L'art subtil du suivi grâce à l'automatisation des courriels

Comment masser vos prospects pour qu'ils se sentent concernés, automatiquement.

the subtle art of following up with automation


Vous avez trouvé quelques prospects juteux en utilisant des tactiques de médias sociaux intelligentes et des astuces de croissance.

Vous avez envoyé un superbe courriel froid qui semble presque écrit à la main, mais qui a en fait été envoyé par lots automatisés pendant que vous dormiez, en utilisant des données et un outil d'automatisation des courriels.

Vous avez trouvé le bon filon avec l'un de vos prospects et il vous répond par e-mail.

Il n'y a pas lieu d'en tenir compte.

Because you’ve been sending thousands of those emails, hundreds of your prospects are shooting you emails back.

Et maintenant, génie ?

If you have a reply rate of about 3% and use email automation to scale your outreach from 10 to 300 emails a day, you’ll have yourself 270 new leads to follow up on every month.

Every single one of these require your value, nurturing, patience and availability to be turned into a deal. In fact, statistics show 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups, meaning you’re going to have to send more than a thousand emails to give all those prospects the attention they deserve.

In short: if you’re not up for the task, automation will bury you in the ground rather than shoot you to the stars.

with a lot of leads comes great responsibility

This post is not about the importance of following up and it’s not merely about how to follow up. It’s about how to be smart about it, how to build a maximum amount of fruitful human relations without drowning in your own pipeline, how to do more with less.

CRM facile à utiliser

Let’s start with the ‘why’

Pourquoi prendre la peine d'effectuer un suivi ?

Eh bien, parce que cela fonctionne. Le suivi permet d'obtenir des ventes.

Les statistiques montrent que 80% des ventes sont réalisées après au moins cinq relances.

Les statistiques montrent également que 44% des commerciaux abandonnent après le premier refus.

Il y a mieux :

  • 22% arrêtent le suivi après deux refus
  • 14% arrêt du suivi après trois
  • 12% arrêt du suivi après quatre

👉🏼 92% of sales reps give up before the crucial fifth follow-up.

Vous avez bien lu : vous pouvez battre 92% des représentants commerciaux en étant simplement persévérant.

That’s easier said than done though. Most sales reps know they should follow up consistently, but are afraid to do so. Afraid of being rejected.

Sending countless emails to someone to then be ignored or rejected time and time again makes you feel like you’re annoying and nobody wants to be annoying.

Mais qu'avez-vous vraiment à perdre ?

Le premier contact est facile. Vous avez franchi l'obstacle de l'approche. Vous avez organisé cette réunion, passé ce coup de fil, envoyé ce courrier électronique. Vous avez fait votre travail, vous vous sentez bien dans votre peau. It’s up to them now, right?

That’s where you go wrong.

Get it in your head: whether you get a response from your prospect is on you. You’re not entitled to anything and the waiting game isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Why follow up? Because it’s good for business.

You need a CRM tool

Before we transform you into an email follow-up superhero, we need to put you in the driver’s seat.

Remember, we’re assuming you used automation for personalized outreach at scale. No set of magic tricks is going to hold much water if you’re not equipped to deal with the waves of replies your automated outbound campaigns are triggering.

C'est ici que nous entrons dans le domaine des logiciels de gestion de la relation client. Un outil qui vous permet d'établir des relations humaines avec une multitude de prospects à la fois.

At Salesflare we believe most CRM tools achieve the opposite: they force you to log calls, update contacts, attach emails and other mindless admin work humans aren’t meant to be doing. You’re being kept away from what really matters: talking to prospects.

spending a lifetime putting it into the CRM

Nous avons conçu Salesflare comme un outil qui vous aide sans que vous ayez à l'aider. Un outil qui est plus un assistant de vente qu'une feuille de calcul.

Going forward we’ll be using Salesflare as CRM of reference in the follow-up equation, without making the tactics exclusive to it.

Automate everything that doesn’t need you

In order to focus all of your time and talent on follow-up and building relations, you first need to get rid of everything else that’s keeping you from doing that.

Technology has matured up to the point where it doesn’t need adult supervision anymore. Take advantage of that. Have the robots take care of the robot work so you can focus on stuff that matters.

You can automate pretty much everything straight up to the point where you’re needed in the conversation. No coding required, a combination of Salesflare and Zapier will do.

can i automate that?

Zapier permet de connecter des apps SaaS entre elles et de les faire travailler ensemble dans des flux autonomes. L'idée est assez simple : chaque app a une série de déclencheurs et une série de actions. Il vous suffit d'indiquer quel déclencheur d'une application vous voulez déclencher qui action dans l'autre application.

One triggered action is called a Zap. Depending on how complex the flow, you’ll need one or more Zaps to make it work.

make a zap in zapier button

L'exemple le plus pertinent ici serait de pousser automatiquement les prospects de votre planificateur de réunions vers votre CRM.

Voici à quoi cela ressemblerait :

  1. You send out personalised emails at scale using the email workflows in Salesflare. (Want to see how? Here’s a customer showing how he uses the email workflows for prospecting.)
  2. Dans votre courriel, vous leur proposez de prendre rendez-vous avec vous en utilisant le lien personnel de votre agenda (comme YouCanBook.me ou Calendly).
  3. You set up Zapier to automatically create an account/company, contact and opportunity in your CRM, Salesflare. You can even automatically create a task to follow up and store some more info in custom fields or an internal note. Just use your imagination. 🤯

Il ne vous reste plus qu'à lancer une campagne d'appels sortants et votre pipeline de vente se remplira automatiquement de prospects, prêts à être suivis.

Of course your leads don’t have to come from email. You can also use Zapier to push leads to your CRM from forms (e.g. Typeform, Google Forms) , Facebook Lead Ads or chatbots (Collect.chat, ManyChat, Chatfuel). Browse around in our Zapier templates for inspiration.

Comment gagner au suivi

It’s all you from here on out.

Nous l'avons déjà évoqué : le seul superpouvoir dont vous avez besoin est la constance. C'est en continuant à courir que l'on gagne la course, pas en étant rapide.

How to win at following-up? Keep at it until you get a response, no matter what that response is. Getting a ‘no’ is not losing. It allows you to move on to the next one and invest your time and talents where it matters.

That’s the mindset you need to get you in the game. Now add the following 11 ingredients to the formula to become a champion of the game.

1. L'exécution, c'est quelque chose, le timing, c'est tout

By ‘response’, I really mean response. Not getting an email back doesn’t count and shouldn’t stop you.

Too often sales people assume silence is a sign of rejection, while in reality it’s just bad timing.

First off, your email could have just gotten lost in clutter and confusion. Using email tracking can shed some light here. If you use Salesflare’s email sidebar for Gmail or Outlook or email from the CRM itself, it can tell you if an email has been opened or not.

Even if your recipient opened your email, there’s still multiple possible reasons other than rejection for prospects to not reply to your email:

  • they’re not available (illness, travelling, personal problems)
  • they’re in the middle of something else
  • ils ont simplement oublié de répondre

Whatever it is, don’t take it personal. Assuming you didn’t get an email back because of rejection is a losing mindset. Change things up: assume the timing just wasn’t right and try again.

did he just follow up again?

Maybe they ignored you because they’re not interested, maybe not.

The only thing you know for sure is that you don’t know. Get out of maybe-land and follow up until you do. The only outcomes you should settle for are ‘yes’ and ‘no’.

In the game of follow-up, getting a ‘no’ is not losing, it’s winning. When someone tells you they’re not interested, you can move and focus your efforts on the next prospect. The only way you can lose at follow-up is by staying stuck at ‘maybe’.

2. Chase clarity over being liked

Pourquoi est-il si difficile de regarder au-delà du silence et de continuer à suivre jusqu'à ce que l'on parvienne à contacter quelqu'un ?

You’re afraid of being annoying.

Well, guess what: you’re not in high school anymore. Being popular isn’t going to make your business grow. Sales are.

ignore my email one more time

I mean this as a joke. Violence is not okay.

En d'autres termes, il faut viser sept personnes qui ne vous aiment pas et trois personnes qui font des affaires avec vous plutôt que dix personnes qui vous aiment et zéro personne qui fait des affaires avec vous.

The seven that are turned off by you because you’re trying to bring them value don’t deserve your energy anyway. Invest that energy in the people that do matter.

3. Know when to stop

Some people do use silence to tell you they’re not interested.

As a rule of thumb, five reach-outs without a reply equals ‘no’. You can safely assume they’re not interested in the value you have to offer and invest your energy on someone else.

did you read my email?

Une autre bonne idée peut être de prendre du recul lorsqu'il s'agit de vendre et de demander d'abord leur avis sur quelque chose. Il peut s'agir d'une simple question personnelle ou d'une démarche un peu plus formelle et automatisée en utilisant une plateforme spécialisée dans les commentaires des utilisateurs, comme Mopinion, où vous pouvez recueillir des commentaires par courrier électronique.

4. Be present without being stalky

À quels intervalles devez-vous assurer le suivi après avoir envoyé votre premier courriel ?

Start off strong and decrease frequency over time. The longer a prospect doesn’t reply, the more likely it becomes the span of timing not being right is significant.

Here’s a general outline to start from:

  • Jour 1 : 1er courriel de suivi
  • Jour 3 : 2ème suivi
  • Jour 7 : Suivi 3d
  • Jour 14 : 4ème suivi
  • Jour 25 : 5ème suivi
  • Après : une fois par mois

Si vous avez établi un lien avec votre prospect sans qu'il soit immédiatement intéressé par votre produit, il est toujours utile de le relancer environ une fois par mois, afin de maintenir la relation. Jouez sur le long terme. Votre réseau est votre valeur nette, vous ne savez jamais quels avantages une connexion peut vous apporter.

Pour la prospection à froid, vous pouvez facilement l'automatiser en utilisant des séquences dans votre outil d'automatisation des courriels.

E-mails automatisés avec Salesflare
Define the delays you like and set the goal to “contact replies to any email”, so it stops sending when they reply.

You can perfectly replicate your follow-up routine in a Salesflare email workflow and even add some flexibility to it. Say there’s a link to your calendar in your email for prospects to book a call with you: you can have the sequence break off when they click that link too.

5. Utiliser des rappels de suivi

Follow-ups aren’t just needed when doing cold outreach. You may already have made some progress with a prospect, but lines go cold again before you know it. It’s your job to keep the relationship alive. Remember: you aren’t entitled to anything.

“I don’t have to write that down, I’ll remember it.”

– No, you won’t.

Your brain isn’t a safe to store data in, there’s technology for that. There’s no way you won’t make mistakes having to keep track of following up on multiple opportunities at the same time. You’ll forget to follow up and miss out on sales.

C'est là que votre CRM entre en jeu. Il vous indique quand vous devez effectuer un suivi en créant des tâches faciles et/ou des rappels afin que vous puissiez concentrer votre énergie sur l'essentiel : rédiger des courriels percutants pour établir des relations.

Pour créer une tâche dans Salesflare, utilisez la boîte supérieure de l'écran Tâches.

create a task in salesflare to follow up

We wouldn’t be Salesflare if we wouldn’t have some automation powers up our sleeves. Next to Tasks, we’ll also make sure you keep your eyes on the ball with automatic inactivity reminders. These will be triggered after 10 days of inactivity on opportunities in your sales pipeline.

salesflare's automatic suggested tasks reminding you to follow up

Le délai standard est de 10 jours, mais vous pouvez le personnaliser en fonction des étapes de votre pipeline de vente. Il vous suffit de vous rendre dans Paramètres > Personnaliser les pipelines, de cliquer sur le crayon pour modifier et définir un nombre de jours personnalisé pour les rappels d'inactivité.

set custom number of days on inactivity task in salesflare

There’s even more…

In Salesflare, you’re also able to send out automatic follow-up emails based on triggers such as stage changes.

Exemples :

  • Un client potentiel a répondu à votre e-mail froid et a pris rendez-vous avec vous. Comme ce lead est automatiquement transféré de votre agenda à votre pipeline de vente dans votre CRM, un e-mail est automatiquement envoyé pour confirmer l'appel. Rendez-le encore plus spécial en envoyant un contenu pertinent.
  • L'appel s'est bien passé et vous faites passer le prospect à l'étape suivante de votre pipeline. Cela déclenche l'envoi d'un e-mail invitant votre prospect à rejoindre votre communauté Facebook afin qu'il se sente spécial.
  • You’ve agreed on terms with a lead and as they move to the next stage in your pipeline, an automated proposal email is sent their way.
  • You’re selling Saas. A lead’s trial is expired, without him taking action to start paying. As he moves to the ‘Lost’ — stage an email is triggered to convince him to subscribe or at least extend his trial.

6. It doesn’t always have to be email

Following up and email go hand in hand, but there’s more to the story.

Si le courrier électronique reste l'épine dorsale de la communication commerciale, d'autres médias peuvent offrir davantage en termes de délivrabilité, de rapidité de réponse et d'effet global sur le prospect.

Le long jeu : le courrier électronique

Email is the safe and reliable option. It allows you to gently nudge your prospect multiple times without being intrusive. You leave the prospect in control over when and how they’ll respond, but it may also take you long to really get through and reach your goals.

Pour une réponse plus rapide : appel téléphonique

Comparé au courrier électronique, un appel téléphonique est plus difficile à ignorer. Les gens sont plus susceptibles de décrocher leur téléphone que de répondre à un courriel dans les deux minutes qui suivent.

The same reason makes phone calls more intrusive than emails. We all prefer doing things on our own time and follow-up phone calls don’t really rhyme with that. The risk of turning a ‘maybe’ into a ‘no’ is higher for phone calls than it is for emails because the chance of coming across as annoying is higher.

so, did you get my email?

La question de savoir si vous êtes ennuyeux ou non dépend toujours de vous. Il y a une différence entre appeler quelqu'un une fois ou dix fois par jour. Dans le premier cas, il s'agit de montrer de l'intérêt, dans le second, de harceler. Vous êtes prévenu.

You can look for  VoIP phone system for businesses and utilize plenty of automated features, like auto-text replies, to make the cold calling process less time-consuming. However, we don’t have robots to do our phone calls (yet) so for now the best tactic is to set strategic reminders and use proper cold calling scripts.

Le compromis : le SMS

If your prospects take too long to answer emails and don’t pick up their phones, you may want to have a go at SMS. As a medium, it’s not as cluttered as email and less intrusive than phone calls, which makes it rather effective to grab your lead’s attention.

You can automate sending SMS’s to your prospects similarly to how we automated emails before, linking your CRM to one of the many available SMS sending apps with Zapier.

Bienvenue au 21e siècle : les médias sociaux

Les gens ont de plus en plus recours aux plateformes de médias sociaux et à leurs fonctionnalités de chat pour communiquer, et pas seulement dans leur vie privée. Chaque jour, mes applications LinkedIn et Facebook Messenger sont remplies de nouveaux messages provenant du monde entier.

Il est logique d'établir une relation virtuelle sur les médias sociaux une fois que vous et votre prospect avez établi un premier contact amical. Le fait de suivre votre prospect sur Twitter et de vous connecter avec lui sur LinkedIn réduira la distance dans votre relation mutuelle, surtout si vous pouvez vous établir comme une personne de confiance en apportant de la valeur sur ces plateformes.

If you don’t throw a sales pitch in their faces. But I assume you already got that by now.

too many sales pitches

Social selling works because communication on social platforms tends to be much more swift, informal and personal. Its easier to become friends here than it is via email and what do you know: friends buy from friends — people they know, like and trust.

Whether it’s chatting one-on-one or sending out little nudges by liking and sharing posts, building relations with your prospects on social media has little to no downsides — though the extent to which you can do it depends on industry, company size, role and age of the prospect. Sixty-year-old managers of big accounting firms are less likely to chat than twenty-five-year-old startup marketers.

Dans Salesflare, vos contacts seront automatiquement enrichis de comptes de médias sociaux afin que vous puissiez passer directement de votre CRM à leurs profils LinkedIn.

Pour plus d'inspiration sur la vente sociale, consultez nos Playbooks pour LinkedIn et Facebook.

Pour que votre prospect se sente spécial : notes manuscrites

In sales and marketing: the more a tactic is used, the more its effect will wear off. The reason email has lost its effectiveness over the years is because we get hundreds of them a day. To really grab your contact’s attention, do something that stands out.

Over time, all marketing strategies result in sh*££y clickthrough rates.

We were happy to trade in letters for email because of efficiency. Writing letters takes time, sending them possibly even more. Email was a gift from heaven for its speed, scalability and efficiency. Today, we miss handwritten letters for exactly the same reasons. There’s something special and authentic to it. Because so few are sent, getting a letter has once again became a unique experience.

Cela peut sembler contre-intuitif, mais vous pouvez le faire à grande échelle. Maillift est un service qui rédige vos lettres manuscrites à votre place. Ils ont une intégration Zapier, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez même l'automatiser.

Rien ne vaut la vie réelle

“I was in the area, so I thought I’d drop by real quick and see what’s up.”

It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book and it’s not hard to see why.

just stopped by to say hi

Si vous voulez faire bonne impression et obtenir les meilleures réponses, allez-y. Il n'y a pas d'essai à faire.

7. Adopter une approche individuelle

The key to winning at follow-ups or any sales/marketing tactic that involves scale and automation is to go out of your way to make your prospect feel like you’re personally involved into solving his or her problems.

This starts with your initial outreach. Don’t settle for just getting first name right, make sure your value and message are tailored to the people you’re sending emails to. Role, industry, company size and geography are all variables you can take into account when crafting your message. If you really want to take it up a notch, use a tool like CrystalKnows to find out personality types of your prospects and create different types of copy to allow your message to land in the best way possible.

gary vaynerchuck's linkedin profile

Crystal in action on Gary Vee’s LinkedIn

You can use Crystal’s data to create a variety of personality aligned cold emails and/or use it in your follow-ups as soon as a lead has entered your sales pipeline. If you want to know how to automate sourcing personality data from LinkedIn profiles with Crystal, hit me up on Messenger.

From the moment you’re in follow-up mode, it’s all about context. Getting this right takes all the empathy and diligence you can bring to the table.

Whether you follow up two or seven times, whether you do it every day or every week, whether you stick to email or use a variety of media — it all depends on the situation your prospect is in plus the relationship and interactions you had with him/her. It’s all about context.

You don’t follow up with a CEO of a Fortune 500 company the same way you do with a millennial marketer of a SaaS startup. The first one gets thousands of emails everyday, the second one will probably reply within ten minutes and then send you a connection request on LinkedIn.

8. Keep it short, sweet, slick, succinct and specific

Don’t waste time. Not yours and not your prospect’s.

We know you’re in love with your product but describing why in three long-winded paragraphs isn’t going to make your prospect get that same feeling. They may not even end up reading it. When I open an email and see a chunk of text, my reflex is to trash it instantly. Can’t help it, it just happens.

long emails, ain't nobody got time for that

You can’t force nor control people’s feelings and convictions. Overtly losing yourself in product pitches shows a lack of empathy and will throw your prospect off rather than draw them in. Get to the point, address the pain or problem they’re struggling with and show how you can solve that in a way that triggers their curiosity.

This little interaction here is not about you, it’s about them and how you can help them. Dedicate your words to a story that has your recipient as the hero and make it compelling enough for them to want to know what comes next — make them click that CTA that sees them going to your website or schedule a call with you.

9. Aidez votre prospect à aller de l'avant avec des appels à l'action

CTA’s are crucial to ensure a steady flow going back and forth. You should have a goal with every follow-up email you send and make it easy for your prospect to get in on that goal. It’s not up to them to make out what comes next.

guy shaking friend's shoulders yelling, "just tell me what to do!"

Incitez-les à commencer votre essai, offrez-leur le téléchargement de votre dernier livre électronique, envoyez-leur un lien vers votre calendrier, invitez-les à participer à votre groupe Facebook. Vous devez avoir une idée claire de ce que vous souhaitez obtenir à chaque étape de l'entonnoir de vente et disposer d'indicateurs de performance spécifiques pour inciter votre prospect à progresser dans l'entonnoir.

10. Add a pinch of funny

Peu de choses dans ce monde sont aussi contagieuses et communicatives que la bonne humeur.

If you yourself have been followed up on before, you know how little impact the one millionth ‘just checking in’ email has. But what if the person on the other side adds in Spongebob Squarepants to break through the boredom.

spongebob excited in class

Ou cette girafe impatiente.

giraffe chewing

The best example of a funny email follow-up I’ve ever come across, is the baby ducklings email:

funny email follow up

There’s tons of stuff you can do with GIFs, memes and just good old copy. Just get creative and see what sticks.

Making someone laugh is the shortest way to connecting with someone, it will set you apart from every ‘just making sure you’re still interested in this’ email out there.

11. Put on your prettiest virtual smile at all times

For most people, their email inbox is a never-ending flow of frustration. Overflowing with unread emails, it’s a never-ending to-do list.

Don’t fuel their feeling of unease by calling them out on not responding to you. Stuff like ‘I’ve already sent you 3 emails’ or ‘just tell me you’re not interested already’ will only backfire. Your prospect likely already feels guilty for not replying to you, making them feel extra bad about it isn’t going to turn the situation around.

Change things up and approach this feeling of anxiety as an opportunity. Be the bigger man and just act indifferent to having been ‘ignored’ before. Keep on giving off a vibe of positivity and availability. Your prospect will develop positive feelings towards you if you can make them feel comfortable when before they felt anxious.

Considérez chaque interaction comme une nouvelle chance d'établir une relation en vous montrant constamment positif.

smiling big


Whether you’re doing it on cold leads or throughout your sales process: following up will get you more sales.

  1. Actually doing it is the single most important thing. Don’t take silence for rejection. The game can only end with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Everything else is you giving up.
  2. To do more, automate everything that doesn’t need your human touch and use an efficient CRM tool so you can stay on top of your game. Every single prospect deserves your uttermost patience, empathy and availability and you can’t give them that if you’re stuck doing mindless admin work the whole time.
  3. Stay on top of your game but know when to stop. Three times silence doesn’t necessarily equal rejection, but five times most likely does. It’s not about you not annoying your prospect, it’s about dedicating your time to more qualified ones
  4. Decrease the frequency of your emails as time progresses. If your prospect hasn’t replied to the first three email follow-ups in a week, they’re likely not in the situation to connect with you at that time. Sending a fourth email shortly after will rather annoy them than change things up.
  5. Mais jouez le jeu à long terme. Comme le dit l'adage : votre valeur nette est votre réseau. Même si votre valeur n'est pas immédiatement pertinente pour un prospect, vous ne savez jamais comment vous pouvez vous aider mutuellement à l'avenir. Les relations sérieuses vous feront progresser, dans les affaires comme dans la vie.
  6. Don’t trust your brain to remember when to follow up, it will fail you. Set follow-up reminders instead and automate routine emails altogether.
  7. Utilisez votre cerveau pour entrer en contact avec votre prospect. Déterminez ce qui le fait vibrer, adaptez votre message à son cas particulier et utilisez l'humour pour vous démarquer. Guidez-les dans leur propre récit et vers des objectifs intermittents.
  8. Finally, don’t limit yourself to email to build rapport with some. There’s so much more.

The person on the other side is a human being just like you. If you’re able to put yourself in their shoes and provide relevant value, you shouldn’t let anything discourage you from following-up. Never feel bad for being in the business of helping people.

Vous voulez voir d'autres façons d'utiliser l'automatisation de l'email ? Consultez ces vidéos de cas d'utilisation de flux d'emails réalisées par nos clients.

salesflare email workflows tutorial

CRM facile à utiliser

Nous espérons que cet article vous a plu. Si c'est le cas, passez le mot !

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Gilles DC