Cómo escribimos líneas de asunto de correo electrónico frías que obtienen resultados fríos y duros

Un blog invitado por Will Cannon (Fundador y CEO de UpLead)

Writing cold emails that get opened, let alone convert, is very challenging, simply because you’re sending those to strangers. Without an established relationship with your cold targets, it’s easy to get frustrated: there’s zero feedback and your emails are usually sent to the spam folder.

There are a lot of factors that influence the success of your cold emails. Arguably the most important is the subject line. It directly influences the open rate, click-through rate, as well as conversion. That’s why you must ensure your subject lines are of high quality. 🥇

En este artículo trataremos:

  • El papel que desempeñan las líneas de asunto en su cold email outreach.
  • Más de 4 ejemplos de buenas prácticas respaldados por datos

Ready? Let’s get started. 👇

El papel de las líneas de asunto en sus campañas de correo electrónico en frío

Subject lines play an important role in any email campaign, warm or cold. They’re the first impression of your emails; it’s the first thing your targets see of them. When they open up their inbox, they judge what you’ve sent them based on the subject line you’ve written.

Subject lines are more essential for cold email, simply due to the impersonal nature of emailing strangers. You must also consider that the people you’re targeting aren’t on your email list. This means that, when targeting US citizens, the CAN-SPAM Act is especially important. ⚠️

If you didn’t know, the CAN-SPAM Act is a law that governs the rules surrounding commercial email, especially bulk emailing. Regarding email subject lines, the law specifically states:

Don’t use deceptive subject lines. The subject line must accurately reflect the content of the message.

Even though The CAN-SPAM Act is for both warm and cold emailing, it’s probably more significant for cold. Most email marketing tools for warm emailing have safeguards in place to warn you of these types of mistakes, but cold email platforms typically don’t. This is something to seriously consider whenever you send prospective sales/marketing emails to targeted strangers.

En pocas palabras: Es importante disponer de una lista de direcciones de correo electrónico válidas El objetivo de una línea de asunto es conseguir que el destinatario/lector abra el mensaje. Esto es muy importante en el envío de correos electrónicos en frío.

Más de 4 buenas prácticas para las líneas de asunto (respaldadas por la ciencia)

Below, you’ll find 4+ different best practice strategies you can use to improve the subject lines of your cold emails. Each will include some real, visual examples; that’ll help you understand how to effectively implement them.

NOTA: You won’t be able to use all of these together at once. Some of them are appropriate for certain emails and contexts, where others are not. Consider all of the strategies outlined below as tools in your toolbelt.

1. Personalice los asuntos de sus correos electrónicos

Did you know that emails with personalized subject lines have a 22.2% greater chance of being opened? This isn’t surprising in the least: personalizing your email subject lines makes them far more effective; warm or cold.

But why is this? 🤔

People love to hear or read their own names, or at least something personal to them. It was Dale Carnegie — author of How to Win Friends and Influence People — who once said:

A person’s name is to that person, the sweetest, most important sound in any language.

Does it need any more explanation than that? If you received two emails with identical subject lines, except for using your name, which one would you open first? Exactly: personalization works because… it’s personal — and so is email messaging.

So, how do you personalize your email subject lines? There are several different methods you could try, including the most obvious: simply using their name. Here’s a list of ideas you can potentially use:

  • Utiliza su nombre de pila o su nombre completo
  • Utilizar el nombre de la empresa para la que trabajan
  • Utilizar su cargo

Lo personal que puedas llegar a ser estará limitado a los datos que tengas sobre ellos. Una buena base de datos o lista de contactos te ayudará a encontrar información relevante.

To personalize a step further, you could search them up on LinkedIn. It could tell you that they attended a conference, event, or workshop. It could also tell you what articles they’ve read, liked, or even written. If they’ve got social media profiles, check them out.

If implemented correctly, here’s how it could look:

2. Los asuntos del correo electrónico deben ser breves

Another tactic you can use to supercharge your cold email subject lines is to simply keep them short… no, really: that’s it. Sometimes less is more, and often this is the case when it comes to subject lines for emails.

An email subject line — warm or cold — that’s too long will fail to catch your intended target’s attention. This is primarily because of 2 reasons:

  • Suelen cortarse a partir de cierta longitud de caracteres
  • They’re long winded and unfocused

On the other hand, shorter subject lines are specific, focused on a particular point or intended goal. They also never get cut off, which is a huge plus. 👌

So, how short exactly, is ideal? After all, it’s a rather vague term: what’s too long, too short, and just right? Well, there’s not an exact number; all subject titles are different: they’re promoting a unique email about a specific topic.

Too long is anything that gets cut off. What’s the point if they can’t see it? Too short is one that doesn’t get the message off you intended. Why even send the email if you’re not effectively telling them what it’s about?

For what it’s worth, there was a study done on email subject line length and open rates. These were the results:

  • 0-5 palabras = 16% tasa de apertura
  • 6-10 palabras = 21% tasa de apertura
  • 11-15 palabras = 14% tasa de apertura
  • 16-20 palabras = 12% tasa de apertura
  • 21-25 palabras = 9% tasa de apertura

6-10 words length is the winner; I wouldn’t read too much into it, though. As stated before: each email is unique and requires a unique subject line. 0-15 words length will cover just about everything, but make sure to see if the subject line cuts off. Send it to yourself to check this out.

NOTA: Also consider that the character length, not just the word length, is important. This is what determines the visual length of a subject line in an inbox, and if it gets cut off. Screen size and browser zoom can influence this. 🔍

If done correctly, here’s how it could look:

If done incorrectly, here’s how it could look:

3. Utilice la urgencia en las líneas de asunto de sus correos electrónicos

Another strategy you can use to improve your cold email subject lines is to add some urgency. This is when you add something like ‘limited supplies,’ or ‘while stocks last.’

What this does is tap into a psychological phenomenon known as FOMO: the fear of missing out. People don’t like it when they let an opportunity pass them by; nobody wants to be the odd one out. In fact, according to research, nearly 70% of millennials state they experience FOMO. 😧

By putting some urgency in your cold email subject lines, you’re forcing them into action. Incentivizing them to click and open. The research backs this up: a report found urgency-laced subject lines could increase email open rate by 22%.

However, make sure you don’t go overboard. If too many of your emails use urgency, it kind of defeats itself. Think of urgency as a curveball you can throw now and again to catch them off guard. For cold emailing, though, you probably won’t have this problem.

He aquí algunos ejemplos reales de líneas de asunto que utilizan el poder de la urgencia:

4. Utiliza la prueba social en las líneas de asunto de tus correos electrónicos

Otro truco psicológico que puede utilizar es añadir pruebas sociales a las líneas de asunto de sus mensajes de correo electrónico en frío. Al igual que la táctica de la urgencia, la prueba social juega con la mente de los destinatarios. Es cuando mencionas algo que valida socialmente tu marca.

Algunos ejemplos son:

  • Hacer referencia a cuántos clientes tiene
  • Testimonios de referencia
  • Casos prácticos de referencia
  • Referencias a celebridades, autoridades o credibilidad

It works because people are influenced by what others do, say, and think. We naturally try to uncover whether something is credible or not: social proof helps us do so. When your cold email target sees your subject line mentioning your massive customer base, they’re impressed. 😲

He aquí un ejemplo de la vida real: se trataba de un correo electrónico para promocionar un vídeo de estudio.

Here’s another one: an email promoting a free guide from an SEO authority figure.

Here’s an email about another case study.

And lastly, here’s an email from Adam Enfroy that uses both urgency and social proof for his course on how to start a blog.


The subject line of an email, cold or hot, can make or break it: whether it’s successful or not. It directly influences the open rate, click-through rate, and conversion as well.

Cold email outreach is not an easy endeavor. The number of emails sent that get opened is typically quite low. Most don’t even reach the inbox: they end up in the spam folder. Others land in the “Promotions” or “Other” folder. 📂

Sin embargo, con la línea de asunto adecuada, puede mejorar significativamente sus posibilidades. Considere la posibilidad de utilizar la información y los ejemplos de buenas prácticas descritos en este artículo.

Got any questions? Don’t hesitate to leave us a comment or hit us up on the chat on our website.

Un poco sobre Will:
Will Cannon es un experimentado vendedor de correo electrónico y fundó UpLead, un software de generación de leads B2B. Él sabe una cosa (o dos) acerca de grandes correos electrónicos fríos y le encanta compartir sus conocimientos.

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