Più facilità d'uso, più gioia

Godetevi i miglioramenti apportati al vostro CRM preferito

We’ve just gone live with a whole new Salesflare release!

This time it’s all about improving existing functionality: campaigns, tasks, reporting, internal notes, pipelines, … they all got better and easier to use.

Here’s which goodies are available to you now! 👇 (More to come very soon…)


Approfondite e agite sui risultati delle campagne e-mail

This new feature has been live for a bit, but we haven’t included it in any full-blown announcement yet, so here we go!

You can now super easily see who has received, opened and clicked your email campaigns… and who hasn’t. From there you can dig in further by clicking to their contact details or to the related account. 👇

Wish you could export those lists and even send follow-up emails straight from the list? We’ve got you covered: that feature is coming up next. 👊


Rapporto sulle vostre principali fonti di lead

Want to know what your top lead sources are? 🤔

We’ve added dedicated reporting for this to the Insights dashboard.

This enables you to easily see which acquisition channels are working for you… and which are not. 😏


Snooze delle attività più velocemente

If you’re a power user of Salesflare’s tasks, snoozing should be fast and easy. 💪

That’s why we’ve completely rebuilt the way you snooze tasks. You can now even select a custom date and time in a minimum amount of clicks.

Just click snooze and hover the “custom date and time” option to launch the date and time selector. 👆 Or select a quick option in one click.


Modificare le note interne in linea

Desiderate poter modificare facilmente le note interne?

Here you go! 👊

È sufficiente premere il pulsante di modifica dietro i tre punti, modificare la nota interna e salvare (o premere invio).


Modifica delle tappe vinte e perse

Want to call your “Won” stage “Paid,” “Success” or something else?

Volete fare il viola invece del verde? O qualcosa di ancora più fantasioso?

Semplice. Si tratta di un miglioramento minore, ma spesso richiesto.


Caselle di controllo a tre stati

Finally, one for those who like to have their data 100%. 🤓

Salesflare now supports tri-state checkboxes / booleans, with a “true,” “false” and “unknown” state.

That means you can, for instance, make the difference between people who have not agreed to your terms (“false”) and people who haven’t agreed yet (“unknown”).


Molti altri miglioramenti e correzioni di bug

Abbiamo migliorato le prestazioni in modo significativo (controllate la schermata dei contatti!), risolto i bug che ci avete segnalato, ottimizzato alcuni flussi dell'app e molto altro ancora.

Alcuni punti salienti dei numerosi miglioramenti apportati:

  • Easily copy phone numbers 📞
  • Quicker way to reach import data & customize fields screens 🖱
  • Account name also shown on the right in the accounts screen 👀
  • An even clearer onboarding process for new users ✨

Come sempre, continuate a ricevere i vostri commenti: ne siamo entusiasti!


Prossimamente... 🥁

  • Filtrate in tutti i modi che potete immaginare 😲
  • An easier way to send email campaigns 👈
  • Export campaign results and send follow-up emails 💌
  • Salvare i filtri per creare segmenti 💾
  • A secret project 🤫
Jeroen Corthout