Garder la tĂȘte hors de l'eau

Suivez vos clients plus facilement

The best sales people are those who manage to stay on top of everything, even if they’re managing a huge pipeline (or a huge enterprise sale).

If it sometimes feels a bit hard to keep track of all the details 😓, well, that’s what Salesflare’s here to help with. 😃

Our goal is to help you track as much as possible in an automated way, so you don’t have to do this all manually. Because if you end up not doing it, you might lose crucial information.

The three new features for this month are about staying on top of things… and about filtering through that treasure trove of customer data more easily.

Voici les nouveautĂ©s ! 👇

Filtrer les échéances de votre compte

Vous voulez voir uniquement les notes dans la chronologie ? Ou les réunions ?

The times of endless scrolling are over. 🎉

A nifty, little filter icon at the top right of every account timeline now allows you to filter this timeline by type of interaction: emails, internal notes, meetings, phone calls, link clicks, website visits, team updates, …

Filtrez votre chronologie par type d'interaction en quelques clics (en haut Ă  droite).

Try it out! 😁


Suivi des courriels non sollicités et des désabonnements

Vous voulez savoir exactement quand les courriels rebondissent ou sont désabonnés ?

Head over to your campaign’s details and click on the “Failed” tab! ⚠

Check which emails bounced or got unsubscribes in the “Failed” tab.

The counting of unsubscribes and bounces will start from today. 👈


Automatiser les tùches de saisie des notes de réunion

Vous oubliez souvent d'ajouter des notes aprÚs la fin de la réunion ? Vous manquez également les rappels de notification ?

No worries. 👊

Désormais, Salesflare affiche également une tùche suggérée automatiquement ! De cette façon, vos notes seront toujours bien sauvegardées.

Get suggested tasks to add meeting notes, so you don’t forget.

The tasks are automatically completed when you actually add the notes. 🤖


De nombreuses autres améliorations et corrections de bugs

We fixed the bugs you reported, upped the performance significantly in some places, tweaked some app flows, and much more. As always, keep the feedback coming through the live chat — we thrive on it! 😍

Prochainement... đŸ„

  • Email workflows 😲 (it’s a huge feature, so it might take a bit longer)
  • Integrate with other apps using Integromat ⚙
  • Send test emails 📨

PrĂȘt Ă  booster vos ventes ? Give Salesflare a try. We’re an easy-to-use sales CRM for small B2B companies that’s chock-full of automation and always up to date!

Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié cette mise à jour. Si c'est le cas, suivez-nous sur les médias sociaux !

👉 Vous pouvez suivre @salesflare sur Twitter, Facebook et LinkedIn.

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