Gli oltre 20 Podcast più importanti per i fondatori di startup nel 2024

As a founder, it’s important to always keep learning from the latest trends to best practices and so much more. 📚

But when there isn’t enough time to sit and read an article or a book, there’s still a convenient way to learn more about the startup world and the people succeeding in it – podcasts. 🎙

Vuoi ascoltare un podcast?


I podcast sono cresciuti enormemente negli ultimi anni, e c'è un tesoro di contenuti a valore aggiunto là fuori.

Isn’t it always great to get some inspiration and fresh perspectives?

Ma come iniziare? Con così tante opzioni in circolazione, quali sono le migliori da ascoltare?

You’re in luck: we’ve put together a list of 20 of our favorite podcasts for your listening enjoyment – check it out below! 🤗

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I 20 migliori podcast per fondatori di startup

maestri di scala


1. Maestri di scala

One of the best podcasts out there for startup founders, Masters of Scale is perfect for anyone who is trying to succeed in building a high-growth business. 📈

It’s packed with interviews from the leaders of some of the most valuable companies in the world. From Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook to Peter Thiel of PayPal and Palantir fame – among many other heavy hitters.

Le interviste si concentrano solitamente su temi e offrono agli ascoltatori la possibilità di ascoltare consigli specifici e best practice per chiunque voglia far crescere la propria azienda.

2. Il programma di Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is a successful investor and entrepreneur, as well as a best-selling author, and he offers a ton of great value in his podcast. It’s consistently one of the most-downloaded business podcasts out there. 😲

Ferriss si confronta con gruppi di persone diverse e affascinanti, come atleti, investitori e musicisti, e offre suggerimenti e trucchi per costruire con successo un'impresa.

guerre d'affari


3. Guerre d'affari

Business Wars is a unique podcast in that it talks about companies in the form of “battles,” such as Nike vs. Adidas or Nintendo vs. Sony, and gives the “unauthorized, real story of what drives these companies and their leaders, inventors, investors and executives to new heights — or to ruin.” 🥊

podcast del marketer del mese


4. Marketer del mese

Outgrow’s Marketer of the Month podcast features thought-provoking guests ranging from the co-founders of Wikipedia, Tech Unicorn CXOs, Pulitzer Prize winners, Wharton Professors, and Forbes influencers.

This podcast gives you insights into the minds of top business leaders and is an ideal pick for any startup looking to boost its growth and conversions. Packed with unique marketing tactics in every podcast, it is a go-to podcast choice for upcoming entrepreneurs.

5. Come l'ho costruito

NPR’s How I Built This is filled with high-quality interviews with founders and innovators about the stories of how they built some of the most iconic and fascinating organizations in the world.

Storie di aziende come VICE, Chipotle, WeWork, Whole Foods e molte altre, racchiuse in un unico podcast.

I mean, it’s from NPR, so you know it’s going to be good (where are my This American Life, All Things Considered and Serial fans?). 🤓

If you’re interested in how some of the best companies out there got their start and made it to where they are today, this is definitely the best podcast for you to check out!

podcast interno al citofono


6. Interno Intercom

We’re big fans of Intercom here at Salesflare, and their podcast is just another reason to love them.

Intercom does a great job of sharing their knowledge of how to run and work in a high-growth organization – both in their blog and in this podcast.

Inside Intercom focuses on technical and practical tips for a variety of positions – from designers to developers, there’s something for everyone. It’s a great way to gain new and interesting insights in how they work and how you can approach different roles in a growing startup.

7. L'ha fatto a modo suo

She Did It Her Way offers women’s perspective on starting or growing a company.

The show is focused on talks and interviews with successful female entrepreneurs who share the ups and downs of their journeys to creating their own businesses. 👩‍💻

Queste donne incredibili condividono le loro intuizioni e le loro storie in modo che anche altri possano farlo a modo loro. She Did It Her Way è ricco di consigli, strumenti ed esempi di cui avete bisogno per progettare un'attività che rifletta il vostro stile unico.

Le discussioni spaziano dai finanziamenti all'innovazione, dall'equilibrio tra lavoro e vita privata ad altro ancora.

8. Mixergy – Startup Stories with 1000+ entrepreneurs and businesses

In more than 1,900 interviews and counting, Andrew Warner asks uncomfortable questions to dig deep into the successes and failures of the most successful founders and thought leaders in business. 🧠

This is a great podcast to listen to if you’re interested in learning more about the “street smarts” side of business, and Mixergy offers a premium subscription in addition to their podcast, where you can access additional content.

Siamo stati intervistati anche in questo podcast sull'Salesflare ed è stato fantastico.

podcast con contenuti sorprendenti


9. Caffè del fondatore

We couldn’t write about our favorite podcasts without mentioning Salesflare’s own Founder Coffee! 😉

In questo podcast, il nostro co-fondatore Jeroen Corthout prende un caffè ogni tre settimane con un fondatore diverso. Discutono della vita, delle passioni, degli apprendimenti e di molto altro ancora, in una chiacchierata intima in cui impariamo a conoscere la persona che sta dietro all'azienda.

Jeroen ha avuto molti ospiti famosi nello show come Jason Fried di Basecamp, Des Traynor di Intercom, Rahul Vohra di Superhuman e molti altri.

Questi ospiti sono una fonte di ispirazione per noi di Salesflare as well, as we continue building an extremely easy to use CRM that – on top of that – fills out itself with data.

(Se volete provare il nostro prodotto per aumentare le vendite nella vostra azienda, potete Inizia una prova qui. Molti dei nostri clienti lo usano anche per seguire investitori, partnership, acceleratori e molto altro).

10. Nathan Latka: Il top

Nathan Latka’s podcast is full of interviews with founders who share learnings and advice – sometimes being grilled about things such as how much money they’re making and how they generate revenue, among other awkward questions.

Questo podcast offre consigli da parte di brillanti menti imprenditoriali ed è perfetto per gli ascoltatori che desiderano crescere e costruire la propria attività.



Wouldn’t we all love to build a rocketship? 🚀

Questo podcast, tra i più apprezzati, è un ascolto essenziale per gli imprenditori, i product manager e tutti coloro che lavorano oggi nel settore tecnologico.

You’ll hear stories that will inspire and insights that will change the way you think about product and business, plus they break down concepts in a really fun and educational way.

12. La settimana delle startup

Jason Calacanis’ This Week in Startups offers a look into the minds of some of the biggest names in tech and business today.

From Travis Kalanick of Uber to serial investor and entrepreneur Mark Cuban, this podcast is packed with insightful and inspirational interviews, offering advice to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to grow their startup. 👊

13. Trazione: Come nascono le startup

Traction è un podcast sui modi creativi, non ortodossi, brillanti e bizzarri con cui i fondatori hanno trovato il successo nei primi giorni di attività.

Interviews with founders, startup execs, media members and investors make for an interesting listen with a unique twist. 🙌

podcast startup


14. Podcast StartUp

This podcast, from Gimlet Media, is exactly what it sounds like: a show all about what it’s really like to start a business.

Presentata come una serie di documentari sulla vita imprenditoriale, questa serie è stata adattata in una sitcom della ABC intitolata Alex, Inc. con Zach Braff.

Who knew podcasts could make the leap to TV? 🤷‍♀️

15. Rielaborazione da Basecamp

Basecamp, a tech world darling, has its own podcast, Rework. 🤟

Questo spettacolo esplora e sostiene metodi più contraddittori su come gestire un'azienda di successo e su come approcciare il modo in cui lavoriamo.

The advice and insights are drawn from methods that Basecamp’s co-founders and other business leaders have tested and implemented themselves.

podcast sull'equity


16. Patrimonio netto da TechCrunch

Equity is TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast, where they “unpack the numbers behind the headlines.” 🤑

Si tratta di un ottimo podcast per chiunque voglia rimanere al corrente delle ultime notizie sul mondo degli affari e saperne di più sul mondo degli affari in generale.

17. Imprenditore in fiamme

Entrepreneurs On Fire delivers inspiration and strategies for founders to “fire up” their entrepreneurial journey and reach new heights. 🔥

Lo show ha condotto più di 2.000 interviste con incredibili imprenditori, tra cui Seth Godin, Barbara Corcoran, Tim Ferriss e molti altri.

podcast Donne che fanno startup


18. Radio Donne che fanno startup

Women Who Startup Radio è un podcast ospitato a Denver, Colorado.

The show’s focus is to celebrate, connect and empower women who startup – women founders, women who code, women in tech and women entrepreneurs. 👏

Women Who Startup Radio è condotta da Lizelle van Vuuren e Krista Morgan.

19. Prodotto Persone

Simply put, Product People is a podcast about great products and the people who make them. 💻

Imparate da alcune delle migliori menti nel campo del design e della gestione del prodotto e ottenete intuizioni, suggerimenti e consigli dal punto di vista del prodotto.

podcast Caccia al prodotto


20. Radio Caccia al prodotto

This podcast from, you guessed it, Product Hunt, is focused around chats with the people creating and exploring the future. 😻

Product Hunt’s founder Ryan Hoover discusses the latest in tech alongside founders, investors, journalists, and makers.

21. Re/code Decode con Kara Swisher

Kara Swisher, una delle menti più brillanti del giornalismo tecnologico di oggi, conduce un podcast pieno di interviste di grande impatto sulla settimana tecnologica.

Past guests include Elon Musk, A.G. Sulzberger and many more. The show is filled with incredible discussions from influential business leaders and personalities in media, politics and more. 😎

There you have it – 20 podcasts to get you informed and inspired for a new year. 💪

Avete un podcast preferito che ci è sfuggito? Fatecelo sapere nei commenti!

Happy listening! 🎧

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Ali Colwell