How to sell on social media

Jakob Thusgaard — part 1/5

how to sell on social media

Nous avons interrogé Jakob Thusgaard, fondateur et PDG de YourSales, sur la manière de vendre sur les médias sociaux.

How to get in contact with prospects on social media?

Sur les médias sociaux, vous entrez en contact avec des personnes en suivant leur profil sur Twitter, en visitant leur profil sur LinkedIn et en vous engageant avec elles sur ces deux médias.

Quelles sont les étapes à suivre pour commencer une relation ?

I think what’s really important is to never forget that — also on social media — we’re just human beings and this is a relationship, right. So you start out by, you’re getting acquainted and then try to find out how you can help out. And then never forget to follow up, never forget to contact people, and hear how they’re doing.

What are the pitfalls when doing this?

You need to keep in mind, when you develop relationships online, that they are also just normal relationships. You have got to follow the steps of getting acquainted and getting to know one another and follow up on a timely manner. So don’t sell too early and don’t let the relationship die out. Those are the primary things to avoid.

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