How To Build A Sales Funnel That Sells

Guie-os por esses 4 estágios do funil de vendas

A criação de um funil de vendas é muito parecida com um namoro. Ele acontece em etapas.

You don’t try to get her in your bed on the first date.
You don’t ask what their five-year plan is after two dinners.
You don’t give him/her the key to your place after a couple of sleepovers.
You don’t propose when you’ve only known each other for three months.

A construção de relacionamentos significativos exige paciência, cuidado generoso, trabalho árduo e tempo. Todos nós sabemos disso.

Os relacionamentos com os clientes não são diferentes.

Você já comprou algo por meio de um e-mail frio de um estranho? Você já comprou algo em um anúncio do Facebook na primeira vez em que o viu?

buy it, buy it now - skip all the sales funnel stages

Way too often do I see sales people and marketers bombard people they don’t know with sales pitches for products they don’t need.

And no: customising first name, last name and company name in your automated cold email doesn’t count as personalisation.

O objetivo do marketing não é fazer vendas. O objetivo do marketing é construir relacionamentos baseados em valor com um público. Uma venda é apenas a consequência lógica desse relacionamento.

Without a relationship, there can be no sale. A sale is your lead acting on their trust in you to solve a problem they’re having, to reach a goal they care about.

It’s the equivalent of your better half committing to a long-term relationship with you. That stuff doesn’t happen overnight.

O equivalente de marketing do processo que o leva a tentar conquistar o coração daquela pessoa especial é chamado de funil de vendas.

Assim como o namoro, as primeiras férias juntos, conhecer os pais, morar juntos e, por fim, assumir um compromisso, o funil de vendas é uma etapa de várias etapas e várias modalidades que leva os clientes em potencial do desconhecimento de você e de seu produto/serviço à compra desse mesmo produto/serviço.

O funil de vendas é a concretização da sabedoria de que você nunca deve vender à primeira vista. Além de seu cliente potencial ter o problema que você pode resolver, o único fator que impulsiona esse processo de transformação é a confiança. Para passar do lead ao negócio, você precisa fazer com que seu cliente potencial confie em você e, finalmente, aja de acordo com essa confiança.

There’s different models to conceptualize this process. The traditional version outlines four sales funnel stages going from awareness to interest, decision and finally action. Growth hacking teams prefer Dave McClure’s pirate funnel, portraying awareness, acquisition, activation, retention, referral and revenue as the six sales funnel stages a customer goes through on his buying journey.

For the sake of keeping it simple, we’re going to stick to the basics while defining a template:

  • conscientização: o cliente em potencial fica sabendo de sua existência
  • interesse: o cliente em potencial verifica seu valor
  • decisão: o cliente potencial decide que confia em você para resolver seus problemas e age de acordo com essa confiança, tomando uma decisão de compra
  • relacionamento de longo prazo: o cliente potencial se tornou um cliente

People learn about you, they check you out, they make the decision to become your customer and stay your customer. As a marketer, you’re responsible for getting a prospect to learn about you, getting them to check you out, driving them towards them towards commitment and honoring that commitment for a longer period of time. Sounds a lot like the stages of your love life, doesn’t it?

#1. Conscientização

As with dating, you’re starting out from a position where you and your prospect don’t know each other. You do — or should — however have a clear-cut idea of who your type is, who your buyer persona is. These are the people you know you can provide value to. Showing them that you can is what will enable you to build trust and establish a relationship.

Esse é o estágio em que eles entram em seu funil de vendas.

Conceptually, there’s two ways this can happen. Either your prospect comes to you (inbound) or you go to your prospect (outbound).

Outbound is what most people know as traditional marketing: tv, radio, direct mail, billboards. Digital examples of outbound marketing include PPC, banner ads and cold email. It’s pushy, unaligned, impersonal and doesn’t take the context of individual recipients into account. The idea behind this kind of online marketing is if a large enough audience is reached, a small minority will identify with your message and convert. Small, but big enough to make it worth the investment. You push answers and hope to capture people that have the questions.

anything is possible with inbound marketing - i'm on a unicorn

Inbound turns that idea upside-down. It’s prospects acting to solve their problems and ending up on your doorstep because you have the answers. As an inbound marketer, it’s your job to make it easy for people with questions to find your answers. You do this by finding out where they look and being there with your value (SEO, social media).

Forget inbound and outbound. Focus on giving value.

For many people outbound marketing and spam are two names for the same thing and understandably so. Unsolicited emails with content that’s not relevant doesn’t do anything but waste your time and energy. They’re stealing your attention and you don’t get anything in return.

Back when I was still in my marketing diapers, I’d sent out cold emails blatantly pitching Salesflare to unsegmented lists, asking recipients to check it out and get back to me with feedback. This won’t come as a surprise to you: no one replied.

Why would they? Who in their right mind would take out valuable time out of their day to do something for someone who’s a total stranger to them?

Especialmente se esse estranho for claramente um profissional de marketing.

excuse me, who the fuck are you - when you skipped the first stage

Now watch what happens if you send them something that is worth their time, like a piece of content that directly addresses a problem they’re struggling with in their business or an invite to your Facebook community with lots of people like them. That last one tends to work particularly well: it takes little effort to join a Facebook group and getting a personal invitation makes people feel special. Once in your group, they’ve effectively entered the first stage of your sales funnel.

Are you selling marketing automation software and targeting founders from design agencies with around 20 employees? Send them an article with actionable tactics they can use to get more clients. Or what about an interview with a founder of a design agency that doubled its business over the last year? I know I’d want to read that if I were a design agency founder.

Will everyone reply to your email now? No. You’re still targeting people you don’t know anything about other than superficial characteristics like role, industry and company size. Their unique context is unknown to you and that context may still cause them to reject you or at least not reply. Not every girl or guy you’re asking out is going to say yes, even though you have some many shared interests — but hey, they can’t blame you for trying.

Even if they don’t reply, by offering relevant value you drastically reduce the risk of people resenting you for sending them something they didn’t ask for. There’ll always be people who want to bitch about it, but overall you’ll have made a positive first impression with your brand.

Essa é outra maneira de pensar sobre entrada e saída.

Once you have value that is relevant to your audience, it’s merely about who the conversation starts. You can make it easy for people to find it (inbound) or you can offer it to them (outbound). Or both. The point is that neither one is going to work if you don’t have content that is of value to the people you’re targeting.

Know your audience

Para saber que tipo de valor você deve criar, primeiro você precisa saber o que é valioso para o seu público-alvo. Isso requer empatia e diligência. Para isso, é preciso estar onde seu público está e se colocar no lugar dele.

Nunca antes na história isso foi tão fácil como é hoje. A mídia social é como uma pesquisa de mercado em tempo real: as pessoas se manifestam e expressam seus problemas, dores, lutas, desejos e anseios. Você só precisa estar lá e manter seus ouvidos abertos.

Aside from immersing yourself in online tribes, you can look at a site like AnswerThePublic to find out what kind of questions people are asking around a given keyword. Here’s a peek at questions revolving around the keyword ‘CRM’:

CRM questions - the stage of searching

Outro recurso excelente para descobrir o que as pessoas querem saber é o Quora.

When starting out at Salesflare, we’d get tons of leads from simply answering to CRM recommendations asked on Quora. People asks questions of all sorts on there and that makes it a great inspiration for content creation.

Embora o número de visualizações e de seguidores forneça uma boa indicação de quão procurada é uma pergunta, a melhor maneira de identificar tópicos valiosos no Quora é vinculá-los a palavras-chave de SEO e verificar o volume de pesquisa.

ahrefs - the stage of searching

Usando uma ferramenta de SEO como Ahrefs, ou SEMrush, você pode rastrear as perguntas mais procuradas do Quora, conforme mostrado na captura de tela. Você também pode fazer isso no Reddit, outro lugar na Internet que pode lhe dar muita inspiração sobre o valor a ser criado.

Ultimately, the best way to find out what is of value to a group of people is to become part of that group of people. It’s no coincidence the best entrepreneurial stories start with founders scratching their own itches. If you yourself are part of the target audience, you’ll know exactly what kind of value is needed. Friends make very good customers.

Criar conteúdo e promovê-lo são duas coisas muito diferentes

Marketing has finally caught up with understanding that targeted value beats unsolicited ads. Competition in the organic content marketing space is growing fierce. Great content isn’t going to read itself the same way great products don’t sell themselves. If you want eyeballs on your value, you need a strategy.

O dinheiro está nas listas. Quanto maiores e mais direcionadas forem as suas listas, mais pessoas lerão e compartilharão o seu conteúdo, alimentando a sua disseminação e o tráfego exclusivo.

  • Lista de e-mails
  • Lista de chatbots do Facebook
  • Lista de retargeting

If you’re not building a Facebook chatbot list, now’s the time. Messenger is the lowest-threshold medium to deliver content through right now. Its open rates make your emails’ look ridiculous but they will go down as more businesses start to use it. If you jump on the train today and build up a big fat list by the time that happens, you’ll beat everyone else who didn’t. Apps like Chatfuel and ManyChat make it dead easy to build a chatbot without coding in minutes so no excuses there.

Your retargeting list isn’t going to get you a lot of unique traffic but it will get people to buy, which is the whole point of doing content and basically anything else anyway.

build lists of prospects to fill your first sales funnel stage

Technically, list building happens further down the sales funnel stages. They’re about capturing interest, which awareness is meant to trigger. You can build lists without having your prospects approval (opt-in), but I don’t recommend this. This takes you down to the level of unsolicited mass cold emailing, a.k.a. throwing $#*! and see what sticks without caring what the people you threw $#*! at now think about you.

The reason we need to talk about lists already is that they’re an essential building block of your content promotion strategy and thus key to triggering word-of-mouth over the internet. Getting new people to read your content passes through the ones that are already likely to dig and share your it.

We’ll go over capturing interest and getting people to sign up for your email list in a bit. First you’ll want to focus on distribution strategy that triggers interest of more people so more people sign up to your lists.

so meta

Assim que você terminar um novo conteúdo, faça o máximo em termos de distribuição.

  1. Send it out to your email list. State that it’s an article in the subject line and make a short introduction. And remember: you’re sharing, not selling.
  2. Envie-o para seus assinantes do bot do Facebook. A mesma ideia.
  3. Run your content as Facebook Ads to any audience that may be relevant. This is how you beat hundreds of thousands of other pieces of content battling for your audience’s attention. Use paid traffic to fuel organic traffic and build your lists.
  4. Adapte seu conteúdo. Respostas do Quora, Reddit threads, publicações no LinkedIn, tweets, Google Docs em grupos do Facebook, microblogs no Instagram: onde quer que seu público-alvo esteja e o que quer que seja que os faça flutuar.
  5. Envie seu conteúdo para diretórios relevantes com grandes públicos. No meu caso, trata-se de e O Zest é uma extensão do Chrome para profissionais de marketing com artigos selecionados.


Zest turns your ‘New Tab’ in Chrome in a beacon of marketing inspiration

6. See the guy on the top-left? That’s Daniel Kempe, the founder of Quuu. You can use Quuu to automate sharing great articles relevant to your niche on your social media channels. The articles that get into your feed are curated from the input the guys at Quuu get from QuuuPromote. If you want your articles to be automatically shared by influencers from all over the world, submit your article there.

Become a familiar face

As pessoas costumam dizer que veem meu conteúdo em todos os lugares.

Eles querem dizer isso de uma forma positiva. Pelo menos eu acho que sim.

Isso não é coincidência. Eu o projetei para ser assim.

you can't ignore me, i'm everywhere, like God

Put a face to your content by being everywhere your target audience is. People buy from people they know, like and trust — give them the opportunity to build that kind of relationship with you. Serve your helpful content with a friendly face.

I connect with prospects on LinkedIn. I also follow them on Twitter and on Quora, lots of them follow me back. Now everywhere they look, they’ll see my face. And my content.

Sounds a bit stalky? Maybe. But don’t underestimate how special people feel when they see that notification telling them someone’s following them. Besides, platforms like LinkedIn were conceived for this purpose: to make business personal. Growing an online network is about connection, value and nurturing. The principles of human rapport building apply everywhere.

You can avoid being weird by letting them take the first step. Only connect with people who have given you some kind of signal your value resonates with them: a reply to an email, a subscribe to your email list, a like on your Facebook page. If they’ve done any of these things, they’ll know who you are and they’ll appreciate you wanting to become friends on social media.

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you here, is to treat every profile you have on the internet as a landing page. Similar to how you optimize landing pages to get people to sign up or perform another kind of action, you can optimize your landing page to maximize follow-back ratio. Make people want to hit that ‘Follow’ or ‘Connect’ button when they land on your profile. This is about headline, tagline, profile picture, background picture and everything else you have available on a particular profile page. Establish yourself as a giver, a helper, a creator without diluting your own personality. Above all, you need to come across as authentic and valuable.

If you don’t feel like going through the trouble of going to LinkedIn, look up your prospect, hit ‘Connect’ and write a note — you can automate sending LinkedIn invites to people you’ve emailed with by connecting your business email from the ‘My Network’ tab.

personal contacts LinkedIn

add connections LinkedIn

Periodically automating this may however cause you to lose momentum with a prospect. Reaching out after an email exchange solidifies the young relationship and keeps your prospect warm. A little trick that can help out here is to link your LinkedIn in your email signature. You’d be surprised how many people will click it.

Caso você queira aumentar o nível: a maioria das pessoas ativas no Twitter lista seu perfil no LinkedIn para que você possa segui-las no Twitter com cerca de dois cliques.

Note that if you’re going to be everywhere, you better make a good impression. Establish yourself as a helper and a giver. Someone people can easily connect to. Being all over their news feeds isn’t a good thing if they think you’re in it to take something from them (sell to them).

Now that we’re on the subject: don’t you ever dare to unsolicitedly pitch your business to prospects on LinkedIn.

Depois que alguém estiver em sua rede do LinkedIn, você também poderá cultivá-lo no Facebook veiculando anúncios com seu conteúdo.

Click your avatar and head to ‘Setting and Privacy’. From Account > Account, choose ‘Download your data’.

download LinkedIn data

You’ll get an export with all sorts of stuff, amongst which all your connections with their primary LinkedIn email addresses. You can turn these into a custom audience to run Facebook ads to.

Consistently providing value on different platforms at the same time is a great way to quickly build up your know, like and trust factor. You’ll stop being the gazillionth founder that wants to desperately sell his beloved baby product and become recognized as someone people can trust to solve a particular problem.

Establishing personal social media connections with prospects in the awareness stage of the sales funnel helps trigger people’s interest in your product or service. Once the interest is there, you’ll already have a connection in place to develop into a relationship. A customer relationship, for example.

Automate your reach

Uma pergunta que as pessoas me fazem com frequência é como elas conseguem criar um ótimo conteúdo de forma consistente.

A resposta é simples: automatizar todo o resto.

In order to go all-in on mindful work like creating value and building human connections, you need to outsource as much mindless work as possible. Technology like automation and auto scheduling software has matured up to a point where it doesn’t need your supervision anymore. Take advantage of that. Have the robots take care of the robot work so you can focus on stuff that matters.

you can't lose your job to automation, if you're the one automating jobs

A única ferramenta que você deve conhecer aqui é o Zapier.

Zapier allows you to connect a whole bunch of apps (750+) and make ’em work together without you having anything to do with it. Just tell it what you’d like it to do.

A ideia é bem simples: cada aplicativo tem uma série de acionadores e uma série de ações. Você pode criar um fluxo em que um acionador específico em um aplicativo aciona uma ação no outro.

Such an automatic flow is a ‘Zap’.

make a zap

What to automate? Everything that doesn’t need your human touch.

This notion goes beyond the sales funnel stage of awareness. It’s valid for everything in your business, your life even.

We of course use Salesflare (straight from the CRM) to automate our email outreach. In a manual world, we’d have to feed leads by importing. CSV files with data every time again. You can just as easy have Zapier take care of this for you.

The most basic example here would be to use Zapier to hook up your Salesflare contacts to a Google Sheet. Every time you’d add a lead to the Google Sheet, it will be added as a Salesflare contact with a specific tag and the email workflow will start.

Um exemplo mais avançado: conecte uma ferramenta de localização de e-mail como VoilaNorbert ao Salesflare e acione a criação de um novo destinatário em um fluxo de trabalho de e-mail do Salesflare sempre que o VoilaNorbert encontrar um novo endereço de e-mail.

Tread carefully when you’re doing email automation however. Email automation tools can personalize the copy of your emails using data like name, company and more but just getting someone’s name right isn’t quite what ‘personalization’ is about. Most people stop there and then act all surprised that their emails aren’t working.

You got my name right, guess I need to buy your product now?

Personalization is about getting the right value and message to the right person. If you want to rhyme getting a piece of content outlining how design agency founders can get more leads to actual design founders with email automation, you’re going to need to segment your list thoroughly. Segment lead lists on characteristics like role, industry, company size and then match these lists to a piece of value that is perfectly aligned with them. That’s how you get the right value to the right person. That’s how you properly personalize an automated email.

And that's how it's done!

Mais acima nos estágios do funil de vendas, mas vale a pena mencionar no âmbito da automação: use o Zapier para configurar um agendador de reuniões (como ou Calendly) para capturar leads se eles acabarem agendando uma reunião com você e, em seguida, ter esses leads automaticamente enviados para o Salesflare ou outro CRM, tudo pronto para um acompanhamento eficiente. Para obter mais inspiração sobre esse assunto, confira nossa postagem sobre A arte sutil do acompanhamento com automação.

Here’s another one: send out automated emails to customers giving you a NPS-score of 8 and higher, asking them if they would like to write a review on a review website or Product Hunt. is NPS-software that has this feature built-in.

Think beyond processes that are directly linked to your sales funnel: anything that doesn’t need your own personal attention and talent is eligible for automation. It’s all about freeing up time for stuff that really matters: creating value and building meaningful relations.

If you’d like to automate something but can’t see how, you can always hire a freelancer to do it for you on Upwork. There’s tons of talented people from all over the world who’d love to work with you.

#2. Interesse

Alguém clicou em seu link e agora está em sua página de destino.


He/she clicked on my link, I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious - moving up sales funnel stages

Não tão rápido.

A prospect clicking through to your landing page is like a first date. It’s great that they agreed upon that first date, it shows interest. But the game is only just beginning: you now have a shot at proving that interest is justified. Your price: their permission to contact you again for more value: a new date, a new piece of content, an offer. Whatever you want to call it.

What you’re after is the marketing game’s equivalent of getting someone’s phone number: their email address. Interest only becomes real once you manage to capture it.

Build an email (or chatbot) list

An email list is so much more than just a list with email addresses you can send messages to. It’s your audience, your fan base, a life line that helps you thrive when times are good and keeps you above the water when times are bad. Empires have been built on email lists.

When people opt-in to your email list, they give you the permission to contact them with value. It’s them effectively entering the first stage your sales funnel. The game is on.

Criação de listas de e-mail é normalmente feito usando ímãs de chumbo. This is where you trade in value for email addresses, also known as the ‘want access to my FREE ebook on making a million dollars in one day?!’ tactic.

The problem with bombarding people with such a lead magnet is that it can feel deceptive. The title may sound great but that doesn’t guarantee the value behind it, is too. If your leads gives in and gives up their email address to then discover the content doesn’t deliver on its promise at all, they’ll feel tricked.

Esse é o fenômeno do clickbait.

Yes, you’ll have their email address but instead of capturing interest you have now sown aversion, making that email address utterly useless. And if they did like the value, there’s no way to know — you’re in the dark either way.

Você pode ser mais sutil. Observe como a tenta fazer com que as pessoas se inscrevam em sua lista de e-mails a partir de este excelente artigo sobre Intercom, oferecendo-lhes conteúdo de bônus.

Sumo growth study

The article in question is an awesome breakdown of Intercom’s marketing tactics. They give you an inspiring story with tons of takeaways you can use in your business but leave out the cherry on top of the pie. Not only is this way more effective in building up your goodwill, Sumo’s marketers can also rest assured that people really did think the value they got from Sumo was great. Their interest is as real as it can get and deserves to be captured.

It doesn’t always have to be an article, whitepaper or ebook. One of the greatest lead magnet examples of all time is HubSpot’s WebsiteGrader, an online tool that assesses the quality of your website and turns its findings into free advice on how to get it right. Since its launch in 2006, this gimmick has graded over 4 million websites. Getting HubSpot not just a huge email list, but also a lot of valuable data that can be used to identify and qualify prospects.

Or you can just keep it simple and put engaging CTAs to ‘never miss anything’ on strategic places, next to that great content you’re consistently putting out.

A lista de e-mails do futuro se parece com uma lista de chatbot. Os clientes potenciais podem se inscrever nela clicando em um CTA como o abaixo (não é real) e receber suas atualizações automaticamente na caixa de entrada.

Your sales pipeline on autopilot

As a channel, it has less friction than email. For some reason, people seem to find it less painful to clean up their Messenger inbox than their email one. Open rates on messages broadcasted via Messenger are reported to be around 85–90% — huge compared to email.

The email list is not dead yet and won’t be for a long time. For now, I’d advise you to use both alongside each other. Chat bots are a fun, low-threshold way to keep the conversation alive and regularly nudge your audience with small chunks of value— though it heavily depends on your target audience. Email on the other hand is still more universal, the backbone of the internet.

No entanto, lembre-se do que Andrew Chen disse certa vez:

Com o tempo, todas as estratégias de marketing resultam em taxas de cliques de $h*tty.

Thanks to text annotation and LLMs, chatbots are the next big thing now. They’ve become easy to use and they work. You can either wait until everyone uses them and your audience has grown annoyed with them or you can be an early adopter, jump on the boat today and have a loyal audience built up by that time.

Unleash the Facebook Pixel

Nem todo mundo morde na primeira vez que você abaixa a isca.

That’s okay, sometimes love needs some nurturing to grow and blossom. Besides, nothing worth-while comes easy. Hard-to-get just makes it all the more sweet when you do eventually get it.

Challenge accepted

The good news is that in online marketing you can automate keeping the spark alive. It’s called retargeting and Facebook made it ridiculously easy.

Let’s put it this way: you don’t need your prospect to budge for your awesome lead magnet in order to keep on nurturing them with great value. They lost the power to deny you that the second they clicked through to your landing page or blog post.

Mais especificamente, o Pixel do Facebook permite que você segmente os visitantes do site em públicos-alvo personalizados que você pode segmentar com anúncios.

Alguns exemplos:

Retargeting sales funnel on website traffic

  • pessoas que visitaram seu site nas últimas 24 horas
  • pessoas que visitaram seu site nos últimos 180 dias, mas não voltaram a visitá-lo em 30 dias
  • pessoas que visitaram uma página específica em seu site
  • pessoas que visitaram uma página específica em seu site, mas não outra página específica

These options enable you to show the right value to the right audience. Say you’re creating a series on do’s and don’ts for job interviews. The Facebook Pixel makes it dead easy to show the second blog post to just the people who read the first one. Pro tip: avoid having the Facebook Pixel capturing users by setting a delay time. You don’t want to spend your money on bounced users.

You can use the Time Since Last Visit — filter of your Pixel to create a smart retargeting sales funnel for website visitors. Gently guiding them towards conversion.

It’ll take some time to figure out the sequence that converts best, but once you do, you can just sit back in your couch, play Mario Kart and watch it happen.

Visit my website, fall into my retargeting funnel

The stages of a basic retargeting sales funnel would look something like this 👇

  • Day 0–6 since last visit: promotion for free trial signup
  • Day 7–11: offer lead magnet to get email address (ebook, etc)
  • Day 12–16: highlight benefit #1 of product with CTA to signup for trial
  • Day 17–21: testimonial video highlighting the value of the product with CTA to signup for trial
  • Day 21–25: highlight benefit #2 of product with CTA to signup for trial
  • Day 26–30: promotion for free trial signup with new image in the ad

Só para você ter uma ideia.

You’ll need to figure out what works best for your conversion process. Play around with times since last visit and different types of content. Try to build a narrative into the sequence to make it stick more.

The practical side of this boils down to creating Custom Audiences for each of the time windows you‘d want to target with different ads. Then create ad sets for each Custom Audience.

Outra maneira é lançar automaticamente campanhas de redirecionamento a partir dos dados em seu CRM usando um software como o LeadsBridge. O LeadsBridge pode criar públicos personalizados a partir de segmentos de clientes em seu CRM e segmentá-los com anúncios específicos. Por exemplo, na Salesflare, usamos o LeadsBridge para redirecionar nossos usuários de teste com vídeos de integração.

Making creative use of the Facebook Pixel will make it easy to keep on nurturing the part of your audience that is still on the verge in a targeted and automated way. If you keep this up, they should eventually cave and sign up for your list. Or immediately go for purchasing whatever it is you have to offer. Not wanting to opt-in doesn’t always equal not being interested.

If they do stay idle, it just wasn’t meant to be. Good thing you barely spent energy on it.

Come running when they need you

My female friends often tell me to play hard-to-get, counteract my instincts and ignore girls I’m interested in. They say it‘ll make me more desirable.

I have no idea if it works. I’ve never tried, or am to weak to try — you decide. Whatever it is, don’t take this advice if you’re serious about keeping your sales funnel alive.

Why you play hard to get, when you are hard to want

It’s your prospect who gets to do the ignoring. You better make sure you’re available whenever they call upon you for whatever.

Forms are so 2016, 2015, 2014… ‘Prehistorical’ is the word we’re looking for. Today you can have a direct line with your prospects and customers using livechat software like Intercom or Drift. This is a key element of establishing yourself as someone your leads can trust to solve their problems. They have a problem, you solve it. In real-time.

Both Intercom and Drift aren’t your everyday chat-services anymore. They have matured into intelligent specimens that can cover for you when you’re not around. At present this doesn’t go much beyond some auto-responses, but they’re getting smarter by the day.

Permitir que os clientes potenciais ajudem a si mesmos

I’m a resourceful guy. Whenever I look for a piece of information on a website, I first check out the Help or FAQ section before I’d turn to reaching out to customer support. Some people just like to find things out on their own, you know.

There’ll always be people who don’t like calling, chatting or even emailing. That doesn’t mean you can’t get them as a customer. Provide them with an elaborated self-help section, whatever that means for your product or service.

You can easily merge this tactic with your live chat support. Solving customer problems goes a lot quicker if you can refer them to articles that answer exactly the question they have. It doesn’t even have to be you the one referring them. Whenever our live chat at Salesflare isn’t manned (we sleep sometimes, you know), the bot will suggest the customer to check out articles from the HowTo section. Creating tons of content around your product is also great for SEO.

We build our HowTo section within Intercom. If you’re using Drift or something else, you can take a look at SupportHero.

And then, if we take it another step further, there’s also digital user feedback. User feedback is ideal for identifying pain points within your sales funnel, thus giving you around-the-clock insights into the customer experience. And this isn’t limited to just your website. Digital solutions such as Mopinion enable organisations to collect and analyse this feedback on multiple digital channels such as websites, mobile apps and email campaigns.

Bring it all together in your CRM

Os sistemas de CRM já foram concebidos como um centro que reunia todas as relações com os clientes. Em algum lugar, em meio ao sofrimento da entrada manual de dados e dos gostos, essa essência se perdeu. Salesflare é a nossa maneira de recuperá-la. Um local central para reunir seus dados e permitir que você crie relações significativas com vários clientes potenciais ao mesmo tempo, de forma fácil e sem esforço.

Whether you use Salesflare or something else, think of your CRM as your Batcave. It’s the base from where you reflect on your actions, contemplate your next move and pull the strings. The one thing that allows you to do all of that, is data.

Contact data, company info, social profiles and networks of contacts. Emails you’ve exchanged, pages on your websites they’ve visited, links they’ve clicked, phone calls you’ve had and meetings you’ve held. Your sales funnel. All in one place.

Salesflare gets you this without you having to lift a finger. But it’s only when you link it up to other tools that it becomes really powerful. In addition to all the other data, we pull in Intercom conversations, NPS scores and trial data to get a full-fledged in-depth overview of every lead and customer in our sales funnel, organized by stage.

If you think we’ve reached that stage of our relationship, here’s a CTA 👇 If not, no hard feelings.

“Love Salesflare. Simple but elegant and always improving. Love the UI. Great team to work with. Also, appreciating the Gmail integration and other 3rd party integrations.”

Lonnie Mayne, Red Shoes Living
CRM fácil de usar

More about CTAs in a second…

Para obter mais inspiração sobre como usar seu CRM para vencer no acompanhamento e conduzir os leads pelo funil de vendas, confira The Subtle Art Of Following Up With Automation.

#3. Ação

Você pode ir a muitos encontros bonitinhos, mas, eventualmente, quer que algo aconteça. A friend zone é um lugar sombrio para se estar.

guy getting friend zoned

You can be putting out great content over and over, at some point you’re going to need to get serious and make your move.

Make your intentions clear with CTAs

You’re flirting, you’re having a good time, they’re enjoying your stuff. But at some point this relationship has to land. You started this whole thing looking to get a commitment. It’s your responsibility to drive your prospect down the sales funnel stages towards that commitment with clear call-to-actions.

Have a goal in mind with everything you create and have your prospect lay eyes upon. Be it an email, a piece of content, a landing page or a Facebook Ad — you want your prospect to perform a certain action. Make it easy for them to do just that. You can use software like Poptin to make the CTAs on your website as attractive as possible.

Make them fearful of missing out

FOMO or ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ is more than just a pop culture buzzword. It’s a real psychological occurrence, driving behaviors in people of all sorts, especially in millennials.

It's cool, I'll just sit here nursing my FOMO.

As a marketer, you don’t want to miss out on FOMO to drive decisions.

Poucas coisas impulsionam mais a decisão do que o medo de não poder fazê-lo mais tarde. Os descontos são mais poderosos quando limitados no tempo. É por isso que a Black Friday é o dia de compras mais louco do ano: a chance de terminar todas as suas compras de Natal em um dia. Não no dia seguinte, apenas nesse dia.

You need to be subtle about it though. Trying to create FOMO can give people the feeling that they’re being sold to and nobody likes that. The secret is to instill FOMO in your prospects without them being aware of it, gradually along the lines of all that value you’re giving them across channels.

Inclua alguns depoimentos de clientes

Your best tactic to avoid giving people the feeling that they’re being sold to, is having someone else tell them how awesome your product is (and how sucky it would be to miss out on it). Beyond all tools, channels, hacks and techniques, the strongest driver of sales is and will always be word-of-mouth.

If you paid attention before, you’ll have noticed that there’s a customer testimonial in the example Facebook Ads retargeting sales funnel stages laid out before. Ideally, the customer testimonial represents a case many among your target audience can relate to. The testimonial then becomes both relevant value and a decision-driver to your prospect. They see someone like them solving a problem they’re having too and will start asking themselves what they are doing about that problem.

Testimonials from customers

Of course, it doesn’t have to be a Facebook Ad. Testimonials are a great way to back up the claims you’re making on your landing pages too, like Unbounce is doing here.

testimonials from customers

Create scarcity and urgency

The Black Friday technique. Drive decision by making prospects feel it’s ‘now or never’. It’s ‘limited’ edition. There’s ‘only a few left in stock’. This deal ‘ends tomorrow’.

Flash sale Groupon

Você pode usar os dados para garantir que só mostre esses tipos de ofertas para as pessoas que estão no terceiro estágio do funil de vendas, no ponto de inflexão para a compra.

Quando perguntado sobre a essência do marketing de crescimento, Sean Ellis, padrinho do conceito, disse:

Sustainable growth comes from understanding best customers and figuring out how to find and acquire more of them.

What this means in the context of creating urgency is that you should have a clear idea of the signs a prospect shows when they’re close to cutting the knot and just need one last push, that last push being your CTA with a limited offer.

Para um produto SaaS como o Salesflare, é possível deduzir isso das ações que os usuários estão realizando em suas contas de avaliação: atividade diária, número de contas criadas, usuários adicionados às suas equipes. No caso do comércio eletrônico, isso pode ser feito pelos usuários que retornam várias vezes para visualizar um determinado item.

This kind of data will tell you who to create urgency for. It’s like your date seeking a lot of eye contact and giving you little touches with every opportunity they get. It tells you that if you would make a move now, your chances of success are pretty fair.

I'm going in the last stage of the sales funnel

#4. O relacionamento de longo prazo

Congratulations, you’re married now.

Wait... what?

Esse não é um tipo de negócio único. Você e seu cliente em potencial se comprometeram um com o outro e estão nisso a longo prazo.

Don’t worry, you still get to date and marry other prospects. On the condition that you honour your standing commitments, that is. Don’t get carried away chasing other prospects and neglecting existing customers, it will come back to bite you in the ass.

Driving traffic to your website isn’t hard. Getting them to sign up for your email list is fairly easy. You don’t have to be world class to get them to buy your product or subscribe to your service.

Just as with marriages, the hard part is what comes after. Keeping them happy, getting them to come back — over and over again.

Dê uma olhada neste gráfico sobre retenção de aplicativos Android que Andrew Chen compartilhou em seu blog há alguns anos.

Retention curve for Android apps


If 100 users download your Android app, you’ll have about 20 left after three days. About 80% of those will have you left you 90 days later.

This is as much about activating users as it is about retaining them, but you get the message: you can’t afford to only focus on driving purchases to new customers. Keeping current customers happy is at least as crucial for sustainable growth.

Not convinced? How about this report from eConsultancy saying that “the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60–70 percent, while the probability of selling to a new prospect is only about 5–20 percent.”

Loyal customers are worth way more than new ones and creating loyalty takes consistent hard work just like a long and happy marriage takes consistent hard work. Don’t just engage, stay engaged.

Make sure you know how to get this right before you scale up your marketing strategies. Customers you can’t retain aren’t just gone, they’re often also not very good ambassadors of your brand. Staying friends with your ex isn’t for everyone.

Aproveite seus Net Promotors

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this app to a friend or colleague?”


This question helps measure customer satisfaction and identify Net Promotors, people who like your product so much they’d happily refer it to other people.

Net Promotors are people who voted 9 or higher. 6 or lower indicates Detractors, customers that aren’t very happy with your product and are likely to file for divorce in the near future. They won’t exactly recommend you as a satisfying party to peers either.

First and foremost, NPS score will tell you if your product and retention strategy still needs work or if you’re ready to scale up and unleash marketing mayhem. It will tell you if you’re marriage material.

Se for o caso, talvez valha a pena incentivar seus parceiros mais felizes (Net Promotors que deram a você uma classificação de 9 ou mais) a espalhar a notícia de como você é uma excelente festa.

We hooked up NPS-software with our referral software to automate outreach to Net Promotors asking if they would consider referring in exchange for commission on the sales they bring us. There’s also automated emails going out asking them if they would do us the favor of phrasing their contentment in a review on G2Crowd or Product Hunt.

5 star reviews everywhere

And just like that, you’ve closed the loop. Now you have happy customers pushing new prospects into the firs stage of your sales funnel.

There’s a lot more to say about making customers happy and keeping them that way. We’ll keep that for our next date 😏.

We hope you liked this post. And maybe Salesflare a bit more too. 😍

If so, here’s another CTA 😉

“I received an email from a prospect from many months ago. I was able to find him on the Opportunity pipeline, and immediately knew who he was, and where he had stopped in the pipeline.”

John Verbrugge, Mãos Compartilhadas
CRM fácil de usar

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Gilles DC