13 TED Talks che ogni professionista delle vendite e del marketing dovrebbe guardare

I TED Talks sono un tesoro di informazioni e di prospettive diverse.

And since you can watch a TED video on just about any topic, we’ve listed 13 of the most interesting and enlightening videos for sales and marketing professionals! 👊

While not all of these videos are about sales and/or digital marketing specifically, they can certainly apply to your functions (and maybe even just make you a more well-rounded person) — this collection includes useful advice both for interpersonal and practical skills.

With that said, check out these TED hits! 👇

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If you’ve had sex, you know how to sell: Mace Horoff at TEDxBocaRaton

Nonostante il titolo da clickbait, questo intervento presenta in realtà alcuni interessanti parallelismi tra il funzionamento delle vendite e l'uso di tattiche simili nel mondo degli appuntamenti.

According to Horoff, “The question isn’t whether you can sell or not — the question is, ‘What motivates you to sell?’”

This talk is perfect for sales people who want to explore the psychology of selling in a strange, funny and slightly raunchy way. 😅

I segreti che ci portano al successo: Jon Gordon a TEDxHilliard

Gordon is a fantastic storyteller that gets to the heart of what it takes to be successful. It’s easier said than done, but crucial: never give up. 💪

He even references “grit,” which Angela Lee Duckworth discusses in her TED Talk (more on her toward the end of this post) and the importance of perseverance.

This is an inspiring talk for anyone who needs a bit of motivation to keep running and to not just go through the motions of life. 🏃‍

Creative thinking — how to get out of the box and generate ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma

This TED Talk explores — you guessed it — creative thinking. It dives into the idea of practicing out-of-the-box thinking, and offers advice on how to think more creatively in your everyday life.

Corazza also discusses the idea of applying theories and concepts to areas that were never applied to before, finding the best answers and working in the right environment, among many other points. ✅

Questo intervento è perfetto per tutti i professionisti del marketing o delle vendite che si sentono bloccati dal punto di vista creativo o che hanno semplicemente bisogno di una nuova prospettiva.

Siete contagiosi: Vanessa Van Edwards a TEDxLondon

There are very few (if any) TED speakers as charming as Van Edwards. In this talk, learn more about human behavior, and how our actions can influence those around us. 👫

There are a lot of fascinating psychological and sociological aspects of this talk, and it’s perfect for sales people who want to better understand the science of body language and verbal cues.

L'abilità della fiducia in se stessi: Il dottor Ivan Joseph a TEDxRyersonU

Il Dr. Joseph spiega cosa significa fiducia in se stessi e come si può acquisire questa abilità.

He explains that the key to self-confidence is repetition, repetition, repetition — also referenced simply as persistence. There’s no magic button, it’s just about believing that you can do something and going for it. 🙌

Questo discorso è perfetto per chiunque voglia lavorare sulla fiducia in se stesso e affrontare le avversità a testa alta.

The greatest TED Talk ever sold: Morgan Spurlock at TED

Spurlock, famoso per Super Size Me, ha adottato un approccio umoristico e illuminante per il suo TED Talk.

He decided to put the naming rights for his talk up for sale, and goes into his quest to make a sponsored film about sponsorship, which in turn becomes a shameless plug for his own sponsored film — so meta. 😏

This talk gives a fascinating look into the world of brand marketing and how things work behind the scenes — an entertaining 20 minutes that just about any marketer will appreciate.

Is There a Buy Button Inside the Brain: Patrick Renvoise at TEDxBend

Questo intervento approfondisce la psicologia del comportamento dei consumatori in modo divertente e accessibile.

Renvoise esplora il cervello rettiliano contro il nuovo cervello e fornisce ai marketer un piano in quattro fasi per arrivare al cuore di ciò che i clienti vogliono.

In the end, following this process can supposedly trigger the “buy button” in your customers’ brains — sounds cool, right? 😎

Come vendere senza vendere la propria anima: Steve Harrison al TEDxWilmingtonSalon

In this talk, Harrison explains how you can persuade more people to say “yes” to what you offer without feeling as if you’re being a high-pressure salesperson.

Both inspiring and humorous, this marketing and sales expert helps redefine what it really means to sell. 💰

Harrison si addentra in un metodo in quattro fasi che può aiutare qualsiasi venditore o marketer a liberare il proprio potenziale in modo da essere più a proprio agio, sicuro e convincente.

The best sales people are the best listeners — not the best talkers. 🤯

Cosa ho imparato da 100 giorni di rifiuto: Jia Jiang a TEDxMtHood

Questo discorso si avventura in uno dei territori più terrificanti: il rifiuto.

Jiang ha cercato il rifiuto per 100 giorni. Ha fatto di tutto, dal chiedere a uno sconosciuto di prestargli $100 alla richiesta di ciambelle a forma di anelli olimpici.

This led to Jiang desensitizing himself to the pain and shame that rejection can bring and, as a result, found that simply asking for what you want can open up possibilities where you expect to find dead ends — something all of us can learn from. 😉

Smart Failure for a Fast-Changing World: Eddie Obeng at TED

The world is rapidly changing— yeah, shocking. 😆

But because of the speed in which the world is changing, creative output just isn’t keeping up. That’s why in this talk, Obeng focuses on three changes we should apply in order to be more productive and the importance of having a stronger culture of “smart” failure.

È perfetto per i professionisti delle vendite e del marketing che hanno bisogno di ispirazione per la loro crescita professionale in un mondo in continua evoluzione.

How to speak so that people want to listen: Julian Treasure at TED

Have you ever felt like you’re talking, but nobody is listening? I think we’ve all been there. 🙋‍

Treasure è un esperto del suono e nel suo intervento dimostra alcuni utili esercizi vocali e condivide consigli su come parlare con empatia. Offre la sua visione di un mondo pieno di ascolto e comprensione.

It essentially comes down to human intelligence combined with higher levels of awareness — interpersonal skills are key to being great at sales and/or marketing! 🔑

The Skill of Humor: Andrew Tarvin at TEDxTAMU

Humor is something that transcends most barriers — it’s something that is understood by virtually everyone.

Tuttavia, ci sono molte persone che non pensano di poter utilizzare l'umorismo o che mancano di giocosità nella loro vita.

Tarvin usa il suo discorso per mostrare come tutti possano usare l'umorismo nella loro vita quotidiana. Spiega che l'umorismo induce le persone ad ascoltare, aumenta la conservazione della memoria a lungo termine, migliora la comprensione e altro ancora.

It’s an entertaining, fun talk that reminds us to not take things too seriously all the time and to try to use humor to our benefit. 🙂

Grit — The Power of Passion and Perseverance: Angela Lee Duckworth at TED

In this TED classic, Duckworth explains how she left her job in management consulting to teach math in New York City’s public school system.

During this challenging and eye-opening experience, she began to observe why some students succeeded and some just became frustrated. She carried out an extensive study as a result, and found that the top predictor for success was “grit.”

It’s about more than just intelligence to be successful — check out this talk to learn more about what it means to be gritty. 🤜

Ci auguriamo che questi video vi siano stati utili e illuminanti e che siate pronti ad affrontare la vostra prossima sfida!

Let us know your favorites in the comments 👇

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Ali Colwell