Les 20 meilleurs livres de vente qu'Elon Musk est probablement en train de lire

Elon Musk sales book recommendation

“How do I start?”

It’s the question we often ask ourselves before we embark on a new venture.

La quintessence du vendeur n'est pas différente.

Nous devons tous commencer quelque part et d'une manière ou d'une autre.

When in need of guidance, we often rely on books to show us the way. But picking up the right book can be tough. How do you know which one has the answers you’re looking for?

Searching Amazon for ‘sales’ will get you something north of 9 million sales book titles.

We don’t want you to waste your time.

Nous avons contacté Elon Musk, l'homme qui a appris à construire des fusées en lisant des livres, et lui avons demandé quels étaient, selon lui, les meilleurs livres pour apprendre les ficelles du métier de vendeur.

Unfortunately, Elon didn’t get back to us.

We think he’s a bit busy being a rockstar CEO of a few multi-billion dollar companies.

That’s okay.

Au lieu de cela, nous avons demandé à un drone d'Amazon de se rendre dans sa bibliothèque pour jeter un coup d'œil à son étagère et nous avons sélectionné les 20 meilleurs livres de vente de tous les temps.

Without further ado: here’s the hit list of how-tos for salesmen, from sales prospecting, coping with rejection and leadership tips, to honing the right attitude.

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Want to sell more in no time? Check out our Sales Pipeline Masterclass to learn how to build the ultimate sales pipeline. 💪

Les meilleurs livres de vente de tous les temps

1. The Ultimate Sales Machine — Chet Holmes

la machine à vendre ultime

What’s this sales book about?

Dans son livre consacré à la gestion, au marketing et à la vente, Holmes propose des stratégies éprouvées pour améliorer pratiquement tous les aspects de votre activité en consacrant une heure par semaine à chaque domaine d'impact que vous souhaitez améliorer.

Il réfute l'erreur classique des vendeurs impulsifs qui sautent sur les nouvelles tendances et propose plutôt de se concentrer sur douze domaines critiques d'amélioration spécifiques en tant que principe directeur.

Who’s this for?

Sales managers and salesmen alike who want to be successful — basically, everyone with an inclination to sales.

Pourquoi le lire ?

It’s been dubbed the compact package of the most potent life changing principles that is fun and easy to read — I’m sold, too.

Que disent les gens ?

“Re-read this book every 30 days for a year, maybe two years, and if you are not at the top of the game then it is time to find a new game.”

— Dustan Woodhouse, via Good Reads

2. SPIN Selling — Neil Rackham

What’s this sales book about?

Cette ressource révolutionnaire rédigée par Rackham est le premier ouvrage à se pencher spécifiquement sur la vente de produits et de services de grande valeur.

SPIN Vente détaille la stratégie révolutionnaire SPIN (Situation, Problème, Implication, Besoin-Paiement) qui permettra aux lecteurs d'augmenter considérablement leur chantier de vente auprès des grands comptes en suivant simplement ses techniques simples, pratiques et faciles à appliquer.

Who’s this for?

SPIN Vente est une lecture essentielle pour toute personne impliquée dans la vente ou la gestion d'une force de vente.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Packed with real-world examples, illuminating graphics, and informative case studies — and backed by hard research data — SPIN Vente is the best sales book to understand and produce record-breaking high-end sales performance. Won’t be taking any chances and miss this one if I were you. 

Que disent les gens ?

“SPIN Selling is, like other successful thing in life, counter-intuitive. Takes you through a journey from what is evident, and wrong, to what lies beneath the surface, and is right. Written in a clear, straightforward style, keeps your attention throughout the journey to become the successful seller you are willing to be.”

— Rafael Funes, via Amazon Reviews

3. Secrets of Closing the Sale — Zig Ziglar

What’s this sales book about?

Ziglar’s book will let you in on the winning techniques for getting positive responses and closing deals.

Full of entertaining stories and real-life illustrations, Ziglar’s strategies and guidelines will show you how to be proficient in the art of effective persuasion.

Who’s this for?

Whether presenting a product or principle, service or idea, we all engage in sales. This book is for the quintessential salesman — let Ziglar light your path to successful sales closing.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Ziglar’s principles of success are easy to understand and apply. And they have a far-reaching impact. His proven methods will lead you to face your prospects with enthusiasm and confidence.

Que disent les gens ?

“I dove into as many of Ziglar’s tapes and books as I could to develop my abilities. Within a few years, I was breaking every sales record imaginable.”

— Linda Burzynski, Computer Moms International

4. How to Win Friends and Influence People — Dale Carnegie

comment se faire des amis et influencer les gens

What’s this sales book about?

Depuis plus de soixante ans, les conseils solides et éprouvés de ce livre de Dale Carnegie ont permis à des milliers de personnes aujourd'hui célèbres de gravir les échelons de la réussite.

Learn the twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, the nine ways to change people without arousing resentment, the six ways to make people like you, and the three fundamental techniques in handling people in Carnegie’s famed sales manual.

Who’s this for?

This is THE self-help book for learning to relate to people — that means it’s written for anyone and everyone, basically. For the people person and the non-people person, this is the best sales book to build the foundation for your interpersonal skills.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Because “no book matters more than this one”. An out-and-out classic because Carnegie teaches timeless truths in timeless ways. Salesman or not, you’re bound to be enlightened by Carnegie’s teachings.

Que disent les gens ?

“Should have read it sooner.”

— Timbo, via Amazon Reviews

5. The Greatest Salesman in the World — Og Mandino

What’s this sales book about?

Mandino’s book is, in essence, a guide to a philosophy of salesmanship and success through the chronicle of Hafid, a poor camel boy who ultimately achieves a life of abundance.

The book’s main draw is the secrets embedded in the ancient scrolls, which will have you everlasting lessons on salesmanship. If Mandino’s suggested reading structure is followed, it would take about 10 months to complete the book for the optimal reading experience.

Who’s this for?

L'aspirant vendeur.

Pourquoi le lire ?

It’s been dubbed the compact package of the most potent life changing principles that is fun and easy to read — and I’m sold, too.

Que disent les gens ?

“I read this book 25 years ago on a business trip to Chicago. Not beverage service, turbulence, nor a thunderstorm could get me to look up from it. I think I read it in a day. The flight attendant asked about it at the end of the flight. “That must be one very good book,” she said. It is.”

— Anonymous, via Amazon Reviews

6. Little Red Book of Selling — Jeffrey Gitomer

le petit livre rouge de la vente

What’s this sales book about?

If salespeople are worried about how to sell, Gitomer believes they are missing out on the more important aspect of sales: why people buy. This, he says, is “all that matters”.

Le petit livre rouge de la vente est un livre ludique qui vise à démystifier les principes d'achat pour les vendeurs.

Short, sweet, and to the point, it’s packed with answers that people are searching for in order to help them make sales for the moment, and the rest of their lives.

Who’s this for?

Hautement recommandé pour une personne ou une équipe travaillant dans le secteur de la vente.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Les vendeurs détestent lire, et c'est pourquoi Le petit livre rouge de la vente est attrayant et accessible, rempli de dessins humoristiques, de citations et d'extraits sonores à emporter. Il aborde la vente avec une combinaison vivante d'humour et de professionnalisme, afin d'aider les vendeurs à franchir beaucoup plus de portes.

Que disent les gens ?

“This isn’t just a red book; it’s a Red Bull of high-energy sales tips & counsel.”

— David Dorsey, The Wall Street Journal

7. Selling to Big Companies — Jill Konrath

vendre aux grandes entreprises

What’s this sales book about?

Get your foot in the door of big companies with Konrath’s sure-fire strategies to cracking into big accounts, shrinking your sales cycle, and closing more business.

Stop making endless cold calls or waiting for the phone to ring. It’s high time you start positioning yourself as an invaluable resource, rather than a relentless product pusher. Vendre aux grandes entreprises vous apprendra à cibler les comptes où vous avez le plus de chances de réussir.

Who’s this for?

Meilleur livre de vente pour les cadres supérieurs de la vente et les consultants qui travaillent dans l'avant-vente.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Vendre aux grandes entreprises offers a practical step-by-step guide and template with examples based on hard experience, perceptiveness and persistence — a real-life guide to the real life.

Que disent les gens ?

“This is some of the best advice I have heard.”

— Jack Covert, 800-CEO-READ

8. Solution Selling — Michael T. Bosworth

vente de solutions

What’s this sales book about?

Bosworth’s book reveals a process to take the guesswork out of difficult-to-sell, intangible products and services.

Il permet aux vendeurs de faire de la manière dont ils vendent un avantage aussi important que leur produit ou service.

Who’s this for?

Les vendeurs et les directeurs commerciaux. Vente de solutions est un manuel spécifique à la stratégie de vente qui va droit au but en vous montrant comment vous familiariser avec votre marché de consommateurs.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Understand buyer psychology with Bosworth’s bible. It brings to the table a revolutionary step-by-step system that ensures a higher rate of success for salespeople and a higher probability that the buyers’ expectations will be met.

Que disent les gens ?

“Loved this book so much I built this sales methodology into our organization and require it to be read by all new sales hires.”

— Robert, via Good Reads

9. The New Strategic Selling — Robert B. Miller & Stephen E. Heiman

la nouvelle vente stratégique

What’s this sales book about?

Rejecting manipulative tactics and emphasizing process, Heiman and Miller propelled the idea of selling as a joint venture and introduced one of the decade’s most influential concepts, the Win-Win.

Their book presents the assets and mechanisms of a unique sales system that has been proven successful by even America’s best companies.

Who’s this for?

Ce livre offre des conseils précieux aux responsables du développement des entreprises en particulier.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Si vous êtes un vendeur désireux de donner un coup de fouet à votre équipe de vente et de la faire monter d'un cran, Vente stratégique est votre programme de référence. Il propose des instructions détaillées, étape par étape, pour la gestion des comptes, l'évaluation des opportunités et l'instauration d'un climat de confiance.

Que disent les gens ?

“This book changed my life 30 years ago. I have gifted it dozens of times, because it’s process is simple, timeless and repeatable for all people in sales of any age, at any time. Organize, downsize and thrive.”

— Robin Olin, via Amazon Reviews

10. How to Say It — Geoffrey James

comment le dire

What’s this sales book about?

Vendre à d'autres entreprises n'est pas du tout la même chose que vendre à des consommateurs. C'est pourquoi les représentants commerciaux interentreprises doivent posséder un ensemble de compétences totalement différent.

Learn to sell business to businesses like a seasoned pro. James’ book will let you in on the top tips for accelerating your sales cycle and building sales partnerships.

Who’s this for?

Comment le dire s'adresse exclusivement aux vendeurs interentreprises. Ses courts chapitres fournissent des conseils et des stratégies spécialement adaptés au processus unique de vente interentreprises.

Pourquoi le lire ?

James purges the mystery of the sales process with a crystal clear message of understanding with practical material that can be applied in all areas of business. It’s the best sales book to get honest, valuable advice apt for all levels of sales prospecting.

Que disent les gens ?

“Salespeople learn differently from the rest of us. They don’t want fluff, B.S., or yet another book that describes what worked for some author when they sold fax machines to Woolworth’s. What salespeople do want is straight talk about the tools, the strategies, and the tactics that will help them do one, and only one, very important thing: win business.

Here’s the good news: Geoffrey James, the best writer in the B2B sales, has gathered compelling, relevant, and thoroughly field-tested content from the experts in fifteen critical B2B selling areas and served them up for you in a powerful, organized, and deliciously consumable way. If you’re in sales or sales management you’re going to LOVE this book.”

— Dave Stein, Beyond the Sales Process, via Amazon Reviews

11. Never Be Closing — Tim Hurson & Tim Dunne

ne jamais fermer

What’s this sales book about?

Selling better isn’t just a one-time thing; it’s a way to become a more valuable long-term partner. In their sales book, Hurson & Dunne present 12 explicit techniques that would mutually benefit both the seller and the client.

Ne jamais fermer enseigne aux vendeurs comment améliorer leur stratégie et vendre n'importe quoi à n'importe qui en utilisant un cadre simple et reproductible et une approche de résolution des problèmes qui est plus bénéfique à la fois pour le vendeur et pour le client.

Who’s this for?

Although this book’s practical content is catered for salespeople — sales managers, leaders, coaches — it really is about the way we could strengthen any relationship in trying to convince someone else of something.

Pourquoi le lire ?

The book features some groundbreaking tactical tools that could be added to one’s stable of never-failing coaching approaches or sales strategy. It provides illuminating insight and practical methods to communicate one’s point of view in a wide variety of situations that involve negotiating or persuasion. The ideas in this book can be implemented immediately with immediate results.

Que disent les gens ?

“If you’re serious about being successful, it’s a must read.”

— Jill Konrath, Agile Selling and SNAP Selling

12. The Challenger Sale — Matthew Dixon & Brent Adamson

la vente du challenger

What’s this sales book about?

La vente de Challenger affirme que l'établissement de relations classiques est devenu une approche perdante, en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit de vendre des solutions complexes et à grande échelle d'entreprise à entreprise.

Dixon’s study found that only one type of sales rep — the Challenger — delivers consistently high performance. Rather than acquiescing to the customer’s every whim and fancy, Challengers are assertive, pushing back when necessary, taking control of the sale.

Il ajoute que les qualités qui rendent les Challengers uniques peuvent être reproduites et enseignées au représentant commercial moyen. Une fois que vous aurez compris comment identifier les "Challengers" dans votre organisation, leur approche pourra être modélisée et intégrée dans l'ensemble de votre force de vente.

Who’s this for?

La vente de Challenger est fortement recommandé aux cadres commerciaux, aux managers et surtout aux professionnels.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Le livre sur la vente est très apprécié et a généré de nouvelles idées basées sur des recherches approfondies menées par le Sales Executive Council sur les attributs des professionnels de la vente qui réussissent, qui sont au cœur de l'ouvrage. Toutes les informations fournies par La vente de Challenger ont été bien informés.

Que disent les gens ?

“This is a must-read book for every sales professional. The authors’ groundbreak­ing research explains how the rules for selling have changed — and what to do about it. If you don’t want to be left behind, don’t miss this innovative book that provides the new formula for selling success.”

Ken Revenaugh, vice-président des opérations de vente, Oakwood Temporary Housing

13. The Magic of Thinking Big — David J. Schwartz

la magie de voir grand

What’s this sales book about?

Dans son livre, Schwartz présente un plan de match judicieusement conçu pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre travail, de votre mariage, de votre vie de famille et de votre communauté.

La magie de voir grand proves that you don’t need to have innate talent or immense intellect to attain great success and satisfaction. What you need to do however is to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you there.

Who’s this for?

La magie de voir grand is the best self-help book for anyone with the intent of nurturing the right attitude and approach to live. That basically means everyone, because… who doesn’t?

Pourquoi le lire ?

Think success, don’t think failure: the mantra of belief in oneself is the core premise of this book. Brimming with indispensable notions and vital secrets, Schwartz’s rock-solid philosophy compels you to think beyond the mundane status quo and strive for excellence. To quote Schwartz, “Think Big and you’ll live big. You’ll live big in happiness.”

Que disent les gens ?

“This book changed the way I look at the world, and will remain a powerful reminder of the great things that can be accomplished with the right attitude.”

David Rosage, via Good Reads

14. To Sell is Human — Daniel H. Pink

vendre est humain

What’s this sales book about?

Pink s'appuie sur un riche corpus de sciences sociales pour présenter ses idées contre-intuitives. Vendre, c'est humain. He reveals the new ABCs of moving others and shows how giving people an “off-ramp” for their actions can matter more than actually changing their minds.

Along the way, he unveils the six successors to the elevator pitch, the five frames that make your message persuasive, the three rules for understanding another’s perspective, and more.

Who’s this for?

Everyone — a worthy read for an improvement in your everyday interactions.

Pourquoi le lire ?

The fact is — if you haven’t already derived from the earlier parts of this post — that everyone is in sales in some way. We’re all trying to move others to listen to us, buy from us, or do things for us. Pink’s research and writing style make this an incredibly informative guide to life around this practical necessity.

Que disent les gens ?

“Dan Pink is an alembic. A what? An alembic. Think mad scientist (or maybe alchemist). An alembic is that funky looking glass thingie, round on the bottom, crooked neck, sitting over a flame with liquid happily bubbling away. The liquid is vaporized, travels through the neck into a curlicue glass dealybob and comes out the other end condensed and distilled. That’s what Dan does; takes in a ton of information from our ever-changing world, percolates it, condenses and distills it, then jots down the results in a fun, easy-to-read, easy-to-understand style.”

— C.A. Hurst, via Good Reads

15. Pitch Anything — Oren Klaff

lancer n'importe quoi

What’s this sales book about?

“Better method, more money… Much better method, much more money.” One truly great pitch can improve your career, make you a lot of money, and even change your life.

S'appuyant sur les dernières recherches dans le domaine de la neuroéconomie, Klaff explique dans son livre comment le cerveau prend des décisions et réagit aux lancers, tout en partageant les chroniques éclairantes de sa méthode en action.

Who’s this for?

Le pitching est essentiel au leadership dans tous les aspects de la vie. Pitch Anything est un outil indispensable pour les novices et les professionnels qui cherchent à améliorer leur méthode de lancer.

Pourquoi le lire ?

The exclusive “STRONG” framework and strategies outlined in Pitch Anything can be applied immediately to engage and persuade your audience. And soon after, you’ll find yourself having more funding and support than you ever thought possible.

Que disent les gens ?

“What do supermodels and venture capitalists have in common? They hear hundreds of pitches a year. Pitch Anything makes sure you get the nod (or wink) you deserve.”

— Ralph Cram, Investor, via Amazon Reviews

16. Predictable Revenue — Aaron Ross & Marylou Tyler

des recettes prévisibles

What’s this sales book about?

Discover the outbound sales process that, in just a few years, helped add $100 million in recurring revenue to Salesforce.com, almost doubling their enterprise growth and… wait for it… with zero cold calls.

Aaron Ross, également l'un de nos estimés invités du podcast Founder Coffee, révèle des informations particulières sur les sept erreurs fatales en matière de vente que commettent les PDG et les VP des ventes, et sur le développement d'équipes de vente autogérées qui transformeront vos employés ordinaires en mini-PDG, augmentant ainsi l'efficacité de votre force de vente.

Who’s this for?

Des revenus prévisibles est le meilleur livre de vente pour les PDG, les vice-présidents des ventes et les entrepreneurs qui veulent apprendre à construire une machine de vente efficace.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Ross’s methods promise to exacerbate your sales process by producing a profitable and scalable new stream of predictable revenue. Best part: many had a blast while doing it!

Que disent les gens ?

“I have read Predictable Revenue and it’s Entrepreneurial Crack!”

— Damien Stevens, CEO, Servosity

17. How to Master the Art of Selling — Tom Hopkins

comment maîtriser l'art de la vente

What’s this sales book about?

Dans son livre de vente vendu à un million d'exemplaires, Hopkins vous montrera comment vous pouvez vous approprier ses excellentes techniques de vente.

Réussissez dans la profession de vendeur en apprenant à vendre aux personnes les plus importantes que vous connaissez. Apprenez la prospection par recommandation et sans recommandation, les techniques téléphoniques efficaces, la manière de mener à bien la première réunion et de traiter les objections, entre autres techniques.

Who’s this for?

Comment maîtriser l'art de la vente est idéal pour vous si vous travaillez dans le domaine de la vente et que vous souhaitez augmenter vos ventes.

Pourquoi le lire ?

The book details broader challenges around sales and offers first-rate suggestions, memory items, and phrases, and examples of how to use them. Hopkin’s techniques are practical and applicable to anyone in sales.

Que disent les gens ?

“What Hopkins sets out to do is motive… He succeeds… One of the most useful books on selling.”

―Small Business News

18. Sell or Be Sold — Grant Cardone

vendre ou être venduWhat’s this sales book about?

In Cardone’s classic philosophy, everything in life can and should be treated as a sale. Knowing the principles of selling is a prerequisite for success of any kind.

Ce livre sur la vente vous apprendra à remplir votre pipeline de nouvelles affaires, à gérer les refus, à renverser les situations négatives, à exceller même en période de récession économique, à raccourcir les cycles de vente et, surtout, à vous garantir la grandeur.

Who’s this for?

It’s a book not just for salespeople, but for anyone — parents, teachers, managers, coaches, etc. — who needs to influence and motivate the behaviour of others. So pick up Cardone’s book and be the change of today.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Soit vous vendez vos croyances et vos convictions (qu'il s'agisse d'idées, de produits ou de services de toute nature), soit on vous vend les mêmes. Vendre ou être vendu will change the way you perceive the sale — and life at large — as you will be able to sell other people for what you want in life, rather than taking what others sell to you in life.

Que disent les gens ?

“Grant often calls his reader “Dog,” as in: “Listen up, Dog, this is seriously good stuff.” And it is. If you’re in sales (and, to be honest, who isn’t in sales, given that all of life, at the very least, involves selling your viewpoint to others) — if you’re in sales, listen up ’cause Grant’s got something important to say.”

— Matt Evans, via Goodreads

19. The Psychology of Selling — Brian Tracy

la psychologie de la vente

What’s this sales book about?

Tracy est déterminé à doubler ou tripler vos ventes dans son guide d'idées, de méthodes, de stratégies et de techniques.

These methods can be immediately applied in any market — yes, really — to generate sales faster and easier than ever before. It’s a time-honoured promise of prosperity that Tracy delivers time and again.

Who’s this for?

Novices, compagnons et vendeurs chevronnés et performants.

Pourquoi le lire ?

It serves as an instructional blueprint — or as a road map — to establish, build, grow and maintain a successful sales career. It is a practical, easy to read return to the fundamentals of professional salesmanship guide articulated in a progressive step-by-step process that will teach you how to grow from “good” to “great” in the highly competitive business of sales.

Que disent les gens ?

“Just when you thought he couldn’t get better, he does. Brian Tracy’s words simply cannot be missed, no matter who you are or what you do.”

— Vaishali, via Goodreads

20. The Best Damn Sales Book Ever — Warren Greshes

le meilleur livre de vente

What’s this sales book about?

Greshes met en lumière une vérité simple : ce sont les personnes motivées, positives et orientées vers un objectif qui se vendent le mieux.

Learn to project a friendly, positive attitude with Greshes’ Le meilleur livre de vente de tous les temps. Ce livre contient tout l'or des gourous de la motivation ainsi que des conseils pour fixer des objectifs et élaborer un plan d'action qui vous aideront à concentrer vos efforts pour vous ancrer sur la voie de la réussite.

Who’s this for?

Learn to motivate yourself to action with this book that’s meant for any and every aspiring successful salesperson.

Pourquoi le lire ?

Le meilleur livre de vente de tous les temps is a one-of-a-kind guide to honing the primal impetus — your attitude — for what it truly takes to achieve and maintain real sales success.

It doesn’t cover the important hard stuff, a.k.a. the art of prospecting, closing, gathering referrals, or presentation for one simple reason: they’re practically useless without the right attitude and motivation.

Que disent les gens ?

“Best Damn Book.”

— Anonymous, via Amazon Reviews

Here’s to becoming a true sales ninja. Enjoy the read!

Vous êtes curieux de savoir comment vous pouvez encore améliorer votre jeu de vente ?

Organizing your leads and customers in the right CRM will bring your sales game to the next level. Salesflare lets you know who’s opening your emails, checking out your website, and which accounts have gone inactive and need following up.

Comme toutes les informations sur les entreprises et les contacts sont automatiquement enrichies pour vous, vous pouvez consacrer plus de temps à apprendre des livres de vente, à parler aux clients et à conclure des affaires, au lieu de perdre du temps à saisir des données dans votre système de gestion des relations avec la clientèle.

You can even automate your prospecting and sales follow up with Salesflare’s email workflows. Send personalized emails to prospects without them knowing it wasn’t you sitting there manually sending the email yourself.

Using the right CRM and setting it up properly makes or breaks how well you can handle following up and closing deals. Give Salesflare a try and see how your sales improve. It’s set up in minutes. And we’re always there to help!

CRM facile à utiliser

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Gilles DC