Comment définir votre marché cible

Masterclass sur le pipeline de vente : PremiĂšre partie

un homme qui vise un œil de bœuf, métaphore d'un marché cible

As a startup founder, marketer or sales professional, one of the most important things you need to do is define your target market. After all, it is what lays the foundation for your marketing strategy – influencing everything from how you name your product, over how you develop it, down to which market segment you end up focusing on.

Simply put, the better you understand your target market, the closer you are to being able to market your product to the right audience at the right time. And in this lesson, we’ll show you how to do just that.


1. Recueillir des données sur vos clients actuels

Similar to how you’d audit your resources, dig out all the data you have on your existing customers. Look into where you reached out to them or how they discovered you, and why they chose to buy from you. List the common characteristics, interests and conversion cycles of these customers and identify those that bring you the most business. This will help you get started on identifying people who are more likely to benefit from your product, and vice versa.

If you’re just starting out, we recommend compiling all the data you brought together to create your product research document. Write down why you started to build the product, where the idea came from, what challenges it solves and what kind of people are more likely to benefit from what you offer.

Voici quelques points de données que vous devriez absolument examiner :

  • DonnĂ©es dĂ©mographiques gĂ©nĂ©rales (Ăąge, gĂ©ographie, sexe, langue)
  • Poste/ fonction
  • Taille du secteur et de l'entreprise
  • IntĂ©rĂȘts et objectifs
  • Pouvoir d'achat et modĂšles de dĂ©penses
  • DĂ©fis

Un bon moyen d'obtenir des donnĂ©es sur ce qui prĂ©cĂšde est de consulter votre CRM, votre programme de comptabilitĂ© ou votre base de donnĂ©es pour avoir un aperçu des conversations en cours avec les clients existants et les prospects. Pour ajouter une couche de donnĂ©es sur le mĂȘme sujet, faites des recherches sur LinkedIn et d'autres canaux de mĂ©dias sociaux. En outre, pour obtenir des donnĂ©es de premiĂšre main, vĂ©rifiĂ©es, essayez de programmer autant d'entretiens avec des clients que possible.


2. Approfondir l'analyse du site web et des médias sociaux

Once you’ve compiled the data that is readily available to you, add another layer of data on top of it by digging deeper into your website and social media analytics to fill the gaps and identify your customers better.

Les données de votre site web devraient pouvoir vous indiquer comment les visiteurs vous découvrent, quels mots-clés ils utilisent et de quel canal ils proviennent. De telles données vous aident à comprendre la psychologie de votre marché cible et la maniÚre dont vous pouvez l'atteindre au bon moment, avec le bon message.

Your Facebook Page’s Insight section gives you info about your audience demographics, including similar pages they have liked or are engaging with actively. The ‘top posts’ section in Insights, also gives you a quick snapshot of what content has performed well for your competitors. Use this data to shape a content calendar that is designed for higher engagement.

Capture d'écran d'une page Facebook Insights contenant des informations sur les pages Facebook.
Type de légende (facultatif)

Similarly, log into your Google Analytics to discover how people are reaching your website. Heading over to ‘Audience’, you can find out in-depth data on your audience – their demographics, interests, geography, behavior, the technology used, and even their interaction with your site with ‘user flows’.

Capture d'écran d'un diagramme de flux de visiteurs de Google Analytics

Tracking and recording such data while you’re defining your target market also helps you identify what keeps visitors engaged on your site, where they drop off and how you can optimize the pages to convert as many of them as possible. Google Analytics also lets you dig deeper into the source of traffic – helping you understand which channel works the best for which customer segment.

Si Google Analytics est un outil incontournable pour la plupart d'entre nous, il existe d'autres outils tels que Sprout Social et AgoraPulse qui vous offrent des informations exploitables à partir de plusieurs canaux, sur un tableau de bord unifié.


3. Surveiller la concurrence

Now that you have documented who is already interacting with your business and who might possibly be interested in what you’re offering, it’s time to look into what interests them apart from you – especially your competitors.

While you won’t get access to all the insights of your competitors’ audience engagement, you can take a look at their websites and social media channels to gauge how they’re approaching their target markets. Everything from their web copy to the illustrations they use to explain what they do is indicative of what is working in your target segment (or not) and hence will give you a head start on what you need to do to position yourself better.

En outre, il existe des outils tels que SEMrush et Ahrefs qui vous donnent un aperçu des mots-clés ciblés par vos concurrents, des sites qui leur apportent un maximum de trafic, des campagnes payantes qu'ils mÚnent, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns. C'est une bonne idée de prendre note de toutes les données relatives à votre segment d'audience documenté, afin d'améliorer votre message.

For example, if you’re offering an app marketing suite. You run your competitor link for analysis on Ahrefs. As you can see here in the screenshot, the tool points out their top performing pages and the content that they cover. Heading over to the pages, you can further gain insights into what messaging they use, what problems they are trying to address and optimize yours accordingly.

Capture d'écran d'une page href présentant un profil de liens retour pour


4. Documenter les profils de vos clients

Once you have identified the key data points that define your target market, it is time to further give shape to your document by creating ‘customer personas’. The aim of creating customer personas is to be able to define an individual by their demographics, interests, preferences, purchasing power, challenges and the solutions they’re looking for.

Similar to how it is important to do a little research on the person you’re going to have a meeting with, to have a meaningful conversation with your customers, you need to know a little about them and what they do.

A good way to start this exercise is to conduct a customer/ prospect survey or in-depth research, to be able to write down everything that defines your ‘ideal customer.’

To make things even simpler, head over to ‘Make my Persona’ by HubSpot. The tool helps you create buyer personas that can be used across teams for marketing, sales and more. It walks you step-by-step through the process, telling you why each step is important to complete.

Conseil de pro : N'oubliez pas d'Ă©tablir une distinction claire entre chacun de vos personas.

The reason you’re creating personas is to be able to tailor the experience and marketing strategies to the different target segments of your audience. If everything overlaps with one another, you’ll just end up using the same promotional message for them all, lowering the engagement you could generate otherwise.

Start by analyzing your most successful customers. This will help you create your core persona and give you direction to create the next one. If you don’t have enough data to create three personas, stick to two until you do. There’s no point spreading yourself too thin.


5. Énoncer clairement la proposition de valeur de votre produit et de votre service

Your product or service could have endless features to offer, but that list is of no use if your target segment can’t understand how they would be of any benefit to them or identify how you’re different from your competitors. You need to clearly link a value proposition to the problems that different customer personas are facing.

Un diagramme montrant le "Value Proposition Canvas", qui vous aide à trouver votre segment de marché cible.


Let’s give you a simple example. IKEA is popular for two things among many – how budget friendly they are and their smart furniture features. While one audience segment might respond to a message that talks about their functionality, the other could be more likely to engage with the brand on knowing how cost-effective their products are. The same psychology holds true when you are creating your target market statement for any industry.

A simple way to do this is to take into account persona names and create a simple statement for reference. This statement should include which persona you’re addressing – their sample name, what you’re offering to them, which of their goals it will help them achieve, and what message your competitor is using to target them.

Here’s a simple template from Strategyzer:

Un exemple de modèle de proposition de valeur, utilisé pour créer des personas de clients


6. Réexaminez et optimisez votre marché cible et vos personas

Une fois que vous avez commencé à contacter les personas de clients que vous avez définis précédemment, vous devez continuellement revenir sur vos recherches et les optimiser en fonction des réponses que vous recevez et du cycle de vie du client.

Il est important de continuer à affiner votre marché cible et vos personas clients au fur et à mesure que vous vous développez et que vous obtenez davantage de données, car cela vous donnera une image plus claire des personnes qui constituent votre véritable marché cible. Cela vous aidera à mieux identifier les clients idéaux. Continuez à parler et à écouter les gens, car votre compréhension de la clientÚle fera ou défait votre entreprise et jettera les bases de tout ce que vous ferez.

Veillez à ce que votre marché cible soit toujours en phase avec les tendances actuelles, sinon vous risquez de perdre des opportunités de marché au profit de vos concurrents.

Once you have your target market and customer personas defined, document them separately and on-board your team to them. It’s important they remain up-to-date with the data; this will ensure that you maintain a consistent message across all channels, and throughout the customer life cycle.

PrĂȘt Ă  mettre en pratique toutes vos recherches ? Cliquez sur le lien suivant DeuxiĂšme partie de notre Masterclass sur le pipeline de vente : Comment construire votre liste de prospects B2B!


“This post is Part One in a new Masterclass series on how to build your sales pipeline. Building a strong sales pipeline is the #1 key to sales success. That’s why we created this indispensable step-by-step guide, to teach you how to build your pipeline the right way.” – Jeroen Corthout, co-founder Salesflare

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Vanhishikha Bhargava