Saiba quem você conhece

Here’s who you emailed, met and should track

For many years now, Salesflare can help you remember to add new contacts you’ve met to their respective accounts with its “suggested contacts”.

Mas e se você se esquecer de criar essas contas?

A partir de hoje, o Salesflare também pode lhe sugerir essas opções.

And that’s not nearly all for this big product update… here we go! 👇

Obter sugestões inteligentes sobre quais contas criar

Want to make sure you add all accounts you’re in touch with to Salesflare?

We’ve got your back! 👊

Salesflare has just started crunching your data to figure out which accounts you forgot to add. It knows when you last emailed or met, how often you’ve interacted, whether the email address you’re in touch with represent a real person or not, … and then uses all that info to make smart suggestions.

Just head to your accounts and click on the new “suggestions” tab. It feels like magic 🧙

Click on the “Suggestions” tab to start exploring your personal account suggestions. 🪄

To accept an account suggestion, just click the checkmark. ✅

We’ve been testing this for a long while already on our end to get it just right, but if you’re still noticing any suggestions that seem off, let us know – we’re looking to keep improving these powerful suggestions. 💪

Filtre os contatos de acordo com a data do último e-mail ou encontro

Deseja obter uma lista de todas as contas para as quais sua equipe enviou e-mails recentemente? Ou saber com quais contas você teve (não teve) reuniões recentemente?

Agora você pode filtrar isso com facilidade.

Just hit the filter icon and look for “last email date” and “last meeting date”.

Get a list of everyone your team has emailed or met during a specific time period. 🗓️

The newly unlocked possibilities are endless. 🤯

Proteja sua conta com a autenticação de dois fatores

If you’re logging into Salesflare with your Google or Microsoft account, you probably have two-factor authentication set up on those accounts already.

From now on, you can also add this extra layer of security when you’re logging into Salesflare straight with a username and password.

For all of you who reuse the same password on different sites, enabling two-factor authentication is highly recommended. ⚠️

Head to Settings > Sign in & Security, then flip the switch “Enable two-factor authentication”.

Enable two-factor authentication, then scan it with your favorite authenticator app 📱

Just follow the steps to a more secure Salesflare account. 🔐

Envie fluxos de trabalho de e-mail em nome dos membros da sua equipe

Também por motivos de segurança, o Salesflare não permitia o envio de fluxos de trabalho de e-mail em nome dos membros da sua equipe.

Due to popular request, we have now added the possibility for admins to do this. 🙌

Admins can now send email workflows on behalf of their team members 💌

Dessa forma, essa poderosa possibilidade é adicionada sem grandes alterações de segurança.

Enjoy Salesfare’s latest visual update

While upgrading Salesflare to the latest technology, we also try to update the application to the latest UI standards. ✨

That’s why you’ll see that from today the input fields and the action button have become more subtle, plus a series of smaller updates.

Enjoy the latest visual update ✨

Aproveite e nos informe se você encontrar algo que ainda possa ser melhorado!

Muitos outros aprimoramentos e correções de bugs

We fixed the bugs you reported, upped the performance in a few places, tweaked some app flows, and much more. As always, keep the feedback coming through the live chat on our homepage — we thrive on it! 😍

A seguir... 🥁

  • Manage your tags in an easier way⚡
  • An improved email finder 💌
  • Mais possibilidades de descobrir novos contatos 🕵

Pronto para impulsionar suas vendas? Experimente o Salesflare.

We’re an easy-to-use sales CRM for small & medium-sized B2B companies that’s chock-full of automation and always up to date!

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