de su marca en los motores de búsqueda. Invertir en contenidos de calidad es hacer un favor tanto a su público como a los motores de búsqueda.

When you’re putting content out there, be prepared to show up and give it your best shot.

Bring your mother-in-law a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine and come prepared to woo her with your witty remarks and thoughtful compliments. You’ll be melting hearts (and opening customers’ wallets) in no time. 😍

But hang on – what is quality content?

OK, so great content helps you earn the attention of the people who need your product or service. But how do you define “quality” content?

Does it boil down to metrics like “Time On Site” or bounce rate? The number of backlinks your blogpost acquires over time? The extent to which it goes “viral” on social media?

You could probably make an argument for all those elements (and a lot of marketers do). The problem is: these are all elements that are appraised only after you create and share your content. They’re hardly helpful while you’re down in the trenches, creating content.

What you need is a way of knowing that the content you’re creating for your business will be effective in terms of building authority and winning the trust of customers.

Over the years, while working with numerous entrepreneurs, companies and organisations in developing content that attracts a loyal audience, I’ve been able to distill the characteristics of content that works – and content that falls flat.

Estas son las cuatro reglas por las que juro para crear contenidos de calidad.

Norma #1: Establecer la autoridad

If you want to stand out with your content and create a competitive advantage, you should create content you’re uniquely qualified to make. Write about those things you’re an absolute expert in and dare to dive deep – don’t just scratch the surface.

Make clear, compelling points and show readers you know what you’re talking about.

By the way: your content creation should showcase your expertise, but that doesn’t mean you have to know everything about anything. Reach out to experts and ask them to write guest blogs (like this one!).

Regla #2: Sea preciso

You know what’s even worse than mediocre content? Fake news.

Now, I’m not suggesting that all content creators who are putting out mediocre content are injecting fake facts in their content intentionally (although, unfortunately, some definitely do and they’re often paid to do so). However, some people just refuse to do their homework.

If you’re going to create content that actually gets read, you definitely should!

  • Research whatever you’re writing about.
  • Utilice fuentes fiables.
  • Compruebe si su información es objetiva, está respaldada por datos y/o investigada.
  • Una opinión no es un hecho.
  • Y no todo el mundo es experto.
comprueba tus datos
Don’t just copy/paste random stuff from the internet, peeps. Check your facts and use reliable sources.

Regla #3: Que sea relevante

Recuerdas lo que dije sobre el pecado capital del marketing de contenidos?

Avoid the trap of creating egocentric content and focus solely on what is meaningful and relevant to your ideal reader. As you’re creating content, ask yourself:

  • ¿En qué medida es útil para mi público?
  • How strongly does it apply to where they’re currently at?
  • ¿Estoy proporcionando una orientación clara sobre los pasos que deben dar para alcanzar su objetivo o resolver su problema?
  • ¿Estoy respondiendo a sus preguntas mejor y de forma diferente que los demás?
  • ¿Les estoy demostrando que sé exactamente lo que necesitan?

Regla #4: Ayúdales a actuar

Your audience is hungry for your expert vision – but they’re not looking for an encyclopedia on any particular subject. They just quieren saber qué hacer.

Often times, they’re looking for just enough information to help them take the next step or make a decision. Help them take action toward their goals: break it down for them in bite-sized chunks and provide concrete, actionable tips and advice.

Proceso de creación de contenidos

Now that you know what to aim for with your content, let’s take the guesswork out of the actual content creation process.

1. Escribir

I’m going to talk about the writing process because … well, that’s what I do most of the time. Refer to the section on content formats below for other types of content like podcasts and videos.

Sea lo que sea, el proceso de creación sigue unas reglas bastante similares:

  • Crear para un lector y sólo un lector. Don’t try to write for anyone who may just be interested. This will force you to focus on your ideal reader, use their language and tailor it to their specific needs.
  • Same goes for what you’re writing about: ceñirse a un mensaje central o idea. Evite salirse por la tangente o intentar explicar una plétora de ideas en un solo contenido.
  • Put the benefit of your content where it can’t be ignored: the “what’s in it for me” should be immediately obvious from reading the title (and the intro).
  • Haga que su contenido sea fácil de consumir: don’t make your reader hunt down the information they’re looking for. Use titles, subtitles, short paragraphs, bullets,… to structure your writing and guide them through it.
  • Inteligente sobre claro. You want your reader to relate to you and get value from your content. What you don’t want is overwhelming them with jargon or overly complicated concepts.  Don’t make them work hard to understand what you’re saying (because if your message isn’t immediately obvious, they’ll click away in a heartbeat).
creación de contenidos
Foto de LinkedIn Sales Navigator en Unsplash

Need more guidance on actually writing your content? In Part 6 of this Masterclass, we’ll take a deep dive into writing copy.

2. Investigación SEO

SEO has come a long way – search engines are doing a much better job at understanding and processing how we communicate.

They’re actually starting to speak human – which is great news for every content creator who’s focusing on good writing (rather than on stuffing their content with keywords and sounding like a robot).

Good writing is key but that is not to say that including a couple of keywords in strategic places won’t help you rank well. Which means more eyeballs on your content. 🤓

La investigación SEO también le ayudará a determinar si merece la pena invertir en un tema o palabra clave específicos, mostrándole el volumen de búsquedas y lo difícil que es competir por esa palabra clave concreta.

Este es el aspecto de un proceso básico de investigación SEO:

  1. Anota algunas preguntas que podría tener tu lector ideal en función de sus luchas y sus objetivos.
  2. Perform some keyword research around those questions. Use keyword research tools, like Google Keyword Planner, KWfinder, SEMRush, Moz Keyword Explorer or Ahrefs. Type your keyword into Google and take note of the auto-filled queries. Or simply scroll to the bottom of the page and check out the related searches section on search engine results pages (SERPs).
  3. You’re looking for keywords that have significant monthly search volume (MSV) and a reasonable keyword difficulty, corresponding to your domain authority. If you haven’t been blogging for long and your domain authority is still low, the best thing to do is to target long-tail, low-volume keywords  (200-1000 MSV) with minimal keyword difficulty (<30). This will give you a good chance at ranking for keywords and getting your content in front of your audience.

So once you have your first draft ready, check that you’ve covered the following:

  • Utilice su palabra clave en título
  • Incluya su palabra clave o frase clave en un H2
  • Make sure the keyword appears at least once in the body of the post (but don’t overdo it!)
  • Utilizar texto alternativo de la imagen (incluyendo la palabra clave cuando proceda).

And that’s all really – it doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.

3. Edición de

Before editing your piece, it’s always a good idea to walk away. Just let it sit there for a while, let it marinate and come back to it with clean eyes.

Release attachment and forget that it’s actually you who has written the piece. As an editor, you should have no problem editing the piece to produce a more coherent and interesting post.

If you cannot, as Stephen King would say, kill your darlings, consider having a team member or an external editor review your work.

When you finally return to your draft, focus on readability, SEO, calls to action, links, spelling and grammar. Some tools that will help you cut down on your editing time are Grammarly and Hemingway Editor.

haz que Hemingway te ayude a escribir mejores contenidos
Escribir o editar en la aplicación Hemingway aumentará instantáneamente la legibilidad de tu texto.

Look out for active voice, clear language, short sentences and paragraphs and plenty of whitespace. Remember to review past content for opportunities to link to your post once it’s published.

Mientras el contenido aún está fresco en su mente, escriba algunas entradas para la promoción en las redes sociales y para su boletín electrónico.

Add images or at least an effective featured image: adding one has been shown to give you more clicks, more favorites, and more social shares. Check out sites like Unsplash or Pexels for photos and then use a tool like Canva or Visme to add a finishing touch. If you need more customized or unique images for your project, you can use an image generator like Picsart, which can help you create images with ease.

4. Publicación

Isn’t publishing just hitting a button and being done with it? Yes and no. If you’re just starting out, it can be a matter of uploading your piece immediately. Or, you can try to maximize its impact by scheduling it for an optimal time.

If you’ve been at it for a while and you’re committed to a regular publishing schedule, your audience will expect to see your posts coming out at specific times – you should definitely try to stick to it!

If you have a lot of content to publish, it’s probably a good idea to invest in a content planning tool, as we’ve discussed in part 4 of this Masterclass.

Or if you want to automate and streamline the publishing process, opt for a tool like Story Chief (that’s what we used to write, publish and distribute this post). Some companies prefer to use a CMS platform that can store, manage, and publish bulk content like blogs, videos, and website landing pages.

Don’t forget to link to the blog post from past content and to schedule your social media content too.

Por último, revise los análisis en los días siguientes, al cabo de una semana y al cabo de un par de semanas para evaluar el rendimiento.

Creación de otros formatos de contenido

Blog posts are a great place to start with your content marketing, as they have a very low barrier to entry. You don’t need a designer or any special equipment. You hardly need any technical knowledge. Just start writing and you’re good to go.

A lot of the guidelines for written content apply to other types of content too. Let’s take a look at the specifics of putting together some other popular content formats: videos and podcasts.

Creación de vídeos

Según una investigación reciente, 51% de los profesionales del marketing de todo el mundo nombran el vídeo como el tipo de contenido con mejor ROI. El vídeo social genera 1200% más compartidos que el texto y las imágenes juntos.

However, if you don’t consider yourself the next Casey Neistat or if you don’t have a dedicated video team like Gary V, the idea of producing video may seem overwhelming and intimidating.

But rest assured – you don’t need (a lot of) specialized gear or a studio. Lord knows those cat videos that draw millions of viewers haven’t exactly been through professional production processes. 😼 If you can tell a compelling story, it doesn’t matter if you shoot it on your iPhone or a professional camera. There are even fully customizable after effects templates that you could try out!

You don’t even need a script – but you do need a plan: just think about what you’re going to say and prepare a few bullet points to structure your video. Don’t forget to include a call to action at the end!

Finally, add captions , as the majority of videos are watched without sound.

Producción de podcasts

Los podcasts siguen estando de moda. Ofrecer tus contenidos en formato de audio atraerá a una parte de tu audiencia que puede preferir escuchar contenidos en lugar de leer largas entradas de blog.

You can start producing your own podcast without putting in too much effort.

  • Reúne tu equipo.  Una configuración básica de podcasting consiste en un micrófono y un software para grabar tu voz. Recomiendo utilizar un micrófono USB externo (frente al micrófono incorporado del ordenador), una interfaz de audio y software de grabación profesional.
  • Encuentre a sus invitados o esboce sus propios episodios. Instead of writing an outline for a blog, you’re now making outlines per podcast episode. If you’re doing an interview-style show, gather a list of guests and put together a template outreach email.
  • Edita tu podcast. Full transparency – I’m in my third season of podcasting now and I still haven’t edited a single episode. Luckily, there are tons of affordable options for hiring a sound engineer or podcast producer to stitch your episodes together. All you really need is 4 files: your main audio file or interview, an intro, outro, and a jingle.
  • Salga y hágase oír. You now have a podcast episode that’s ready to be uploaded to iTunes, Spotify, Grapadora, SoundCloudo en cualquier otro lugar y promocionado junto con el resto de su contenido.
cree su propio contenido de podcast
Producing your very own podcast doesn’t require a complicated set-up – Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

Mantenga la coherencia

Content creation is a marathon – not a sprint. 🏃‍♀️

Para cosechar los beneficios del marketing de contenidos, sea constante en sus esfuerzos, comprométase con su calendario de contenidos y su plan de creación de contenidos.

If you’re a small team, get organized so you’ll work as effectively as possible.

Crea por lotes tus contenidos para ser más productivo y busca ayuda cuando la necesites: contrata a un gestor de contenidos, un editor o un redactor. Trabaje en equipo con socios y consiga la colaboración de blogueros invitados. Si escribir te parece agotador, recurre a un servicio de transcripción y habla tu contenido (o pide a tu asistente que te entreviste y te escriba un resumen).

Creating a sustainable content creation process that you can stick to over time requires a lot of work and effort. Hey – if it was easy, everyone would do it. But if you get it right, you’ll be well ahead of the pack.

¿Cómo es su proceso de creación de contenidos? ¿Es coherente? Háznoslo saber en los comentarios.

And don’t forget to check back next week for Part Six of our Content Marketing Masterclass about writing copy!

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Anouck Meier