Informes y cuadros de mando personalizados

Extrae todos los Insights que necesites

Creemos que el software de ventas debe ser fácil.

That’s why, from the early beginnings, Salesflare has come with dashboards that deliver crucial sales insights 100% out of the box, without any need for you to build them yourself. Fully automated.

These insights cover both how you’re doing revenue wise and team/activity wise, and even calculate a revenue forecast. Unlike in other systems, they also allow you to go beyond the current status and go back in time, to a specific month, quarter or year.

As time has gone by, however, you have started asking us more and more for custom reporting capabilities. Today, it’s even Salesflare’s most popular feature request.

That’s why we’ve set out at the start of this year to make building custom sales reports easy… and now the result of our work is going out of beta. 🥳

Without further ado, we’re very proud to present Salesflare’s newest Pro feature: custom dashboards and reports!

Let me give you a quick overview! 👇

Para obtener más información, consulte este detallado artículo sobre cómo crear informes personalizados. O vea este vídeo explicativo. Y si quieres algo de inspiración, echa un vistazo a esta lista de ejemplos populares de cuadros de mando de ventas.

Informes y cuadros de mando

To keep things straightforward, the custom reporting works with only two concepts ✌️: reports and dashboards.

Un informe es una representación visual específica de una parte de sus datos que le proporciona perspectivas concretas. Puede ser un gráfico (de barras, columnas, líneas o tarta), una tabla o un cuadro de mando.

Y un dashboard es una página donde colocas un grupo de tus informes relacionados.

Cree sus propios cuadros de mando

¿Quieres crear una visión de conjunto totalmente nueva para presentar o analizar tus datos?

Just click on the new dashboard selector at the top left (it replaced the tabs!) and click “Create dashboard“. Just give it a name and you can start filling it right away with your own reports! 📈

Just click “Create dashboard” in the new dashboard selector.

To edit your dashboard, click “Edit dashboard” in the menu at the top right. You’ll be able to drag and drop your reports around to arrange them the way you prefer.

Easily arrange your dashboard with drag and drop 🖱️

To give you full control, you can also reorder your dashboards, delete a dashboard, move a report from one dashboard to another, duplicate reports, and delete them. ✨

Cree sus propios informes

¿Quiere extraer nuevas perspectivas de sus datos?

This is where the magic happens! 🧙

Salesflare’s new report builder allows you to report in any way you like on your opportunities, accounts, contacts or tasks… in an easy way.

Just select the entity (opportunities, …) and the chart type first. Then start selecting your axes straight on the chart; plus you can optionally segment your data too.

Build beautiful reports in a visual way ✨

You can narrow down the data you want to report on by using the filtering panel on the right (it works the same way as everywhere else in Salesflare). Plus there’s some handy advanced options at the bottom.

Encontrará más opciones avanzadas en la parte inferior.

The report builder allows you to preview your report on the dashboard by changing the dashboard filters. One thing you may need to wrap your head around for a second is what time field you want the dashboard time filter to apply to, but once you got that down, you’re unstoppable. 💪

Don’t forget to give your report a great name and maybe a description for your future self and teammates.

For a much more detailed guide, check out this how-to article on custom reporting. Or if you prefer watching over reading, watch this how-to video. 👈

Muchas más mejoras y correcciones de errores

Hemos corregido los errores de los que nos habéis informado, hemos mejorado el rendimiento en algunos puntos importantes, hemos ajustado algunos flujos de la aplicación y mucho más. Como siempre, no dejéis de enviarnos vuestros comentarios a través del chat en directo de nuestra página de inicio: ¡nos encanta! 😍

A continuación... 🥁

  • A series of upgrades to the email workflows 💌
  • Linking contacts to accounts while editing a contact 👥
  • A built-in email finder 📧
  • A handy LinkedIn sidebar 😎

¿Listo para potenciar sus ventas? Pruebe Salesflare.

We’re an easy-to-use sales CRM for small B2B companies that’s chock-full of automation and always up to date!

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