Métodos de aproximación a las ventas: cómo calentar a sus clientes potenciales B2B

Masterclass de canalización de ventas: Tercera parte

Un hombre cocinando en el fuego. Una metáfora de los métodos de aproximación a las ventas que calentarán a los clientes potenciales.

If you have completed the first two classes of the Sales Pipeline Masterclass – defining your target audience and building your B2B lead list, now is not the time to sit back and relax. It’s time for you to spring into action and start warming up those leads you created with a defined sales approach.

Este artículo es la tercera parte de un nuevo Masterclass series on how to build your sales pipeline. Building a strong sales pipeline is the #1 key to sales success. That’s why we created this indispensable step-by-step guide, to teach you how to build your pipeline the right way.

– Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder Salesflare, an easy-to-use sales CRM for small B2B companies

In this third part of the series, we’re going to show you the right sales approach to warming up your leads for conversions after having used them to get our first 100 customers.


1. Empezar con pistas calientes

Selling to strangers is always difficult. That’s why one of the smartest sales approaches to warm up your leads is to start with your own network.

Most of us, over time, will have developed a network of friends and acquaintances in the industry. These could be concentrated locally or even spread out all across the globe. They may not be people you speak to every day or stay in touch with, but they’re definitely easy to start a conversation with.

Added to the fact that you’re already connected, is that they know what you’re doing or what you’re building.

Drop them a quick line, ask them how they are and what they’ve been up to and bring up your product. Ask them for feedback or help in making it better, and hopefully this will get them to try out the product for themselves.

Be careful, though. Don’t go about messaging everyone in your network. Shortlist profiles that are the closest to your ideal customer personas, and categorize them based on the kind of relationship you have with them. Keep smart notes about possible topics to discuss and how you can drive the conversation to what you have to offer.


2. Dar prioridad a la creación de redes

Networking has proven to be one of the most effective sales approaches. It is the one tactic that has helped businesses grow exponentially because it doesn’t just give you a chance to tell others about what you have to offer, but also learn from them and identify opportunities you could be missing out on.

Tomemos como ejemplo Salesflare. Cada dos semanas organizamos el podcast Founder Coffee para ponernos al día con fundadores de startups de distintos sectores B2B.

We don’t go all out and promote what our product does during the episodes. We make it a point to connect with the founders we are talking to, learning from their mistakes, discussing our challenges.

Esto nos ha ayudado a construir una sólida red a través de interacciones personales que han dado lugar a oportunidades para colaborar con diferentes equipos más adelante.

Similarly, you could join Facebook and LinkedIn groups to start networking online. But at the same time, also attend meet ups and conferences in your area – a face-to-face conversation always leaves a better impression than an online chat.


3. Leverage marketing de contenidos

Warming up your leads is all about actually establishing meaningful relationships with them. And what better way to do this than by becoming a reliable source of information for them? That’s why leading companies use content marketing in their sales approach to address buyers who are wary of overt, outbound marketing efforts.

If you want content to actually work for you, you need to know who your leads are and by that we don’t just mean what they do or where they work. You need to figure out what they are looking for, what kind of content they engage with and how you can offer them something better than that – all without coming off too salesy.

Once you know what kind of content your leads like to consume – blogs, case studies, videos, infographics and so on, you need to create a multi-channel strategy around it. This means you’ll be taking this piece of content and promoting it across all the channels that they tend to use regularly, using a consistent brand voice.

Para mejorar aún más este aspecto, cree contenidos que desencadenen una conversación continua y que no traten de aportar demasiada información de una sola vez.

Por ejemplo, asigne los distintos tipos de contenido que crea en función de la etapa del cliente potencial en el ciclo de vida del cliente.

Infografía que muestra cómo crear contenidos para cada etapa del ciclo de vida del cliente como enfoque de ventas


4. Enviar correos electrónicos en frío

Cold emails have been part of the sales approach for years now. They offer the one channel where you don’t need to battle for attention amidst all the noise – as opposed to social media, for instance. But that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

El éxito de una campaña de correo electrónico en frío siempre se centra en el cliente y realiza un seguimiento en función de su interacción con el primer mensaje o de la fase del ciclo de vida del cliente en la que se encuentre.

Reglas de oro a seguir cuando se utilizan correos electrónicos en frío para calentar a sus clientes potenciales:

  • Be sure you’re reaching out to the right person
  • Haga que todo gire en torno al cliente (personalice y adapte siempre)
  • Sea breve y sencillo
  • Encontrar algo en común
  • La línea de asunto debe tener menos de 50 caracteres.
  • Don’t try to oversell (or overpromise)
  • Centrarse primero en añadir valor
  • Reconocer el acercamiento en frío
  • Propose a time to talk (don’t leave it too open-ended)
  • Don’t be desperate (a big no-no)

Let’s give you an example of what a personalized cold email looks like (you probably have some sitting in your inbox too).

You come across a conversation in a Slack Group that you’re part of and know that your product could add value to the person initiating it. Here’s what your message should look like:

Subject: <First name>, let’s help each other shall we?


I hope this email finds you well! I just wanted to reach out to you because we’re in the same Slack group of <group name and link> and I think I have something that might be of interest to you.

If I did my homework right, you’re spending <amount> on social ads every month to acquire customers at <company name>.

Well, I work at <company name> and we offer <value proposition> that can help you lower your monthly costs by x%. In fact, we’ll do all the heavy lifting too!

I’d love to show you how. If you’re interested, just reply to this email and we can hop onto a quick call.


5. Prueba a llamar en frío

Sí, mucha gente puede pensar que la llamada en frío está muerta. Pero lo cierto es que descolgar el teléfono y ponerse en contacto con los clientes potenciales puede ser un método de venta eficaz para descubrir si os beneficiaríais de trabajar juntos.

The only thing you need to make sure is that you’ve done your homework. Research the lead, their challenges, the solutions they are looking for and how you can be of value to them. This might take you a while to get through, but it will help you start a meaningful conversation from the get-go, instead of ending up blabbering on the call.

Also, make sure to re-introduce yourself or remind them how you got their information. You don’t want to come off as one of those loan sellers making random sales calls.

Una llamada en frío ganadora es aquella que le conecta con un responsable de la toma de decisiones, aborda un reto apremiante para ellos, genera valor, crea urgencia y, definitivamente, tiene un seguimiento pensado de antemano.

Plan con un guión para el enfoque de ventas mediante llamadas en frío

¿Le cuesta crear un guión para sus llamadas en frío? Nosotros te ayudamos: Guiones de llamadas en frío para rockstars de las ventas.


6. Planificar los mensajes en frío

Tried calling but the lead didn’t respond or pick up? Well, successful sales are not made in a day. You need to follow up.

If the lead doesn’t respond to your call, drop them a simple follow-up message. This should include who you are and why you are calling them. It should also ask when they expect to be free for a call. Give them a chance to schedule the call instead of forcing it upon them.

Al igual que los correos electrónicos de ventas, cree una campaña de mensajes en frío con un seguimiento bien pensado. Por ejemplo, si su primer mensaje le presenta a usted y el motivo por el que se ha puesto en contacto con él, el seguimiento debe preguntar al destinatario si sigue enfrentándose a un problema acuciante y ofrecerle una solución prometedora.

También puede utilizar mensajes en frío para captar clientes potenciales en LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook y otras plataformas sociales.

Remember, whatever channel you’re using, your message needs to be highly targeted and personalized.

Also, while talking about warming up, don’t forget to warm up your inbox to up the deliverability of your emails and avoid that they land in spam. There’s a series of great tools for this, including QuickMail’s free email warmup tool.


7. Diríjase a audiencias personalizadas con anuncios en frío

Ya sabe cómo utilizar los anuncios para generar clientes potenciales B2B desde Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn y otros canales. Pero también podrías utilizar anuncios para dirigirte a estos clientes potenciales y a sus parecidos en las mismas plataformas con anuncios en frío.

Configure audiencias personalizadas para sus campañas publicitarias utilizando su lista de clientes potenciales. De este modo, su anuncio se mostrará a un público con más probabilidades de interactuar con él. Al mismo tiempo, también puede crear un público similar utilizando su lista para llegar a más clientes potenciales.

El enfoque de ventas más eficaz para ejecutar anuncios en frío de alta conversión es atraer a sus clientes potenciales ofreciéndoles un recurso gratuito que les proporcione algún tipo de valor añadido. Por ejemplo, puede dirigirse a ellos con un anuncio que promocione un libro electrónico del que se beneficiarían inmediatamente. Todo lo que tienen que proporcionar a cambio es alguna información que le ayude a calificarlos mejor.

Ejemplo de llamada a la acción en la que una empresa ofrece la descarga gratuita de un libro electrónico

You could use the same tactic to promote other relevant content you’ve created for them.


Conclusion: what’s the best sales approach for you?

When it comes to warming up your B2B leads, your sales approach needs to remain focused on providing your leads with added value. You need to be consistent enough for them to not forget about you. On the other hand, you also don’t want them to think of you in a negative way for bothering them too much!

El enfoque de ventas ideal varía de una empresa a otra y, a veces, incluso de un cliente potencial a otro.


All set to warm up your leads and move to the next step? Don’t forget to tune in next week for Part Four in our Sales Pipeline Masterclass: Cómo concertar y dirigir reuniones de ventas como un profesional. ¿Necesita un repaso? Vuelva atrás y lea Segunda parte: Cómo crear su lista de clientes potenciales B2B.

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