Los Oscar de las ventas de las extensiones de Chrome

Complementos geniales para convertir Chrome en tu propia navaja suiza.

leo decaprio dancing with oscars statues

This isn’t your first list of Chrome extensions, is it?

There are so many. Lists and extensions. 🙄

Back in the days of Internet Explorer, your browser was your productivity’s worst enemy. Today, Google Chrome is — potentially your Robin.

(You’re Batman 🦇)

Potencialmente. Porque, ¿cuántas veces te has pasado horas navegando por la tienda web de Chrome en busca de las mejores extensiones?

¿Cuántas de las extensiones de tu lista sigues utilizando? ¿Cuánto tiempo las usaste? Yo apuesto por una semana. Tops.

There’s too much trash out there.

Al pasar de IE a Chrome, el problema ha pasado de hacer mierdas a entender qué herramientas hacen más mierdas.

How do you know which extensions do really step up your sales game? Figuring it out is equally time — and energy draining.

Un navegador Chrome repleto únicamente de extensiones que utilizas intensivamente a diario es material de una Tierra Prometida a la que puede que nunca llegues.

And yet I’ve been pursuing it for years. The Chrome Web Store is one of my most visited websites (I may have to rethink my life). I’m talking obsessed here — always chasing a machine-like calibration for efficiency.

It’s a wild-goose chase really. I’ll probably never get there.

Pero lo que sí puedo hacer es compartir mi lista personal de extensiones que solucionan problemas reales y/o aportan un valor añadido real. La cuestión no será si son malas o no, sino si tú tienes esos problemas o necesitas ese valor añadido o no.

Thousands of new extensions are uploaded to the Chrome web store every day. Meaning this list cannot be perfect. That’s okay. What I’m hoping though is that this list can spark a conversation.

👉 What extensions are you using to turn Google Chrome into the perfect bandwagon for the great show that is your startup or business? Feel free to let us know in the comments 💬.

And the Oscars go to…🏆

#1. AeroLeads’ Email And Phone Number Finder

Imagina que tu mejor amigo fuera un mago.

Imagina que pudieran conjurar correos electrónicos de empresas, números de teléfono directos, números de teléfono de empresas, direcciones de empresas y muchos otros datos directamente de LinkedIn, Crunchbase, AngelList, GitHub, Google, lo que quieras.

Wouldn’t that be amazing?  Wouldn’t you want to have them around ¿todo el tiempo?

(Okay, maybe not. Who knows what other scary powers they might have! 😱)

While there’s no such thing as ACTUAL wizards (sorry, Hagrid), I’ve got the next best thing!

You can add AeroLeads‘ Email And Phone Number Finder to Chrome and push all kinds of data to all kinds of services: Zapier, Mailchimp, your favorite CRM, …

Chasing down leads becomes a stroll in the park. It’s like magic. 🧙‍♂️

#2. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb es del mismo nido que Datanyze.

Te muestra perspectivas sobre:

  • compromiso del sitio web
  • clasificación del sitio
  • fuentes de tráfico (social, referencias)
  • aplicaciones relacionadas
  • redes publicitarias
  • distribución geográfica
  • sitios web similares

SimilarWeb on WaitButWhy — my favourite blog 😎

Me gusta pensar que SimilarWeb es una joya escondida.

Most people have Amazon Alexa’s Extension installed to check up on traffic and ranking of a website. While probably a little more accurate, it doesn’t provide as much insights as SimilarWeb.

You can get SimilarWeb’s extension for free.

#3. Dux-Soup

También dentro del ámbito de herramientas de generación de leads, Dux-Soup es un robot pequeñito que puedes soltar en páginas con perfiles de LinkedIn.

Se utiliza para automatizar la generación de leads desde LinkedIn. Establece filtros de búsqueda para dirigirte a una persona determinada y dile al Dux que vaya a visitar todos los resultados de la búsqueda.


Not only will these people see your face popping up in their feed, you’ll also have their names, industries, roles, company domains and more. Precious data you can extract as a .CSV — for later use 😏.

As of recently, Dux-Soup can also help you to find email addresses paired to LinkedIn profiles. It’ll ask you up front if you want it to. Found email addresses are traded in for points. You can buy points or acquire them by trading in email addresses of your own.

While the standard version of Dux-Soup is free, you’ll need to go Pro to use Dux-Soup with LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

You’ll also get a bunch of cool automation features such as limiting Daily Visits and adjusting Visiting Speed.

Dux-Soup’s Pro-version te costará $15 al mes.

#4. Cristal

At Salesflare we’re firm believers of automating the sales process in a way that allows people to be more human where it really matters: building meaningful relationships.

We live in times where you can email thousands of people in your sleep. The problem is that your recipients also know that. Just putting someone’s first name and their company won’t cut it anymore. People see your ‘personalised’ email from a mile away. In these times of automation, real personalisation is your superpower to making real connections.

Cristal will analyse your prospects’ personalities according to the Marco de comportamiento DISC y te dirán cómo les gusta comunicarse.

Now you know how to talk to me 😉

¿Qué clase de brujería es ésta? 🤔

Crystal rastrea una serie de fuentes en línea para recopilar información sobre la personalidad de los posibles clientes.

¿Da mucho miedo? Sólo un poco.

This thing isn’t going to know you inside-out. But it does do a pretty good job at guessing how people like to be approached. Whether you should start your email with just their names instead of using a more formal salutation for example. I have to say my own profile was remarkably accurate.

What you’re seeing in the screenshot is just the free version. Which doesn’t go much further than basic indications and a quick tip on how to communicate. Crystal’s paid versions come with stuff like more elaborate personality assessments and email coaching.

#5. Push by Zapier

If you love Zapier, raise your hands! 🙌

This would have full rooms go nuts as if they were at a Beyoncé — concert.

excited clapping

Sí, Zapier es así de genial.

Zapier nos permite integrar Salesflare con más de 700 aplicaciones para usted. Nosotros también lo utilizamos a diario, de forma intensiva.

It allows you to build well-oiled machines with apps acting autonomously, all just running in the background. Workflow automation done right 👌.

Pero a veces sólo quieres que las cosas sucedan a sus órdenes.

Zapier’s Push Extension for Chrome lets you trigger custom Zaps straight from your browser, minimising the break in your workflow.

¿Se te ha ocurrido de repente una idea brillante en medio de una tarea? Envíala a Trello. Recopilando recursos para tu próxima entrada de blog? Pásalo a Google Sheet. ¿Necesitas añadir una reunión a tu calendario? Envíala a Google Calendar.

👉 No need whatsoever to open up new tabs and fuck up your flow.

Como los chicos de Zapier también son los reyes del contenido, os remito a su guía personal para su extensión Push.

Consulta Zapier.com para planes gratuitos y premium. La extensión es gratuita.

#6. Buffer

A veces añoro los días en los que sólo tenía Facebook.

Life was simple 😌.

Nowadays you have to juggle Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and who knows whatever other weird platforms you’re on.

Hay que estar siempre en todas partes. Como individuo y como empresa.

Este es el problema que Joel Gascoigne se propuso resolver cuando fundó Buffer. Limitar la fuga de tiempo y energía que supone la presencia social en línea.

Buffer’s extension let’s you share content to your social pages in a jiffy.

Al hacer clic en la extensión, aparecerá una entrada ya creada con el artículo, el título y la imagen para que la personalices a tu gusto. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es publicar.

Buffer’s basic version is free, its paid packages reasonably priced.

Buffer’s Chrome Extension is free.

#7. Taco

I’ve always been terrible with to-do lists 😒.

Buenas intenciones, seguro. Mantenerlo durante un día de tres al cuarto, seguro. Pero de un modo u otro cada intento siempre acaba con una lista de tareas pendientes y la cabeza llena de desorden.

Nunca aguanté más de una semana.

The main problem is that tasks these days seem to come from everywhere. There’s so many apps and different things you need to do. It’s impossible to gather everything in one place.

There’s project stuff from Trello, reminders from Slack, issues from Github, customer tickets from Zendesk and of course, the follow-ups Salesflare tells you to do. Plus all the personal shit from Wunderlist (RIP ⚰️).


It’s come to the point where you spend more time keeping everything together than actually completing tasks.

Taco figured this out. Its app allows you to integrate tasks from all the sources I just ranted about — plus a lot more — in one smart overview.

En una pestaña de Chrome, para ser más específicos.

A taco full of tasks 🌮.

Probably not your favourite one, but you deserve a big fat one once you complete all the tasks 😋.

#8. Grammarly

Como grammarnazi de pura cepa, me da grima la mala gramática.

Como grammarnazi de pura cepa, también ejecuto Grammarly en mi navegador para asegurarme de que nadie pueda pillarme cometiendo errores gramaticales.

The blow to my reputation would be irreparable 😰.

Inspirado en el mejor tatuaje de todos los tiempos, mostrado en la película We’re The Millers

Grammarly corrige tus errores mientras escribes en la web, desde Facebook a Twitter y tus correos electrónicos.

Please don’t be one of those ‘I never make mistakes’ — people.

We all make mistakes, especially when we’re busy.

Paying attention to grammar shouldn’t be your top priority, so have something like Grammarly take care of it.

You don’t want to get caught by the Grammar Police, do you? 🚓

Una suscripción básica Grammarly es gratuita.

#9. Effin Amazing UTM Builder

Putting UTM tags on your links is key to see what works and what doesn’t in your marketing strategy.

I mean, don’t bother checking Google Analytics if you’re not using UTMs.

I used to get pretty annoyed having to open a new tab for Google’s UTM generator, paste in the link, fill out the parameters and then copy — paste the new link. Cada vez de nuevo.

I figure analytics and digital marketing agency Effin Amazing had the same frustration. Their Chrome Extension allows you to instantly make a UTM — link out of the page you’re at.

Pretty epic case of engineering as marketing, I must say 👌.

You can even make Bit.ly’s while you’re at it.

The UTM builder’s basic version is free.

If you want all of your links saved into a Google Sheet (which I think is an epic feature) you’ll have to go Pro.

#10. Captura de pantalla de Nimbus

As you can see from this post, I’m quite a big fan of screenshots.

There’s something powerful to showing people exactly what your screen looks like when describing a tool or process to them. New technologies allow us go even further and allow us to edit, instantly share, or take scrolling screenshots on Mac or other devices.

Believe it or not, I used to make annotated screenshots with arrows, boxes and all that stuff in Photoshop. Talk about overkill 🙄.

Con Nimbus Screenshot puedes capturar rápidamente lo que tengas delante y darle sentido al instante para tu público con una serie de sencillas herramientas de anotación.

This takes 2 minutes in Nimbus — it would have taken me an hour in Photoshop

Puedes capturar pestañas enteras, seleccionar partes, poner retardos y grabar vídeo. Lo que ocurra en tu pantalla.

Once you’re done, you can save the image to your Google Drive, send it to Slack, send it to your Nimbus account, or just download it.

I think printing is also an option, but I like trees so I don’t print.

La extensión Nimbus Screenshot Chrome extension es gratuita.

#11. Salesflare

Yes sir, Salesflare has a Chrome extension! (You didn’t know? 😔)

No se trata de una versión reducida, sino de la versión completa de nuestro CRM inteligente. Vive y respira dentro de tu bandeja de entrada de Gmail.

Sitting there in a sidebar, it shows you all the relevant info on people you’re in contact with (similar to other extensions like FullContact’s and Rapportive) and allows you to create accounts and opportunities straight from Gmail. No need to open up a new tab.

You can check up on your pipeline, keep track of insights, blink at your automated to-do list (so you don’t miss follow-ups, eh) and scroll through contacts and accounts.

Creo que ya lo entiendes: el plugin hace todo lo que hace la aplicación.

☝️ We actually have quite some customers saying they barely leave their Gmail to use Salesflare.

El complemento también rastrea los correos electrónicos y los clics en los enlaces para que sepas cuándo los destinatarios abren tu mensaje (y cuántas veces) y hacen clic.

We also just revamped the plugin. It’s now more powerful and user-friendly than ever 💪. Your Gmail will love it.

Nuestra extensión de Chrome viene con una suscripción Salesflare. Haga clic en aquí para obtener su prueba gratuita de 14 días.

#12. CloudHQ Sync

Ah, la nube. No más USBs. No más discos externos. No más copias de seguridad.

Sin embargo, la nube es complicada.

Evernote, Box, OneNote, Basecamp, Dropbox, Gmail, OneDrive, SharePoint. You’re probably using something that’s not on this list. That’s the point.

If you’re one of those types that has their files scattered all over the virtual place (guilty as charged) — CloudHQ Sync maybe just the thing for you.

Tomado de CloudHQ.net

Por fin todo en el mismo sitio. Una nube para gobernarlas a todas.

Sincronización CloudHQ es gratis.

#13. FigureItOut (FIO)

Poder trabajar globalmente con personas de todo el mundo es sencillamente increíble. Pero también conlleva retos.

There’s language, but most people speak English. If you think about it, time zones are a bigger issue. Whether you’re posting on social media, writing emails, giving customer support or setting up meetings — at all times you have to think about the time zone your prospect is in.

We’re from Antwerp baby 🖖

La extensión FIO permite añadir hasta 10 husos horarios en una nueva pestaña de Chrome.

You’ll know in a heartbeat what time it is anywhere in the world. My favourite feature is that FIO also shows different national holidays. No more emails lost in celebrations and aftermaths of celebrations.

It’s also looks quite stunning, doesn’t it.

#14. Mixmax

My absolute favourite Chrome extension. (After Salesflare 😎)

Mixmax is totally bonkers 😵.

Si el correo electrónico fuera un deporte, usar Mixmax equivaldría a doparse. Ilegal.

It puts your Gmail on rocket fuel 🚀.

Con Mixmax tu Gmail puede:

  • la pista se abre, hace clic y se descarga (como Salesflare)
  • programar reuniones con clientes potenciales de forma fácil e instantánea
  • incluir sondeos y encuestas en el correo electrónico
  • escriba más rápido con potentes plantillas
  • programar correos electrónicos
  • personalizar correos masivos con un montón de variables
  • posponer correos electrónicos, establecer recordatorios

Superpoderes Mixmax

What’s more: Mixmax sends emails directly from your Gmail, unlike MailChimp and alternatives.

This makes it perfect for cold emailing. This will prevent your email from ending up in the Promotions tab of your lead’s Gmail account. Perfect for cold emailing.

There’s a huge amount of variables you can use to personalise mass emails. If you have enough data on your leads, you can send hundreds of highly personalised emails while watching Netflix.

Mixmax cuesta desde $9 al mes.

#15. LastPass

I have a few email addresses. I have some social media accounts. I have a domain or two. Quite a few personal accounts. Work accounts here and there. Multiple family accounts. Even my dog has an account to let me know when he’s hungry.

That’s a lot of passwords laying around.

Siempre odié aprender cosas de memoria en la escuela.

I didn’t start loving it at work.

I could use the same password everywhere. But not only do a lot of apps not let you (‘you need to add at least one number to your password’), it would also create a huge security risk.

LastPass allows you to have everything safely stored and easily accessible at all times so you don’t have to waste time anymore getting headaches trying to remember that one password.

I don’t even have to make up passwords anymore, LastPass can do that for me. And auto-fill them as soon as I need ‘m.

Puedes empezar con LastPass gratis. Premium cuesta a partir de $1 al mes y también tienen paquetes para empresas.

#16. Lumio

Me encantan las citas. Textos inspiradores de una sola línea. Sencillas pero poderosas.

Llevo un cuaderno conmigo a todas partes, para anotar cosas que merezca la pena recordar y releer.

Whenever I’m working on a piece of content, I first read. A lot. And the same thing happens: I get inspired by the work of others.

From ‘The Silver Bullet To Startup Marketing

Lumio is Chrome’s replacement for my notebook.

Me permite seleccionar fragmentos de texto, imágenes y vídeos para luego guardarlos y organizarlos como tarjetas.

This is gold for whatever type of research you’d have to do.

Puede utilizarlo para marketing de contenidos, elaborar estudios de casos, hacer resúmenes de reseñas de terceros o recopilar otra información relevante para enviar a clientes potenciales. O simplemente para estar al día de cosas inspiradoras que encuentres por internet.

Lumio es gratis.

#17. Impulso

Mirar un millón de pestañas de Chrome puede ser agotador.

Agota tu inspiración y tu creatividad. Te cansa. Te vuelve loco.

Impulso puede darte un momento para ti en medio de una ajetreada jornada laboral. Para aclarar tus ideas y volver a centrarte.

Did I? Did I rock it? 😏

It’s basically an empty Chrome tab with just the time and the weather. And a beautiful picture.

Puedes establecer tu enfoque diario y añadir tareas pendientes.

Doesn’t have to be more than that.

#18. OneTab

Hablar de un millón de pestañas de Chrome agotándote.

¿Por qué tenemos tantas pestañas abiertas todo el tiempo?

For me it’s because I need to keep them open. They’re either sources I’m using to create something or there’s some kind of process going on there.

I’m also too lazy to close them if I don’t need them anymore. That would break my flow. And the flow, my friend, is sacred.

It’s a mess, always.

And that’s a problem. Because amidst all the mess, I’d end up closing stuff I still needed. It’s inefficient, unsustainable and stupid.

Llega OneTab. Enviado por Dios mismo.

OneTab closes your tabs. But — don’t panic — it saves all the URLs within a single tab, with the option to restore them all individually or all at once.

Incluso puedes exportar esa lista y compartirla con amigos o compañeros de trabajo.

Antes me iba a la cama con un fu*kton de pestañas abiertas. Ahora las guardo en OneTab.

Do you realise how many work memory you’re saving working with 5 tabs open instead of 55? Your browser experience will become a bliss 😊.

#19. GIPHY

If you’ve been reading this blog, you know I’m quite the fan of animated GIFs.

Don’t underestimate the time that goes into finding funny, relevant GIFs in GIPHY’s database. It’s hard work, yo.

que el día 4 sea contigo¡Feliz Día de Star Wars!

With GIPHY’s Chrome Extension I can just search GIPHY straight from the tab I’m writing. I used to search them in a separate tab, download them and re-upload them in the post. I know: stupid right?

Why do I add it here? Because it’s fun. And because I want more GIFs on the internet. My way of supporting a good cause 😘.

#20. Datanyze Insider

Go full Sherlock on your prospect’s websites with Datanyze’s Chrome Extension 🕵️.

Esta cosa le dirá la pila de software exacta que una empresa está utilizando, sólo de su sitio web.

Con un solo clic puedo ver que nuestro cliente unicornio Udacity tiene su correo electrónico funcionando en Gmail, utiliza Hotjar, CrazyEgg y Google Analytics sobre los visitantes de su sitio web y utiliza LiveChat para ofrecer atención al cliente instantánea.

You can use Datanyze’s Insider extension for free. A full subscription is a little more pricey, but also a lot more powerful.

#21. Responder: Búsqueda y difusión gratuitas de correo electrónico

Raise your hand if you’ve ever used LinkedIn to look up your prospects’ information. 🙋‍♀️

And who hasn’t? If you’re working in sales or marketing it is pretty much inevitable.

This extension makes finding prospect emails on LinkedIn a breeze 💨. It keeps your pipeline full allowing you to hand-pick the contacts one by one or source emails in bulk directly from LinkedIn Sales Navigator. 

Reply Chrome Extension for sales

Y lo mejor de todo es que ilimitado número de búsquedas por correo electrónico de gratis – no extra costs or limitations.

Estratega de crecimiento de Salesflare
Soy el antiguo estratega de crecimiento de Salesflare - el CRM sencillamente potente para pequeñas empresas. El crecimiento y la automatización son lo mío.
Gilles DC