Cómo utilizar el nuevo embudo de marketing en su beneficio

Blog invitado por Campaign Monitor

You’ve finally adapted the best marketing strategies into your campaign so why aren’t there any improvements in sales? What’s the problem?

La columna vertebral de una gran estrategia de marketing es un embudo de marketing eficaz. Orienta la forma en que usted, como vendedor, puede influir en los clientes potenciales para llevarlos del punto A al punto B. Para ello, tiene que ir más allá, ya que la abundancia de canales digitales hoy en día ha hecho que el proceso de compra sea más iterativo y complejo.

The good news is the new hourglass marketing funnel is the answer to consumers’ new purchasing behavior. It follows a non-linear process, where the buying lifecycle never ends even after the conversion.

Let’s discover the stages of the new marketing funnel and the marketing tactics applicable in each phase:

Etapa 1. Establecer la autoridad de su marca

What it’s all about: Brand awareness is how familiar target consumers are with your brand and its products or services.

Do they know who you are and what you offer? It takes time, effort, and patience to embed your brand into consumers’ purchasing habits. To do so, you have first to let them know you exist through:

A pushy, sales-oriented approach can scare and drive potential customers away. What you should do is offer valuable and informative content to win their trust. Don’t talk about the product repetitively. You can discuss related topics, but never too far from what you offer.

More consumers can discover your website and content if you use Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s a marketing strategy that lets you rank higher in search engine results.

Social media is an effective digital platform to build brand exposure. You can also connect with more prospects – the number of social media users will reach up to 2.77 billion next year.

You can cross-promote your website’s blogs on social media. Use online scheduling tools like Hootsuite to streamline and simplify blog post sharing across different social media channels.

Segundo paso. Desentrañar los puntos débiles

What it’s all about: Pain points drive a customer to a product or service. It’s your duty and responsibility to identify and address pain points and tailor this information to what you offer. In the new marketing funnel, this stage is called engagement.

Use social media to access free insider information. You don’t need to spend money to unravel pain points. Login to social media channels and you’ll find consumers, positively and negatively, engaging with brands. You can spy on competitors by reading comments and reviews, and learn how they address customer pain points.

Join Facebook groups that are related to the niche of the brand. You can have direct access into the target consumers’ lifestyle and purchasing habits. You can even chime in and provide recommendations.

Averigüe qué buscan los clientes. Los consumidores utilizan Internet para buscar una solución. Puede averiguar qué buscan mediante la búsqueda de palabras clave. Los servicios gratuitos y de pago pueden facilitar el proceso. Puede acceder a información basada en datos, como la competencia de palabras clave, el volumen de tráfico e incluso la clasificación de los mejores sitios web para una palabra clave determinada.

Por último, utiliza BuzzSumo para descubrir los contenidos más atractivos en las redes sociales. Puedes investigar cualquier tema y filtrar por ubicación, idioma y fecha. Muestra las interacciones y comparticiones en las redes sociales; sin embargo, los resultados son limitados en las versiones gratuitas.

Tercer paso. Construir una relación más significativa con el cliente a través de contenidos específicos

What it’s all about: In the consideration stage, prospects are not determined to buy just yet.

Dado que dispone de información más valiosa y procesable sobre sus clientes potenciales que en los primeros pasos, ahora puede abordar eficazmente sus puntos débiles a través de contenidos específicos.

It shows the brand’s sincerity to resolve frustrations, which in return, earns consumers’ trust. That said, how can you influence prospects’ purchasing decision? You need to present the brand as the solution by offering:

Downloadable resources – these can be anything from guides, videos, templates, eBooks and more. It provides consumers with tons of information about your brand and expertise. You don’t have to hold any information back. Remember, you want to convince them to make a purchase.

You don’t have to necessarily give resources for free, especially when it’s too valuable. If they want to access more resources, they need to sign-up to your newsletter. This is a great way to build your email list, which you can use in the retention stage.

Blog Posts/Articles – Even at the third stage of the new marketing funnel, you can still rely on blog posts and articles to appeal to consumers. The approach is, however, different. In the consideration phase, it should show how your brand is better than others in solving customer problems. You can incorporate the advantages of your products or services in the write-up, but don’t make it all about you. You don’t want to overwhelm prospects with clear sales calls.

Paso 4. Ofrecer un proceso de pago sencillo y sin complicaciones para que se sientan cómodos.

What it’s all about: It has finally arrived: your prospect is ready to buy. At this point, you don’t want to abandon them. Enhance the buying experience by offering a smooth and straightforward payment procedure.

Mantenga su formulario de compra menos intrusivo, ayuda a reducir el abandono del carrito de la compra. Los consumidores pueden abandonar el carrito si se les pide demasiada información privada en el formulario de compra. Por lo general, sólo necesita su nombre, dirección de correo electrónico, ubicación y método de pago y envío preferido. No es necesario pedir el número de teléfono ni el sexo.

Añada un certificado SSL a su sitio web para realizar un pago seguro.

Paso 5. Ofrecer herramientas y recursos de incorporación

What it’s all about: The new marketing funnel doesn’t end after a purchase has been made. In the post-purchase experience, called the adoption stage, you need to give new customers onboarding tools and resources so they can successfully and effectively use your product to solve their problems.

Send frequently asked questions (FAQ) and other knowledge base content. Don’t let new customers feel left out. You can send them troubleshooting information and other how-to guides just in case they need a quick and autonomous solution when they run into a problem.

Sexto paso. Mantener a sus clientes comprometidos con su marca

After providing onboarding content, your next job is to retain brand interest and instill loyalty. It’s a matter of delivering relevant and valuable content to existing customers. Let’s say you have an online custom mug store. New buyers already have your products so it doesn’t make sense to send sales-oriented blog posts. What you can do is give them cocktail recipes and even hints and tricks to custom mug maintenance.

Make your email content personalized. You don’t want longtime customers to lose interest and unsubscribe from you. Tailor fit the content based on their needs and interests and buying behaviors.

Pasos 7 y 8. Ampliar y defender

Las dos últimas fases del nuevo embudo de marketing giran en torno a la expansión y la promoción. En la fase de expansión, hay que descubrir soluciones nuevas y aún mejores para seguir siendo relevante para los consumidores nuevos y antiguos. Por otro lado, la fase de promoción consiste en convertir a los clientes en defensores de la marca. Puede ofrecer incentivos cuando compartan o recomienden su marca o sus productos a amigos, familiares e incluso seguidores.


Existen diferentes opciones de marketing en las que puede centrarse. Lo importante es que tu marca cuente con un embudo de marketing lógico, práctico y eficaz para poder captar clientes potenciales y convertirlos en clientes de pago.

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