Centrarse en los clientes potenciales adecuados

Con más filtros y flujos de trabajo de correo electrónico mejorados

Years ago, Salesflare’s website used to say “Less work, more sales” and that’s still very much what Salesflare stands for today. 💪

There are two major ways to make more sales with less work – those are:

  1. Automatizar las partes correctas del trabajo
  2. Trabajar en las pistas adecuadas (en el momento adecuado)

Esta actualización del producto se centra más en esto último.

Y aunque las nuevas funciones puedan parecer pequeñas adiciones, sus implicaciones son bastante profundas.

Let us take you for a ride! 👇

Identifique las oportunidades que (no) están pasando por su pipeline

Want to see which opportunities recently moved to another stage of the pipeline? Or maybe those that haven’t changed stages in a while?

You can now simply filter opportunities by “last stage change date”. 🚀

oportunidades estancadas en cartera
Get an overview of all “stale opportunities” that didn’t move stages lately 👀

As always, Salesflare’s filtering options are available across entities, which means that you can also filter your accounts, contacts or even tasks to find those for which the related opportunities changed or didn’t change stages.

One example: you can use this new functionality to email every contact related to an opportunity that recently hasn’t changed stages. 👇

enviar por correo electrónico todos los contactos relacionados con oportunidades antiguas
Email all contacts related to “stale opportunities” to give them a digital push 💌

You can now also build reports based on this “last stage change date”.

Por ejemplo: si desea saber en qué punto del pipeline de ventas están atascadas las oportunidades, puede construir un informe de ventas de la siguiente manera:

  1. Report on: “Opportunities”
  2. View by: “Opportunity stage”
  3. Measure by: “# of opportunities”
  4. Filter by: “Opportunity stage change date more than x days ago”
  5. Apply dashboard time filter to: Turn on the advanced option “Don’t apply the dashboard time filter”
informe sobre oportunidades atascadas
Report on where opportunities are stuck in the pipeline 📊

Or you also can use it to add a weekly progress report to your sales dashboard, for the team or per sales team member. 🤯

Let us know what you end up building! 😁

Enumere sus cuentas con tareas incompletas

What if you want to get a list of all accounts where you have outstanding work, aka incomplete tasks? 🤔

You can now filter accounts by “# incomplete tasks”. ✨

To find all the accounts with outstanding tasks, you can for instance filter on “# incomplete tasks is greater than 0”.

encontrar cuentas con tareas incompletas
Find all the accounts with incomplete tasks in seconds⚡

Por supuesto, puedes guardar este filtro para utilizarlo más tarde.

And, as always, the same is possible in other places as well, like on the opportunities pipeline for instance. 👇

filtrar oportunidades con tareas incompletas
Filter out all opportunities with incomplete tasks linked to the account 🧐


Ajuste el número de correos electrónicos que pueden enviar sus flujos de trabajo

As spam filters have recently become more restrictive than before, it’s generally a good idea to start sending emails at lower volumes. 💡

In the past, you could always ask our team to lower your email quota. From today on, you can just adjust it yourself. ✨

establecer límites personalizados de envío de correo electrónico
Adjust how many emails your email workflows can send per hour and per day ⏱️

Salesflare’s email workflows will not send more emails per time period than the limit you set (note that to avoid causing any trouble at all, it counts your individually sent emails towards the quota too! 🧙).

If you’re interested in the topic (or just don’t want to land in spam folders 😏), we have más consejos para mejorar la entregabilidad de su correo electrónico aquí.

Controle sus flujos de trabajo de correo electrónico con el nuevo seguimiento

En nuestra última actualización del producto (el 1 de junio), anunciamos el despliegue gradual de un sistema de seguimiento de correo electrónico completamente nuevo.

Today, we’ve enabled the new email tracker on your email workflows as well. 🚀

Esperamos que lo disfrute.

Muchas más mejoras y correcciones de errores

We fixed the bugs you reported, upped the performance in a few places, tweaked some app flows, and much more. As always, keep the feedback coming through the live chat on our homepage — we thrive on it! 😍

A continuación... 🥁

  • Manage your tags in an easier way⚡
  • More visual account suggestions 🔮
  • The possibility to export reports 💾
  • Custom fields that can connect anything 🔗
  • Un nuevo complemento de Outlook con una compatibilidad más amplia 📬
  • Más posibilidades de descubrir nuevas pistas 🕵.

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