Will van der Sanden de Dux-Soup

Café du fondateur épisode 047

Je suis Jeroen de Salesflare et voici Founder Coffee.

Toutes les deux semaines, je prends un café avec un fondateur différent. Nous discutons de notre vie, de nos passions, de ce que nous avons appris, ... dans le cadre d'un entretien intime, pour apprendre à connaître la personne qui se cache derrière l'entreprise.

Pour ce quarante-septième épisode, je me suis entretenu avec Will van der Sanden, fondateur et PDG de Dux-Soup, l'un des principaux outils d'automatisation de LinkedIn sur le marché.

Dux-Soup a vu le jour lorsque Will a voulu aider sa femme à contacter des clients potentiels pour son entreprise. En tant que développeur, il a construit des outils pour gratter différents sites, comme Yahoo, les Pages Jaunes et LinkedIn. Lorsqu'il a présenté son logiciel à d'autres personnes, il a constaté un certain intérêt pour le scrapping de LinkedIn et a donc décidé de se spécialiser dans ce domaine.

Malgré l'incertitude liée à la construction d'un outil au-dessus d'une autre plateforme, surtout de manière non officielle, Dux-Soup existe maintenant depuis cinq ans et a rassemblé plus de 60 000 utilisateurs sur son logiciel.

We talk about how to build a remote team, why Dux-Soup mostly employs freelancers, why they price their product lower than competitors, how Chrome sets the internet standards, and why listening is a founder’s most important skill.

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Jeroen :

Hey, Will. It’s great to have you on Founder Coffee.

Le testament :

Je sais que vous êtes très aimable de m'inviter à votre excellent podcast.

Jeroen :

Thank you. You’re the co-founder of Dux-Soup. For those who don’t know yet what you guys do, please explain it to the listeners.

Le testament :

Dux-Soup est un logiciel qui vous aide à utiliser LinkedIn pour générer des leads. Il vous aide en vous permettant d'extraire des données de LinkedIn et en automatisant le travail que vous feriez autrement manuellement.

Jeroen :

Quels sont les cas d'utilisation les plus courants de votre logiciel ?

Le testament :

The most common and basic case is to use LinkedIn’s internal notification system. And in that scenario, you would use Dux-Soup. You would first use LinkedIn to find a group of people, as in your target audience and then you would use Dux-Soup to automatically interact with them – at a pace that is within what is humanly possible to avoid tripping up or upsetting LinkedIn and then visiting each profile one by one, triggering the notification system. And by that way, getting in touch with people who will be interested in your products or suites.

Jeroen :

Vous utilisez donc Linkedin comme plateforme de prospection ?

Le testament :

Exactly. But that’s simply using the notification system in LinkedIn. So you would actually set up your profile in LinkedIn to make it clear on what products and services you offer so that people who receive the notification will be able to tell who it is that you are or what you could be helping them with.

Jeroen :

Il suffit donc de visiter des profils et lorsque les gens voient que vous avez visité leur profil, ils regardent et sont susceptibles d'être intéressés.

Le testament :

And obviously when you do that at scale, when you do that with thousands of people each month, then if you have let’s say 5% of people actually connecting with you, then you already have a lot of leads to work with. That’s the most basic scenario. Then the next level up from that really is to use automation of Dux-Soup to automatically invite or to automatically message people in LinkedIn. And those messages are ultimately personalized for a profile that you’re targeting. You start with a Sales Navigator search or a search in maybe LinkedIn and type the message. Then you start the robot and then the robot will send out the invites for you.

Jeroen :

So you don’t need to do that manually?

Le testament :

En particulier.

Jeroen :

Vous existez depuis combien d'années ?

Le testament :

Cela fait déjà plus de cinq ans.

Jeroen :

Cinq ans ? Je connais beaucoup d'outils LinkedIn qui sont apparus puis repartis. Comment se fait-il que vous restiez dans les parages ?

Le testament :

Well, obviously being determined to make it work but also being able to deliver software that is more than just a gimmick. Quite a few tools that were out there when we started, well, they weren’t really very user friendly or they weren’t really built with a particular workflow in mind. And we really try to make a difference by providing software that does think of how we use this. And by doing that, we’ve really differentiated ourselves and managed to build up a huge following and a huge customer base of people who are using the products on a day to day basis. I think it’s really being determined to make it work and looking and listening how the product is used, which allowed us truly to grow from only a few hundred in the first year to over 60,000 users right now.

Jeroen :

Nice. And all of that without really upsetting LinkedIn. I suppose that’s partly because of the limits that you guys have clearly set up in the software. With a lot of warnings when a user wants to up them. Is that the main reason why LinkedIn has not decided to ban you guys?

Le testament :

Well, it’s not really up to LinkedIn to ban us, fortunately. We’ve had a lot of measures in Dux-Soup on the one hand. Measures to make sure that the pace at which the robot works is as much in line with what is humanly possible because obviously, a robot could just churn out a hundred messages in an hour. But that isn’t something that you wouldn’t really do. We always aim to really just build something that automates the human process but not overuse the generosity of LinkedIn to make them upset. On the other hand, it’s also that we built it from the start and looked at technical measures to avoid any technical detection by LinkedIn as well. We worked on both of those areas.

Jeroen :

Understood. If I’m not mistaken, you started Dux-Soup because you wanted to help your wife with one of her projects. Is that correct?

Le testament :

Yeah. That’s correct and that’s very good that you remember that as well.

Jeroen :

I think I read it on your website or so. I don’t remember exactly.

Le testament :

It’s true. My wife was setting up a publishing business and she was aiming to get in touch with different schools and as part of the exercise, we were trying to get a hold of leads or contacts at schools to approach. At first, we used cheap labour from cheap labour countries to do this manually from different websites. But then, me being a software developer, I figured surely I can just write a script to do this, which I did. And I started building out something that would scrape basically things like Yahoo when Yahoo was still a thing, Yellow Pages when Yellow Pages, that’s our only audience.

Le testament :

And when we started using it and showing it to people, it turned out that LinkedIn was definitely of interest to a much wider audience than initially expected. That’s when we started to have a look and see what was on the market and found that at that point, the products that were out there clearly showed an interest of people to have something to work on LinkedIn but the products were charging too much for too little functionality. And then I thought, this is a good place to see if we can establish ourselves as a leading LinkedIn automation tool.

Jeroen :

I didn’t know about that part of the story where actually you built a whole series of scrapers and then ended up specializing on LinkedIn. That’s interesting. Is Dux-Soup your first startup company or did you have startup companies in the past?

Le testament :

Well, I worked for a startup in England for a while as a developer. And after that had started on my own with a product called Swivel Script. And before that time, even before my professional career, I was basically coding up stuff, solutions that were hopefully useful. But it was when I started with Swivel Script that I thought of doing more. Well, Swivelscript was already a product in a similar space to what Dux-Soup does. It was more a technical solution where you could script automations in the browser. And it was fairly difficult to sell – meaning that people basically couldn’t get their head around it, what it really did. We were looking at that and I thought that I could just build something like that. To make myself self-sufficient at the very least. I started looking at ways of tweaking what I knew and what I had to do, something that would let people just install and use the tool without doing too much thinking.

Jeroen :

Swivelscript was basically like a Swiss army knife but people didn’t know exactly how to use it. And now you’re really basically making a scalpel with Dux-Soup. Really, really focused on one single thing.

Le testament :

Absolutely. That’s the big difference. And it just makes it all easier for people to try it out. With Swivel Script, you couldn’t really just install and then try it. You’d have to basically be the fellow for really doing anything with it. But now with Dux-Soup, you could just be an end-user. If you read the blurb, it says, “Well, this is what it does,” you can just click and install and within two or three clicks, you will be actually using it. And that was always key – to make the journey of the customer as simple and as short as possible from reading about the product to using it.

Jeroen :

I’m personally a Dux-Soup user as well. It still has a ton of functionality in there but it’s not terribly unclear how it works. It doesn’t have the most modern design either but it’s very clear and like, “I am going to do this and then that’s going to happen.” I do appreciate that. If I’m not mistaken, you started Dux-Soup all by yourself, right?

Le testament :

Yes. That’s right. Basically I started coding it in the evenings and on the weekends until we had enough users for me to quit my day job.

Jeroen :

Combien d'utilisateurs cela représentait-il ?

Le testament :

That must’ve been I think between five and 10,000. Somewhere around that.

Jeroen :

S'agit-il de 5 000 utilisateurs qui paient un abonnement ?

Le testament :

Non. Seulement 5 000 utilisateurs. Surtout au début, nous avons vraiment suivi le nombre d'utilisateurs, juste par le nombre que vous voyez dans le Chrome web store qui est en fait le nombre de personnes qui ont installé l'extension.

Jeroen :

Vous avez compris. Maintenant, vous êtes une équipe de quatre ? Parce que je vois quatre personnes sur le site web ou est-ce plus que cela ?

Le testament :

It’s more than that. For marketing, we’ve got two people and for our support team, there’s three. And then for professional services, Joel’s joined recently. Then I have someone for QA. We have two more and for development, there’s another two and there’s me.

Jeroen :

J'ai perdu le compte. Entre 10 et 15 alors ?

Le testament :

Yeah. Well, to be honest, all these people are all freelancers. The number of people tends to fluctuate. I know this sounds a bit harsh but it’s always between 10 and 15, depending on the things that we’re doing. If there’s additional development required I’ll get a few developers temporarily onboard. But I would say the actual core people who are always within this expanding and shrinking – there’s two in marketing, there’s three in customer service, that’s five. There is one in professional services, one in QA and for engineering, I do all the development myself.

Jeroen :

Well, that’s still impressive that with that amount of people you’re able to serve 60,000 users. Are there any things you do to make that possible?

Le testament :

Yeah, absolutely. Basically from the start when I was doing everything myself including support, development, including the upkeep of the service and well, basically everything that goes with it, we realized that a small change in a part can either increase or decrease the loads you can support or in product maintenance et cetera. And from the start, I always had the aim and we made it a goal to make sure that there was a minimal support requirement. That’s also why the product had to be easy to use. It had to be easy to install and easy to upgrade and to manage those subscriptions, so that would be easy for us to roll out new releases. From every angle, we are the product with as much zero maintenance as I could get it.

Jeroen :

C'est tout à fait logique. Réduire la quantité d'aide dont les gens ont besoin est certainement l'une des principales choses que vous pouvez faire avec votre produit. Par curiosité, que faisiez-vous comme travail de jour avant de lancer Dux-Soup ou pendant que vous lanciez Dux-Soup ?

Le testament :

J'étais principalement un programmeur indépendant, travaillant pour différentes entités gouvernementales. Je faisais du travail de développement.

Jeroen :

Vous êtes déjà indépendant, mais comment votre vie a-t-elle changé depuis que vous étiez développeur indépendant jusqu'à ce que vous soyez à la tête de votre propre entreprise de logiciels ?

Le testament :

Le plus grand changement, c'est que je fais maintenant tout depuis chez moi. Toute l'équipe est là. Tout le monde travaille à domicile. Nous nous réunissons tous à distance pour discuter ou simplement pour faire le point. Le nombre de déplacements est passé d'une heure de route par jour dans les embouteillages à rien du tout. Il faut vraiment sortir de chez soi pour être sûr de sortir de chez soi. C'est ce qui a été le plus grand changement. Et le manque d'interactions sociales qu'il faut combler par d'autres activités. C'est sans aucun doute le changement le plus important, mais pour le meilleur.

Le testament :

One of the biggest changes on this as well is that you’re actually working on a product where you are in control and you’re the one calling or making decisions on what should go in and what shouldn’t go in and what gets built first and what doesn’t get built first. There’s no politics about who wants what. People I’m sure who’re listening and work in medium or large companies or for the government know that when a project or any activity gets done in these areas, there’s always a lot of time spent on sorting out the politics really. I was glad that for Dux-Soup there’s no politics anywhere.

Jeroen :

That’s also definitely one of the things that I very much enjoy about leading a small company is that you don’t have to deal with a whole ton of politics. We try to keep it as much away as possible. It also sounds like you guys do some things in a pretty typical way, using a lot of freelancers instead of hiring people for the long term. Are there any companies in that respect that you model yourself after or that you look up to when you do these kinds of things?

Le testament :

No. I’ve read about a few companies. I remember reading about one. I can’t think of the name of the company. They did a presentation, online meeting software, they were bought by Salesforce. I do remember reading but I thought that’s the environment that I would like to work in. It was two guys who founded the company, living in different cities. They only worked remotely and they built an entire company just as a remote company, I guess until they were sold. I wouldn’t say that I’m remote myself but they did inspire me to think like that. That’s definitely the way to work and the way to build a company, especially for a small company where you need all the flexibility that you can get where you can’t really commit, especially in Holland – with the laws around hiring people and firing people.

Le testament :

Just the cost of hiring people permanently, the commitment is not something that is not a burden that you need, if you don’t even know if your products will last for half a year or even a month. Coming from that starting point of maintaining maximum flexibility, there really is no other option than getting filtered in and with the current state where basically everyone has broadband that is good enough to do online meetings or just online get-togethers. Meeting sounds a bit too formal, that’s all.

And with all the technology for software development where this development is really straightforward to deployment of software that’s all in the cloud. If you don’t have to commit to anything, any permits expenditure or a lump sum expenditure, then you avoid it and you just basically pay for what you use because you don’t know if you’ll receive the next day so to speak.

Jeroen :

It’s much better to keep everything variable, especially if you’re a bit dependent on LinkedIn perhaps.

Le testament :

Absolutely. That plays a role as well. It has a pretty big role. At the moment now we’re just at such a mode of operation that I don’t see the need to really change the model apart from maybe getting a few permanent hires in just to make sure that the knowledge about the product and the business is secured in case I get overrun by a bus, as we say.

Jeroen :

Qu'est-ce qui vous empêche de dormir ces derniers temps ?

Le testament :

I’m just thinking about how Dux-Soup can improve and in what areas we should be spending our time and also which areas we should be possibly dropping from the products. I have a lot of interaction with customers in the opening support context but also customers who do webinars. And whenever you have a conversation with someone who either runs into an issue, I mould it over and think, “Well, this is what they said.” Just trying to place these things and seeing how we can help or use that to improve the products and basically make sure that Dux-Soup always stays relevant and always stays ahead of the curve.

Jeroen :

Il semble que vous passiez le plus clair de votre temps à construire le produit, à penser au produit, à concevoir le produit et tout le reste. Est-ce exact ?

Le testament :

Yeah. Absolutely. My background is software development. I’m from the era of when the 8-bit home computers were popular or when they were existing. That’s when I started working with computers and started coding a bit. Coding has always been the part I enjoy most. Well, apart from that later on, especially coding something that people use. I remember one project from years ago, one of my first jobs. I remember when I approached him, we spent I don’t know, I think nine months with a team of somewhere between six and 10 people, building a solution that just got canned.

Le testament :

And I thought it was shocking that there was so much work that was going on from all areas. I guess since then I really felt that you can’t just code for the sake of code but you can do that, obviously it takes a short time. If your code is unused, if there’s no customer to use your product or to run your script or whatever, then you might as well not have written the script at least from my perspective and the way that I approach it. Later on, I really got more coding in the context of something that does something useful for someone.

Le testament :

Then when I started building, you obviously end up having to do a lot more like deployment, marketing. Basically, everything that comes with the business. At first, you do it yourself and as Dux-Soup grew, the first thing I did was move some more support for a function, get a permit of a freelancer who full-time agreed to handle support. But also actually on the accounting and then later on the marketing. And so it’s really just for me, just basically pushing out the testing, pushing out all the functions that weren’t really adding much value and also to be honest, that I didn’t find to be that interesting. That just leaves me with products or with actual software development but also the product management basically goes to a box.

Jeroen :

Dans le même ordre d'idées, j'ai une question à poser à vos collègues fondateurs d'entreprises techniques. Comment avez-vous abordé les ventes et le marketing dans les premiers temps et quels conseils donneriez-vous à d'autres fondateurs solos qui viennent d'un milieu technique ?

Le testament :

Well, the advice I would give them is to build for the market. When you build a product, you always have a vision in, “Well, this is what the product’s supposed to do,” and you should always build towards the vision. But when you start delivering a product and put it in the market, then you should really see what the market does with it. If the market does not respond to your product, then you can’t blame the market. You have to blame yourself for building something that nobody wants and as painful as that might be, the sooner you realize that and start seeing what changes you can make, the less painful it will be. I would say, make sure to build something to what you believe in and test it out and then change as much or as quickly as you can to do something that people actually want to use.

Jeroen :

And maybe related to that because that’s still a bit about product I would say. Did you very much take the “build it and they will come” approach? I build something and then it will grow by itself or were there specific things you did to actually accelerate that growth?

Le testament :

La stratégie de mise sur le marché consistait à construire quelque chose qui fasse ce que nous savions que les gens voulaient. Et parce que nous avons constaté que des produits d'automatisation LinkedIn étaient achetés et qu'il y avait une demande réelle pour ce travail, nous avons fixé un prix qui correspondait à environ un tiers ou un quart du tarif en vigueur, voire moins d'un cinquième. Cette tarification était un véritable moyen d'ouvrir les vannes des minuscules marchés existants. C'était un élément.

Le testament :

The other one was to get involved with a few of the LinkedIn, what you’d call these trainers or speakers, especially the early adopters of LinkedIn for social selling and to get in touch with them to try the product and just to make sure that they were aware of the product.

Très souvent, ces personnes étaient impatientes de voir ce qui était en train d'être développé, car cela signifiait aussi pour elles qu'elles avaient toujours une longueur d'avance sur leurs concurrents en termes de connaissances sur les produits qui allaient arriver sur le marché. En approchant quelques-uns d'entre eux, nous avons réussi à les convaincre de parler et d'écrire sur le logiciel.

Jeroen :

Easy to use product, price it low so it can gain market share and talk to influencers. That’s how I need to summarize it.

Le testament :


Jeroen :

Cool. Qu'est-ce qui vous donne de l'énergie et pourquoi travaillez-vous chaque jour sur Dux-Soup ?

Le testament :

Well, the thing that gives me energy is especially when there’s a new development in the products that we worked on for a while. And the last big development that we did was the dashboard showing the statistics of your campaigns. And then just hearing back from customers being really happy about the features or “Well, maybe put this.” Just getting feedback both positive but also let’s say, constructive criticism.

Le testament :

Just seeing what you built. And maybe I sound like a broken record but once you build something that you think gives a cool feature or that does something cool and then I put it out there and then actually get people to just get in touch with you, to tell you about what they think. Like I said, I’ve worked years also on other projects where you just build stuff and you build and you build and you’re at zero. You don’t do zero then you want to pitch to a customer and just get all this feedback and just have all this momentum with the community. I would say that for me, is the biggest thing really about what makes me happy about doing all this.

Jeroen :

Construire des choses et voir que les gens s'y intéressent.

Le testament :


Jeroen :

You mentioned that you work from home from the start. At first, you were doing a day job and then Dux-Soup on the side. But now it’s like every day working from home with the team remotely. How do you manage work and life? Do you put clear barriers between the two? Is there a work time and a life time or is this overflowing into each other? How do you manage that?

Le testament :

Well, there is definitely an overlap. Well, I have a basic schedule for my day. It’s not a very tight schedule. Although now my oldest daughter started cycling to school so there is one less family task on my list in the morning but otherwise I’ve been cycling the kids to school. Then when I get in, I check my mail like everyone else and generally speaking, I do about a one or two hours of product development, then have lunch, then check up with my support team. In the afternoon do an hour of support for tickets or support goals. And then towards the end answer some emails or do some writing.

Le testament :

In the morning I do the coding, in the afternoon more of the communications, just writing. And that’s generally what I do every day. And obviously depending on what the main activities are, there are still the marketing events happening or if certain content is producing them, I end up spending more time on creating content than doing coding. But as a general rule, that’s how I break down the day. They definitely overlap. And often still do a bit of work either taking a feature that I like, a webinar or when LinkedIn has an update that needs to be addressed or when there is an influx of support tickets that indicates some other issue in a product that needs fixing.

Le testament :

Le soir, j'effectue également quelques corrections de bogues. Les week-ends, je dirais que je passerai environ la moitié du week-end à faire des choses liées au travail. Et tous les jours, je dirais que je passerai probablement entre deux et quatre heures par jour à travailler, à rattraper le temps perdu avec l'équipe et à m'assurer que tout se passe bien. Pour moi, il n'y a pas de réelle séparation entre ma vie professionnelle et ma vie privée. Et j'apprécie beaucoup de ne pas avoir cette séparation stricte.

Jeroen :

Il semble que l'on passe beaucoup de temps au travail. Comment restez-vous en forme mentalement et physiquement tout en assumant une telle charge de travail ?

Le testament :

The one area if I’m not really seeing it as work, basically by pushing out everything in the business that I don’t enjoy naturally or most things that I do, I just enjoy doing it. That really helps. But definitely I do about one hour of some cardio exercise each day, just to make sure that I don’t turn into a job at heart. And every couple of weeks meet up with some people in terms of drinks, just to blow off some steam and just to get out of my Dux-Soup. Just to see some other parts of the world.

Le testament :

Although we know with the whole Corona crisis, it’s been a bit better now but in the past few months, that element really was going on possible review. We tend to do quite a bit of traveling as well as a family. Like I said, I still do a bit of work but it also is good to just see other places and other people, even though you’re working in the meantime as well. Outside travel, a bit of exercise, going to the pub and I do like going to concerts as well, which is also impossible at the moment.

Jeroen :

Quels sont les concerts auxquels vous aimez assister ?

Le testament :

Quite like alternative rock. I think it’s called stoner metal or stoner rock. I quite enjoy the genre. But also hip hop and electoral drawn bass. Well, most things that play in venues of around between five and 800 people where musicians are clearly really into what they’re doing, that’s a great atmosphere.

Jeroen :

Où êtes-vous basé ? Il peut s'agir de vous-même et du Dux-Soup.

Le testament :

I’m in Breda.

Jeroen :

Breda. That’s, for the international listeners, very close to the border with Belgium in the Netherlands.

Le testament :

Exactly. Especially Antwerp. It is only a 40-minute drive and Rotterdam is about half an hour. Amsterdam because everyone knows Amsterdam – it’s about an hour but then again most places in Holland are about one hour from Amsterdam.

Jeroen :

Are there a lot of startups in Breda? I personally don’t know.

Le testament :

There’s quite a big community, which to be fair I don’t really mix with. Not on purpose or anything but it’s only later on that I realized that there was a community, mainly via a guy called Gino.

Jeroen :

Gino Taselaar.

Le testament :

Gino Taselaar. Yeah. And Pascal van …

Jeroen :

Pascal van Steen.

Le testament :


Jeroen :

Je les connais aussi.

Le testament :

I meet up with them once a year in Breda. Because he’s in Amsterdam but he’s thinking of coming back as well because there’s quite a lot to do in Breda.

Jeroen :

C'est super. Mais avant de passer à l'apprentissage, aux livres et autres, il y a une question que je voudrais encore aborder. D'où vient le nom Dux-Soup ?

Le testament :

Dux-Soup? It basically comes from an expression in English. And when you Google it, you will find it. It’s called something as easy as duck soup. There’s also a movie from the ’60s I think that uses duck soup in that really. There it was, easy as duck soup, which is something that is easy or seemingly easy to do. And that’s why duck soup then the X represents Excel because initially a big elementary product was downloading data from LinkedIn into a structured format to a spreadsheet. That’s why the X is there.

Jeroen :

Got it. I never understood that. I saw the duck and I thought, “Sure soup, I guess.” That’s cool.

Le testament :

C'est aussi ma femme qui a eu l'idée et qui l'a retenue. Je pense que beaucoup de gens aiment l'image du canard. Nous sommes heureux d'avoir maintenant de nombreux adeptes de la soupe au canard qui apprécient vraiment le canard.

Jeroen :

Now going into learning. What’s the latest good book you’ve read? And why did you choose to read it?

Le testament :

I’m probably one of the bad examples here but I really don’t read any books.

Jeroen :

Zéro ?

Le testament :

Yeah. I think just zero. When I say I’m trying to read books. I think I read books like Jerry nonfiction or a comedy. But this is years ago. I haven’t read any real book in probably 15 or maybe 20 years.

Jeroen :

I’ll change that question. Do you do anything else to keep learning? Do you follow things on social media or do you listen to podcasts or specific blogs you follow? What is something that you’re reading or listening to or whatever they really recommend to other people?

Le testament :

Not really. There was a website called the Register, which you might not know. It’s an English technology website. I used to read Wired, which I quite liked. And they do sometimes still have interesting interviews with people who’ve done interesting things. But I can’t really say that in my routine or in my day to day life, I do that. I only can use a phone and whenever there’s new technology, I hear about it via communication with my team or just reading the news over the internet. I don’t really have any startup websites or blogs that I really follow and say, “You should really go and spend some time there now.” No.

Jeroen :

No worries at all. It also doesn’t have to be a startup. It could be anything else that inspires you.

Le testament :

Je dirais Spotify. Je passe la plupart de mon temps sur Spotify.

Jeroen :

La musique.

Le testament :


Jeroen :

Cool. Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous auriez aimé savoir lorsque vous avez commencé avec Dux-Soup il y a cinq ans ?

Le testament :

Well, what I would have maybe known, although I’m not sure able to make much difference, is how much of stranglehold Google has on Chrome and on the development of web segments, which can be a real pain. As a product we fight a lot against it. We’ve built stuff that caters for changes in LinkedIn but also changes in Chrome. That can be a real pain. Well, recently, I don’t know if you noticed they did different cookie spec that changed the way that the cookies ultimately make sense.

Jeroen :

J'en ai entendu parler.

Le testament :

The same site that attributes…

Jeroen :

Produire des changements aussi.

Le testament :

… you and many other companies. And this is just one example of many where you think that it should really be Google who’s making these decisions. But because Chrome is now just closing down the openness of the web. And I think maybe this is a more fundamental problem of the current development that because Chrome is really, especially with the chromium alternatives is becoming a de facto standard for web development that the HTML spec and everything around it becomes secondary. And it’s just Google calling the shots and I think it’s just bad. If I knew differently or if I knew better so many years ago, it wouldn’t really have changed.

Jeroen :

Non. Votre impact sur Google n'est probablement pas important.

Le testament :

No. I don’t have much impact on Google but I know they don’t seem to have a very good way of communicating with their paying customers. That’s on the one hand. It also created the opportunity, obviously Chrome being a platform where you can build an extension like Dux-Soup. You couldn’t have done that if you still had all the different standards for building extensions and all the different subtleties with the HTML into implementation. The fact is that Chrome is the platform that also creates the opportunity.

Jeroen :

Une arme à double tranchant.

Le testament :

Yes, exactly. Now I’m just happy that it’s succeeding.

Jeroen :

Dernière question. Quel est le meilleur conseil commercial que vous ayez jamais reçu ou quelque chose que vous aimeriez partager avec nos auditeurs, principalement des fondateurs de startups ? Quelle est la chose que vous aimeriez partager avec eux et que vous trouvez précieuse ?

Le testament :

To stay critical of what they’re doing and really critical. I’ve said before but not to build something and nobody understands it to say, “Well, it’s their loss.” No, it’s not their loss. If you build something, just make sure that you always listen and understand how people are using it. If they aren’t, then why not? Because if you don’t listen, nobody’s going to be using your software.

Jeroen :

Restez à l'écoute et prenez vos responsabilités lorsque les choses prennent une autre direction.

Le testament :

And don’t take it personally.

Jeroen :

And don’t take it personally. That’s great advice.

Le testament :

It’s very tricky. If you’re a techie like myself, you can be quite stubborn, which can be a good thing. It’s not about you, it’s about the customer.

Jeroen :

Exactement. C'est super. Merci encore Will d'avoir participé à l'émission Founder Coffee. C'était vraiment super de t'avoir avec nous.

Le testament :

Merci de m'avoir invité.

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Jeroen Corthout