Las 11 habilidades de venta esenciales que todo vendedor necesita

There are plenty of crucial sales skills you need to have to be a successful and effective salesperson. 👩‍💼👨‍💼

But beyond knowing how to use a CRM or how to create a sales forecast (here’s a template btw), being a great salesperson means you’re in tune with your soft sales skills just as much as your technical sales skills.

It’s great that you’re able to use the latest software or have mastered Excel spreadsheets, but if you aren’t someone who is able to really develop relationships with customers, you won’t get very far. 🙅‍♀️

habilidades de venta

That’s why we’ve put together a list of 11 essential sales skills you’ll need to be highly effective.

This post is by no means exhaustive – as there are countless soft sales skills that can make you a better salesperson – but these are the most crucial when it comes to effective sales relationships.

After all, that’s a big part of why you went into sales, right? 😉

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11 habilidades blandas que todo vendedor necesita


1. Empatía

It’s always important to be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes – especially as a salesperson.

When you’re able to understand what people might be thinking or how they might be feeling, you’re able to guide conversations in a productive way. 👍

You can uncover motivations, pain points and more, meaning you have a better idea of when you can push ahead or when you need to hold back a bit – which can really turn you into a sales rockstar!

empatía ventas soft skills

Y lo que es más importante: la empatía le ayuda a construir relaciones significativas con los clientes potenciales.

They may not remember what you said, but they’ll certainly remember how you made them feel. The last thing you want in a sales situation is to have a customer feel taken advantage of, or as if you aren’t keeping their best interests in mind.

There are plenty of exercises you can do to mindfully practice empathy, including literally imagining yourself in someone else’s shoes and reframing your thoughts toward curiosity rather than judgment.

Always make sure a customer knows you’re in their corner! 👊


2. 2. Inteligencia emocional

La inteligencia emocional te permite comprender cómo se sienten los demás y gestionar tanto tus emociones como las de ellos hacia ti.

inteligencia emocional ventas soft skills

When you’re an emotionally intelligent person, people naturally relate to you and want to follow your guidance. 🚶‍♂️

Hay cuatro capacidades que engloban la inteligencia emocional:

  1. Perceiving emotions – the ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces, pictures, voices, etc., including your own emotions. This is the most basic aspect of emotional intelligence and it makes all other processing of emotional information possible.
  2. Using emotions – the ability to harness emotions to facilitate various cognitive activities, such as thinking and problem-solving. An emotionally intelligent person can capitalize fully upon changing moods in order to best fit the task at hand.
  3. Understanding emotions – the ability to comprehend emotion language and to appreciate complicated relationships among emotions (and be able to describe how emotions evolve over time).
  4. Managing emotions – the ability to regulate emotions in both ourselves and in others. Therefore, the emotionally intelligent person can harness emotions, even negative ones, and manage them to achieve intended goals.

Como puedes ver, ser emocionalmente inteligente es una increíblemente valiosa habilidad blanda a tener tanto en tu carrera como en tu vida personal.

If you’re able to pick up on a prospect’s mood, you’ll be able to gauge how to proceed with conversations.

Are they in a great mood? Maybe it’s time to close the deal. 🤝

Are they in a not-so-great mood? Sincerely ask them if everything is ok, and listen to what they have to say. Which brings me to the next point…

3. 3. Escucha activa

When you’re trying to sell a product or service online and are focused on hitting your sales targets, it can be tempting to fall into a pattern of badgering someone to buy from you and talking their ears off until they agree.

escucha activa habilidades interpersonales

Unfortunately, many salespeople still do this, even at companies who brag about how great they are at sales. 🙄

Don’t do this. No. One. Likes. This.

Instead, work on listening to your prospects. In many cases, they will tell you what their pain points are and what they’re looking for – you just have to listen.

Por supuesto, es productivo hacer preguntas para guiar la conversación de manera que obtenga la información que necesita, pero evite apoderarse de la conversación.

A nadie le gusta que le digan lo bueno que es usted o su empresa sin más. Escuche lo que tienen que decir y luego determine cuál es el siguiente paso más adecuado para ellos.

Remember: you need to be on the customer’s side, and you need to make them feel good about the exchange! 😍

4. 4. Comunicación eficaz

Salespeople spend the majority of their day communicating – so it’s important to be an effective communicator!

habilidades comunicativas eficaces

Desde enviar correos electrónicos hasta mantener reuniones, realizar llamadas telefónicas y utilizar el chat en directo para ventas, son muchas las formas en las que un vendedor necesita comunicarse en un día cualquiera, lo que hace que esto sea aún más crucial. Disponer de una herramienta fiable o de una aplicación de comunicación en equipo que le permita colaborar con su equipo o ponerse en contacto con sus clientes potenciales es, por tanto, imprescindible.

As an effective communicator, you should be able to keep your audience in mind at all times and adjust accordingly. 🗣

For example, you shouldn’t be speaking to your fellow sales colleagues the same way you would speak to a customer, because they have different needs from you and different goals in mind.

Simply put: being effective in how you communicate helps you get your points across and reach your goals. 🙌

5. Confianza

This one probably isn’t too surprising. To be a great salesperson, you have to exude confidence!

And if you don’t feel confident at the moment? Fake it ‘til you make it. 💪

confianza ventas soft skills

Confident people inspire confidence in others – so if you’re confident about what you’re selling, prospects will feel that confidence and “buy into” what you have to say.

Si crees que podrías trabajar un poco esta habilidad blanda, hay un montón de recursos y ejercicios disponibles online que te ayudarán a aumentar tu confianza y a pasar de ser un buen vendedor a un gran vendedor.

6. Flexibilidad

Working in sales can be a bit of a whirlwind at times. Meetings get moved around, prospects ask questions that aren’t included in a demo, the list goes on…

That’s why flexibility is crucial! You have to be able to change plans at the drop of the hat – in a positive and constructive manner. 🤗

flexibilidad habilidades interpersonales

En lugar de abordar los cambios con pánico o frustración, dé un paso atrás por un momento, respire un poco e intente ofrecer soluciones o alternativas.

With that said, it’s great to be flexible, but it’s also important to know when to say “no” to avoid being overloaded.

7. Optimismo

Working in sales can mean a lot of unanswered emails from leads, hung-up phone calls, rejections in many forms…so great salespeople understand the importance of staying positive!

Not everyone you speak to will necessarily be interested (or even qualify) for your product or service – and that’s ok. It’s all about being optimistic in the face of any adversity or rejection.

optimismo ventas soft skills

Optimism is closely tied to confidence. It means that you’re hopeful and confident that things will turn out ok (and spoiler alert: things will turn out ok in one way or another). 😄

Esta habilidad blanda también puede reducir el estrés y aumentar la longevidad.

That’s right: the power of positivity can literally make you live longer! 🖖

8. 8. Gestión del tiempo

Similar to flexibility, time management means that you’re able to work smarter, not harder.

gestión del tiempo ventas soft skills

Trabajar 60 horas a la semana y apenas alcanzar los objetivos de ventas no es sostenible ni divertido.

Working 40 hours per week and blowing your sales targets out of the water is sustainable and fun. 🎉

Time management also means managing your energy. Be sure you’re descansar lo suficiente. This way, when you’re at work, you can always be at your 100%.

Of course, every week is different, but if you’re able to prioritize and delegate your work in an effective way, it can be a gamechanger.

There are plenty of tools out there that can help you with this, but in the end, it’s not always easy to keep up the discipline to make them work for you.

Por ejemplo, la herramienta principal de su conjunto de herramientas de ventas es un CRM, pero sólo unos pocos de nosotros conseguimos rellenar el CRM a la perfección y mantener todos los datos necesarios en él para poder hacerlo realmente útil.

That’s why at Salesflare nos centramos en automatizar la tarea robótica de introducir datos en su CRM, para que pueda centrarse en mejorar continuamente sus habilidades de venta y en establecer relaciones con los clientes. 

Since it pulls in all your contacts’ data for you and fills up the timeline with your emails, meetings & phone calls just by connecting your email and calendar, it saves you a lot of time. Time you can now spend improving your sales skills and building relationships with customers.

(Si quieres probar nuestro producto y mejorar tus ventas, puedes inicie una prueba aquí. Muchos de nuestros clientes también lo utilizan para el seguimiento de inversores, asociaciones, aceleradoras y mucho más).

9. 9. Oratoria

A algunas personas les encanta hablar delante de un grupo. A otras, no tanto.

Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum, it’s a great soft skill as a salesperson.

You’re going to be speaking to people on a regular basis, as well as offering demos and presentations, so the last thing you need is to freeze up in the middle of a crucial meeting. 😰

Lo mejor que puede hacer para superar el miedo a hablar en público es practicar, practicar y practicar. Cuanto más lo hagas, más natural te resultará.

hablar en público ventas soft skills

Si eso te intimida, prueba algunas opciones alternativas, como apuntarte a clases de improvisación o ver TED Talks en YouTube para aprender de expertos en hablar en público.

10. Integridad

Lo más importante que puede hacer o deshacer a un buen vendedor es su integridad.

Ser honesto y transparente con los clientes potenciales es fundamental para ser un vendedor íntegro.

This should be a no-brainer, but bears repeating: salespeople should never push a sale on someone who isn’t a good fit for a product or service. Whether that is in regards to pain points, budget or any other reason.

Un vendedor tampoco debe engañar nunca sobre lo que un producto o servicio puede hacer por alguien. Si prometes más de lo que prometes y no cumples lo que prometes, la consecuencia será muy negativa.

It can ruin your entire career. 😵

Carry yourself with integrity – and let’s be real, that’s just good life advice in general.

integridad ventas soft skills

11. Mentalidad de crecimiento

It’s incredible what people can accomplish when they have a growth mindset.

What does that mean exactly? Well, it’s the belief that you are capable of strengthening your talents and acquiring new sales skills/abilities over time.

It means that you understand the importance of hard work and constantly trying to improve, rather that just staying stuck in your ways. 🚀

mentalidad de crecimiento ventas soft skills

Como vendedor, se trata de una valiosa habilidad interpersonal.

If you’re barely hitting your sales targets each quarter and you’re perfectly satisfied with that, then maybe sales isn’t for you.

It’s important to try to push yourself to constantly improve over time. To learn. To grow. To SMASH those goals!

This is also tied to the idea of high achievement and its connection to “grit.” I’ll let expert Angela Lee Duckworth explain that one. 😎

There you have it, 11 soft sales skills that will help you reach your goals faster… and in style! 🎊

¿Listo para cerrar algunos tratos con estas habilidades?

 Complemente sus excelentes habilidades de venta con un CRM de primera categoría. Al dejar que Salesflare automatice todas las tareas robóticas por usted, dispondrá de más tiempo para centrarse en ser flexible, optimista, confiado y con mentalidad de crecimiento. 

calls, emails and meetings are automatically logged in saleslare

When your emails, meetings, phone calls, files, website visits and more are already pulled in for you, your motivation stays on track. With all that time and motivation, it gives you more energy to improve your soft sales skills and close more deals. 💪

So, when you’re ready to take the next step in sales, mejore su gestión del tiempo y haga un seguimiento de sus clientes potenciales dando Salesflare un intento. 

¿Qué otras habilidades blandas de venta crees que son esenciales para ser un gran vendedor? Háznoslo saber en los comentarios.

el crm de ventas fácil de usar que se actualiza automáticamente

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Ali Colwell