6 maneras infalibles de conseguir los primeros 100 clientes para tu startup

Here you are. You’ve had a great idea, beaten all odds and finally found your very own startup.


Guess all you have to do now is just sit out the hangover from last night’s celebratory drinks and wait for all that cash to fly in 💸. After all, you’ve built a product that will fly off the shelves 🚀.

Siento decírselo: no existe ningún producto que se venda solo.

You may think you just got past the hardest part, but getting your product market-ready is just the beginning. Your product may be the best thing to ever happen to earth, if no one is paying money for it, it’ll be dead in the water in no-time. And you’ll be lying right next to it, with another kind of hangover. Not a celebratory one.

En las startups, nada sucede automágicamente. A menos que hagas que ocurra.

But what am I supposed to do now?

For the next 10 minutes you can just sit tight. We’ll be laying out 6 strategies you can get started with today to land your first 100 customers. Then, you’ll be out on your own again. Ready to launch your startup into the stratosphere 🚀.

CRM fácil de usar

1. Ask friends. And their friends. And their friends. 👫

Empiece por su red de contactos. Hable con la gente que conoce y con la gente que ellos conocen. Puede que aún no sea una gran cantidad de gente, pero debería haber unas cuantas conexiones interesantes entre tus amigos y familiares.

Ask about pains. Listen. Validate your idea. Don’t go all-in on selling right away. You’re still a startup and customer feedback is your magic potion to becoming the best you can be. Don’t make the mistake of not drinking it. In early customer development you’re not selling, you’re learning.

Try to get ahold of the pains these people are experiencing with the concept you’re trying to build a business around. How do you do this? What’s great about it? What sucks about it? Have you tried anything else? What did you think?

This is not just to get your first customers. Chances are as an entrepreneur you’re not the most smooth-talking sales man of all time. Trying to sell your product to people you’re comfortable talking to is the first step to getting you in the game of becoming a natural at pitching.

En el proceso, intente ampliar su red actual. Es probable que las personas de su red también tengan redes. Busque:

  • Otros propietarios de empresas: pueden tener una base de clientes que también encaje con su producto.
  • Inversores: si tu startup ha recibido financiación, pide a tu inversor que corra la voz. Los inversores suelen tener grandes redes de contactos.

Ask for introductions. The great thing about networking is that you never know what you can get out of it. So, when you’re standing there doubting whether you should talk to that one guy, keep in mind that that guy may have the network you’ve been dreaming of.


  • habla con la gente que conoces y con la gente que conocen
  • pregunta sobre dolores, escucha, valida tu idea.
  • you’re not selling, you’re learning
  • hazte con los dolores
  • amplíe su red de contactos con otros empresarios e inversores.
  • pedir presentaciones

2. Blog away. ✍️

There’s tons of reasons why you should start a blog. In fact, you should have started way before you started looking around for ways to grow your startup. But hey, better late than never, right?

La gente odia los anuncios.
Ads follow people around. They’re annoying and put off rather than attract. Blogs on the other hand still spark a feeling of trust and authenticity. It’s the best way to tell your product’s story.

running from ads

Los blogs generan necesidad. La necesidad genera demanda.
Bloguear is by all means a long-term strategy. It takes hard work and you won’t see significant results right away. But it’s worth it, because blogs have the unparalleled ability to slow-cook an idea into the heads of your readers.

The Kissmetrics blog is a terrific example of this idea. When I started out working with metrics, I couldn’t see myself using anything else than Google Analytics. It’s easy, it’s good and it’s free. But while making my way through startup marketing, I found myself regularly reading well-written posts over at Kissmetrics’ blog. Stuff like ‘Smart Marketers use Smart Metrics’ or ‘Key Customer Metrics You Need To Be Tracking’. Over time, I started to value metrics a lot higher and at some point I just went overboard. Let’s check out Kissmetrics! Today, I’m not only using it, I’m recommending it to other people.

Los blogs generan tráfico.
Las empresas que bloguean suelen tener 97% más enlaces entrantes than those that don’t. That’s massive.

¿Cómo? Una especie de brujería SEO. Pero puedes participar fácilmente.

Elaboración de contenidos de calidad es la mejor manera de impulsar su posicionamiento en Google en aquellos keywords you’ve so carefully selected. Escribir un blog le permite controlar totalmente el tipo de contenido y las palabras clave con las que desea que se le asocie. Al iniciar su andadura, puede elegir una de estas opciones mejores sitios de blogs gratuitos that will allow you to put your work out there for everyone to see. If you’re doing well, people will start linking to you, growing your online visibility and network. This in turn will lead to new opportunities. Once set up properly, your blog will be an autonomous traffic machine.

Puedes acelerar todo este proceso utilizando los blogs de invitados para entablar relaciones con las personas más influyentes de tu sector.

Su atajo hacia el liderazgo intelectual.
Cuando escriba, intente colaborar en publicaciones de renombre de su sector. Esto le permitirá aprovechar el poder y la red de comunidades ya establecidas.

If no one has ever heard about you, you have zero credibility. Awesome content, published and shared around on great sites will lay your first bricks towards building a reputation. If you’re looking for inspiration to get started, Neil Patel is your go-to man.


  • la gente odia los anuncios
  • blogging is the best way to tell your product’s story
  • los blogs generan necesidad, las necesidades generan demanda
  • los blogs generan tráfico
  • Crear contenidos de calidad es la forma más rápida de caerle bien a Google.
  • turbocharge the process by guest blogging (en inglés)
  • tu atajo hacia el liderazgo intelectual

3. Find your internet tribe. Blend in. 😏

Be where your customers are. The internet links billions of pages on every subject you can possibly think of to each other — and to people. Somewhere out there there must be a place where they’re talking about your industry, niche or problem.

These are the places where the Internet is most alive and kicking. They drive social news, with up — and downvotes deciding whether something ends up on the front-page of the internet. This is the kind of news that tends to get a lot more traction with early startup customers than traditional news coverage would get you.

Day 46: I have gained the alpacas' trust. They still do not know I am a sheep

Find these communities and become part of the tribe. Look for places where people are either looking for a product like yours or asking questions you can help them out with. You’ll find customers, trade advice, build network and sharpen skills. All of which will help both you and your business grow.

Así es exactamente como el cofundador de Zapier, Wade Foster, encontró a su primer cliente en Andrew Warner. Warner es el fundador de Mixergyuno de los mejores podcasts para empresarios. No está mal para un primer cliente, ¿eh? Todo lo que hizo falta fue que Warner publicara sobre un dolor que tenía en StackExchangeun foro para desarrolladores. Foster entró a matar.

Foster se puso en contacto con Warner por correo electrónico (más adelante hablaremos de ello) y el resto es historia.

Here’s some ready-cooked inspiration for you to go and connect with the like-minded:

There’s tons of cats, GIFs and memes on Reddit. There are also topic-dedicated forums, called subreddits. Hunt down the ones that are relevant to you and leave your mark.

reddit logo

Quora is meant to surface the best answer to every question out there. It was created for people to share the unique information that’s in their heads.

¿Por qué dormimos?

¿Cuáles son las mejores anécdotas de personas que conocieron al azar a Steve Jobs?

¿Cuáles son algunos ejemplos de animales que muestran una inteligencia fuera de lo común?

Quora holds a huge database of high-quality content and a living community of experts and influencers. For entrepreneurs, it’s a great way to get quality advice and get in touch with early customers looking for answers. Just make sure you’re right there when someone is asking that one question you have the perfect solution to.

Quora logo

Búsqueda de productos
New apps and products are launched every single day. If you’re always on the hunt for the best of the stack (like myself), you’ll feel right at home at Product Hunt. It started out as a lista de correo y rápidamente se convirtió en un sitio web en el que los miembros podían votar los mejores productos nuevos en la parte superior de la página.

Product hunt logo

En la actualidad, Product Hunt es una comunidad de entusiastas de la tecnología que sirve de plataforma de lanzamiento para las nuevas empresas. Si consigues aparecer en la lista, es probable que consigas un buen pico de tráfico (eufemismo) y al menos un puñado de nuevos clientes. Si quieres intentarlo, echa un vistazo a estas prácticas recomendadas.



  • esté donde están sus clientes
  • you’ll find customers, trade advice, build network and sharpen skills
  • historia del unicornio: Wade Foster se hace con Andrew Warner de Mixergy
  • reddit, Quora, Product Hunt
  • GrowthHackers, Growth.org, StackOverflow, DesignerNews, Moz.
  • Grupos de Facebook

4. Email in the cold. ❄️

“Stick a fork in cold email because it is done.”

I’ve heard and read this many times. I found it to be untrue.

People who claim cold emails don’t work, don’t know how to write good cold emails. What is a good cold email? Whenever you’re writing one, just ask yourself:

  • Por el asunto: ¿lo abriría o lo tiraría a la basura al instante?
  • ¿Lo leería? ¿Lo leería hasta el final?
  • ¿Respondería a esto?

Not sure if email is broken or are they ignoring me

Boiled down, you’ll find bad emails share these characteristics:

  • Vendedores
  • Redacción genérica
  • No hay impulso para una respuesta

Los buenos correos suelen serlo:

  • Contextual
  • Conversacional y ligero de tono
  • Al grano
  • Llamada a la acción clara

Flashback to Wade Foster and Andrew Warner. This is the email Wade wrote after finding out about Andrew’s question on StackExchange:

Note how Wade is just striking up a conversation here, as if he was chatting with Andrew. In his reply, Andrew said he was in need of a Wufoo Aweber integration and whether Foster and his team had already built it. They hadn’t at that point. But Zapier took care of it right away. Andrew was in.

If you’re just starting out building up your network, you simply won’t be able to do without cold email. It’s a scaleable yet personal way of getting in touch with all kinds of people. Besides getting first customers, you can use it to connect with influencers, pitch to investors, build relations with partners and share with press. Just aim at making a real connection and make sure to stand out from the rest. Humor works like a charm.

A good way to increase your chances of landing in people’s inboxes is to use an email warming tool. By properly maintaining and improving upon your deliverability rates, your outreach and engagement won’t fall upon deaf ears due to being mistakenly classified as spam.

If you’re looking to send reliable emails that end up in the inbox you need to make sure you use a clean IP address in your outbound SMTP emails. A good SMTP service like Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Mailgun or DuoCircle is recommended. Most services include a free monthly or one-time quota, so you may test them out. You will also need to make sure that you setup your DNS information correctly for SPF, DKIM and DMARC that reflects the SMTP service that you use, so your mail lands safely in inboxes.

I’ll leave you with our guide on How to Send Mass Emails That Seem Personal, which goes into detail on how you can automate this as soon as you’re ready for it.


  • el correo electrónico sigue siendo la columna vertebral de internet
  • envía sólo correos electrónicos que tú mismo abrirías, leerías (hasta el final) y responderías.
  • avoid salesy, generic wording — include drive for reply
  • apuesta por lo contextual, lo conversacional y lo directo con una CTA clara.
  • utilícelo para clientes, inversores, personas influyentes, socios y prensa.
  • proponerse establecer una conexión real
  • el humor funciona

5. Give stuff for free 🆓

People love getting free stuff. As a business owner you might like giving free stuff a bit less. Good thing you don’t care about money right now, right? You want to get as much people behind you and your product as possible. Free it is!

Did someone say free stuff?

If your product is SaaS, having users test it for free can be incredibly valuable. It will build up an initial user base and help you to refine your product-market fit. There’s also an exclusivity to putting up your product for beta, which will help attract users once your app is really live.

Una razón Slack pudo dispararse desde el principio fue engancharse a cobertura mediática inicial ofreciendo una versión beta a empresas seleccionadas. Claro que sí, quiero formar parte de esta cosa que acabará con el correo electrónico, ¡apúntame!

Si te sientes entusiasmado e inspirado ahora mismo, echa un vistazo a esta estupenda guía para conseguir 100 inscripciones beta para tu app con cero dólares.

Prueba gratuita
Ofrecer una prueba gratuita de su SaaS no es tanto una táctica como una obligación. ¿Cómo esperas que los usuarios empiecen a pagar por tu producto si no tienen ni idea de lo que se siente al utilizarlo? El umbral para probar su aplicación es mucho más bajo. Las pruebas gratuitas atraerán usuarios, tráfico y viralidad.

Another way of playing around with free stuff is to put up a part of your product for free, while excluding other, powerful features. Here’s an example of Hootsuiteuna popular herramienta de gestión de redes sociales.

Hootsuite's pricing plan

Hootsuite ofrece planes gratuitos para particulares que quieran gestionar hasta tres cuentas sociales. Además de planes empresariales para quienes necesiten más.

Este enfoque permite a los usuarios conocer las ventajas de utilizar Hootsuite con las características principales suficientes para saber que quieren más.

This works because most social media users, even individuals, will have more than three profiles to manage. With plans starting quite low at $9.99, it’s easy to give in and upgrade.


  • los beta-testers te ayudarán a lograr el ajuste producto-mercado y crea exclusividad.
  • las pruebas gratuitas impulsan usuarios, tráfico y viralidad
  • el freemium es un ganador probado

6. Affiliate marketing: pay your influencers 🤑

For the sake of getting a lot of users as quickly as possible, affiliate marketing can be a powerful strategy. The risk is low and the reward high. You only pay for actual conversions, not for traffic driven to your website. Real users at a limited cost.

Here’s how it works:

  1. El afiliado obtiene una URL personal
    Para saber qué afiliado está dirigiendo el tráfico
  2. Los afiliados comercializan su producto
    There’s several ways they can do this. They can use paid traffic like AdWords, make a YouTube vídeo o un podcast, enviar correos electrónicos en frío, escribir entradas de blog, etc. Las posibilidades son infinitas.
  3. Los visitantes se convierten
    Uno de los visitantes conducidos por su afiliado acaba convirtiéndose en un cliente de pago suyo.
  4. El afiliado recibe una comisión:
    El afiliado recibe una comisión acordada por traerle el cliente.

You can think of affiliate marketing as outsourced marketing. Others bring in visitors and you only pay if those visitors become paying customers. On top of that it’s great for SEO as you’ll get content and backlinks from affiliates driving traffic to your website.

Affiliate partnerships are also a great way to get influential bloggers and KOLs (key opinion leaders) in your niche to write about you. Bloggers and influencers are all about passive income, so you can bet they’d at least be interested if you offer them real money.

PartnerStack es un buen lugar para empezar con marketing de afiliación. Su plataforma trata de convertir a tus clientes e influencers en agentes de marketing que ayuden a hacer crecer tu startup.

De hecho, si tienes un blog y quieres ganar un dinero extra, deberías echar un vistazo a nuestro recién lanzado Programa de Influenciadores Salesflare. Actualmente ofrecemos 30% comisión mensual por cada alta de pago que traigas, mientras el cliente esté con nosotros.

jordan belfort throwing money in the water


  • el riesgo es bajo y la recompensa alta
  • sólo paga por las conversiones reales, no por el tráfico dirigido a su sitio web.
  • Piénsalo como marketing externalizado.
  • fantástico para SEO con contenido y backlinks de afiliados que llevan tráfico a tu web.
  • algo para convencer a blogueros influyentes de que escriban sobre ti

¡Cae 7 veces, levántate 8! 👊

Es hora de recapitular:

  • Utilice su red actual
  • Empezar a bloguear
  • Sumérjase en las comunidades en línea
  • Correo electrónico en frío
  • Regalar cosas
  • Marketing de afiliación

Métete en la cabeza que tienes que empezar a conectar con la gente. Sin clientes tu querido bebé va a morir. Nosotros lo sabemos y tú lo sabes, así que será mejor que te pongas manos a la obra.

The 🔑 here is to embrace failure. There’s an old Japanese proverb that says:

“Fall down 7 times and get up 8 times”
🐦 clic para tuitear

Fear of selling isn’t an option here. You need to get up on that horse and start finding out the best ways to find customers for your startup. Whenever you get knocked down, just lift yourself up again and try something else. Something will stick.

I’ll have Shia LaBeouf take it from here to get you all psyched and ready to go in for the kill:

How are you planning to get your first 100 customers? Or if you’re playing in the big boy’s league already: how did your startup gets his first 100 customers? Lets us know in the comments or give us a shout @salesflare en Twitter

¿Está listo para empezar a llenar su cartera de clientes?

 Ahora que ya sabes cómo empezar a ponerte en contacto con tus primeros 100 clientes (o mejor aún, que ya tienes más de 100 clientes), la pregunta es: ¿cómo te organizarás para cerrar también estos tratos?

Following up 100+ customers in Excel or from memory just doesn’t cut it anymore. Opportunities start falling through the cracks and a lot of time is spent manually following up. 

En CRM automatizadocomo Salesflare, le ayuda a mantener esta visión general sin el trabajo extra.

It automatically keeps track of every email, meeting and call. It lets you know when your leads are opening your emails or visiting your website. And it tells you when accounts have gone inactive and it’s time to follow up. 

Incluso puede automatizar sus correos electrónicos en frío para llegar a clientes potenciales a escala con flujos de trabajo de correo electrónico.

Cómo configurar su CRM properly from the start makes or breaks how well you can handle following up and closing your first 100 customers (as well as setting your startup up for continued success when you’ve grown beyond 100 customers). 

For an intelligent CRM software that takes care of all the manual tasks so that you have time to build relationships and close deals  – Pruebe el Salesflare.

It’s set up in minutes. Pinky promise! (If it took you longer than a few minutes, reach out to us on the chat on our homepage with how we can do better. We continually work on making it even easier.)

CRM fácil de usar

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Gilles DC