8 modi in cui Zapier vi aiuterà a ottimizzare le vendite

Collegate l'Salesflare con oltre 3000 applicazioni.

Salesflare’s Integrazione con Zapier è appena stato reso pubblico.

That’s over 3000 apps you can now integrate with your sales CRM.

james franco surprisedAspetta, cosa?

Che cos'è Zapier?

It’s a simple-to-use online tool that automates workflows across apps. Their “if this, then that” style makes automation easy.

There’s a big chance the tools you’re using are already on Zapier, and their list of native integrations keeps growing.

The possibilities are almost endless, so we pulled together some inspiration for you. Most of which we also use ourselves. 🚀

Let’s go.

1. Lettore di biglietti da visita: scansione dei contatti nell'Salesflare.

You’ve just gone to a conference and met a bunch of potential leads.

Il lunedì mattina vi ritrovate con una pila di biglietti da visita da inserire manualmente.

Don’t let that stack of business cards get you down.

With Zapier, you can integrate Contacts+ (formerly FullContact)’sbusiness card reader directly with Salesflare.

Basta scansionare il biglietto da visita nella vostra app FullContact e *boom* un contatto, un account e un'opportunità sono creati in Salesflare.

Find the template here.

From there you have control. 💪

Based on who you met — whether they were potential investors, customers, partners, you name it. You decide which stage of the pipeline they belong in.

2. Subscribers list: keep your leads lists in sync

You’re at the office killing sales, now that you manage them in Salesflare.

Except, potential leads are subscribing to your MailChimp list and you’re still manually pushing them to Salesflare. 🤔

Risparmiate tempo. Zapier crea un contatto, un account e un'opportunità per voi in Salesflare quando un nuovo lead si iscrive in MailChimp.

Utilizzare questo template.

Now that you’ve got your subscribers in the lead stage of your pipeline in Salesflare, it’s up to you to follow up. 💬

3. Contact form submissions: push your leads into one place

You’re at your desk, following up with leads through Salesflare, when the lightbulb goes off. 💡

Perché non spingere automaticamente i lead dal vostro modulo di contatto all'Salesflare?

smart thinking

Lasciate che sia Zapier ad occuparsene.

Quando qualcuno compila il modulo di contatto, Zapier crea un Salesflare conto. 

Use the template here.

Think of all the time you just saved by not manually entering leads. 👊

4. Calling apps: keep your call logs together

In the world of sales, calling is inevitable. Thankfully, Salesflare logs calls automatically. 🎉

Using Android? Salesflare auto-syncs with your call history. iOS user? When you call from the mobile app, it’s logged in the timeline as well.

Utilizzate un'app di chiamata via cloud o VOIP?

ragazzo con occhi scioccati che si allargaSì.

Impostandolo con Zapier, le chiamate appariranno anche nelle timeline degli account.

Find the template here.

Keep going about your sales calls as normal. Zapier + Salesflare will take care of it for you. 👌

5. Customer success: sync all interactions with contacts

With Salesflare, all email, meeting, and phone call interactions with contacts are pulled in effortlessly. ✨

But what happens when you’re interacting with leads through your customer service app?

Don’t let that slow you down. Zapier will make a note in Salesflare when a new conversation comes into Intercom.

Utilizzare questo template.

Ora tutte le interazioni con i vostri contatti rimangono nella timeline dell'account. Non è necessario saltare di qua e di là.

6. Team communication: celebrate your wins

You’re closing deals. 🙌 It’s time to celebrate. Let your teammates know in Slack without lifting a finger.

Qui you go.

Watch that sales channel fill up. 💸

7. Invoicing: automate it

Now that you’ve closed the deal, it’s time to get paid. 💰

You’re nearly done celebrating but you still have an invoice to make.

woman telling her colleague, 'people gots ta get paid'

Don’t let that be what takes up your time.

Integrate Salesflare con QuickBooks e lasciate che Zapier gestisca il trasferimento alla fatturazione per voi.

Find the template here.

Wave goodbye to manual invoices. 👋

8. Gestione dei progetti: trasformare le vendite in progetti

As fun as celebrating wins and getting paid are, they don’t last forever. It’s time to get to work.

Don’t let transferring data between apps slow you down.

Fate in modo che Zapier crei una nuova scheda in Trello ogni volta che viene vinta una opportunità in Salesflare.

Utilizzare questo template.

Moral of the story — leave the robotic tasks for the robots so you can focus on the meaningful stuff.

If you’ve set up your own Salesflare+Zapier magic that you think should’ve made the list, show us what you got!

Ci auguriamo che questo post vi sia piaciuto.

Se lo avete fatto, spargete la voce! 😍

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Keri Byrne