C贸mo el Intercom se convirti贸 en un producto unicornio

Productos ic贸nicos episodio 002

Since its inception at the founders’ favorite hometown coffee shop, Intercom has been growing at an incredible rate.

Growing from $1 million to $50 million in annual recurring revenue in just 3 years (between 2014 and 2017), it might be one of the fastest growing tech startups out there. Growing faster than Shopify, Twilio, Zendesk, HubSpot… and only being topped by Slack. 📈

Este crecimiento puede atribuirse en gran medida a las ventas boca a boca, que a su vez se deben a un producto ic贸nico.

Is the product thát amazing? 😮 Why? How?

Let’s dive into it. 👇

Intercom brings human relationships to the internet

Probably like a sizable amount of startups, Intercom started with a few hipster nerds hanging out at a Dublin coffee shop, called Third Floor Espresso. ☕

They’d be sitting there watching the owner interacting with customers, developing real human relationships, and building customer loyalty. And then they contrasted that with the customer relationships they were having at their own tech startup at the time, Exceptional.

They were doing their entire business over the internet. Hardly ever met up with their customers. Didn’t build any human relationships. And in turn, no real loyalty. 🙁

And although there were quite a lot of software systems available to communicate with customers, they’d more often get in the way of building these relationships.

customer service guy

Try developing a real connection if you’re handing out customer support tickets or sending generic email campaigns through clunky products that require a ton of handling to get anything done. 😒

They set out to fix the internet’s talking-to-actual-humans problem. To bring humanity back to internet business. Coming from a strong belief that relationships make businesses better.

Intercom is built for specific “Jobs To Be Done”

Una de las principales ideas de los fundadores de Intercom fue que los productos deben apartarse de la construcci贸n de relaciones.

Los productos se contratan para realizar un trabajo espec铆fico. Y deben construirse con ese fin de la forma m谩s eficiente y centrada posible.

Many companies focus their thinking around customer personas. The Intercom team says: personas are cool, but they don’t tell the whole story. They are for empathy, not for fresh product thinking. 💭

Where the guys at Trello talk about ignoring individual feature requests themselves, and focusing on the pain points in the workflow instead (more on that in the previous episode about Trello), the Intercom team brings in the “Jobs To Be Done” framework.

Se centran en por qu茅 la gente quiere caracter铆sticas. En qu茅 situaci贸n, con qu茅 motivaci贸n, con qu茅 fin.

La gente es experta en su problema, no en la soluci贸n. El equipo de Intercom se centra en la soluci贸n en todos sus aspectos.

noah jr. asking allie hamilton, 'what do you want?'

For every feature, they make a “job story”: 👇

Cuando _____, Quiero _____, As铆 que puedo _____

Estas historias de trabajo se elaboran de principio a fin, desde la primera idea hasta la satisfacci贸n. Todo ello con la mayor eficacia y concentraci贸n posibles.

Unbundling the Intercom product brings focus

Al principio, Intercom era una gran soluci贸n monol铆tica.

El equipo quer铆a aportar una soluci贸n integrada que abarcase un servicio de asistencia, el env铆o de correos electr贸nicos, el chat en directo, la automatizaci贸n del marketing y una base de datos de clientes. Abarca toda la relaci贸n con el cliente.

El problema era que muchos clientes quer铆an contratar a Intercom s贸lo para un trabajo, quiz谩 dos, pero no para todo el tinglado.

They also got confused about what Intercom was: is it a help desk? Is it a chat? Is it an emailing platform? 🤔

zoey deschanel asking, 'what is this?'

Splitting up Intercom in separate — but integrated — products enabled a much tighter problem-solution fit, without letting go of the vision of facilitating the whole customer relationship.

It made everything much more focused: the product, the onboarding, the messaging, the ads. 😌

Se crearon diferentes caminos hacia Intercom. Y en la otra direcci贸n, se crearon diferentes caminos para Intercom hacia sus clientes.

Intercom ha hecho muchos malabarismos con estos productos a lo largo del tiempo. S贸lo desde que el equipo de Salesflare empez贸 a utilizar Intercom, los productos se han fusionado, renombrado y recolocado varias veces.

La nomenclatura de los productos era hist贸ricamente muy clara en cuanto a la funci贸n exacta de cada producto, con nombres como Adquirir, Involucrar, Responder y Educar. La reciente denominaci贸n Mensajes, Art铆culos y Buz贸n de entrada se aleja de esto, cambiando la claridad sobre el trabajo a realizar por la pura simplicidad.

Intercom keeps reinventing its core

Unlike many other products, Intercom keeps a deliberate focus on its core functionality. Not on adding fancy new gimmicks, but on making the product better. 🔧

The team believes that it’s worth more to work on improving core functionality, than to work on edge case functionality, or even to add new functionality.

Creen que se alcanza la grandeza dando 1.000 peque帽os pasos, y se avanza a trav茅s de cientos de peque帽os lanzamientos que a帽aden valor a los clientes.

baby steps

Achieving a great and easy-to-use product requires removing all unnecessary complexity, so every user can solve their problems as efficiently as possible. It’s about looking at the smallest possible part of the workflow where your product delivers value and improving on that.

But it’s also about reinventing complete experiences. The team often rethinks how the product is laid out, how onboarding customers works.

Uno de los cambios m谩s famosos que Intercom ha realizado en su historia, es hacer posible el uso del producto sin tener que instalar su c贸digo en su sitio web.

They figured that if their platform could be used as an email marketing platform as well, why not create a parallel onboarding that only requires importing a .csv file of customer data. Import, filter, and send out emails.

Conversion spiked by 40%. 😲

kid screaming, "it's working!"

Aun as铆, 茅ste es uno de esos momentos legendarios de 茅xito con los que todo el mundo sue帽a. La realidad es que, tambi茅n en el caso del Intercom, la mayor parte del 茅xito se debe a la acumulaci贸n de peque帽as mejoras.

Intercom is determined to stay relevant

During my recent coffee with Intercom co-founder Des Traynor (coming soon on Founder Coffee), Des mentioned he still sees himself working at Intercom in 10–20 years.

The Intercom team is building their company, product and brand for the long term. Without knowing what the future will bring, they are fully determined to stay relevant. 💪

Intercom trabaja para mejorar la fidelidad de los clientes de las empresas de Internet con una plataforma centralizada que gira en torno a la mensajer铆a, y creo que todos estamos de acuerdo:

  • La fidelidad del cliente y las relaciones humanas son eternas
  • Internet ha llegado para quedarse, y el n煤mero de empresas que operan a trav茅s de la red no har谩 sino aumentar.
  • La gente seguir谩 disfrutando de todo en un mismo lugar
  • Messaging is replacing email (although that’s probably more of a temporary thing)

And even if the communication media change more swiftly, the “Jobs To Be Done” will stay around for a much longer time.

Intercom won’t completely change strategy because of smartwatches, voice commands, machine learning, gamification, or big data. It might leverage these technologies, but it will not build its business around a hype.

The team likes to compare their product with fax machines. Fax machines were very useful during a very specific time period. Now they’re gone. ☠

guy talking about how fax machines are outdated

Business communication between people is here to stay… and we sincerely hope that means Intercom is here to stay as well.

Keep rocking it, team Intercom! 🤘

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Jeroen Corthout