10 of the Most Legendary Startups We‘ve Recently Met Up With

Una selección de los encuentros más interesantes de WebSummit, Slush y TechCrunch Disrupt.

When we go to conferences with Salesflare, it’s never for the talks. We attend to meet as many awesome startups and investors as possible.

Conferences are the best places to meet all our online friends, fans and idols in real life. And we often make new friends while we’re at it.

WebSummit, Slush and TechCrunch Disrupt were no different. And oh did we meet cool startups… Here’s a selection. 👇

#1. Voicefox: Graba y busca videollamadas

At Salesflare, we’re all about making it easier to track, streamline and automate sales for startups and small companies. Our minds were blown when we passed by the Voicefox booth at TechCrunch Disrupt. 😲

Voicefox records your video calls and turns them into valuable sales data. Who’s talking when, what’s being said, which slides are shown, … Are you trying to remember what you discussed exactly? It’s all tracked. 👇

A call recording in Voicefox = a treasure trove

The system already works with Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, … and will soon support Skype as well.

Claro que existen herramientas que ya hacen algo parecido (como Gong.io y Chorus.ai), pero la mayoría están pensadas para empresas y además son bastante caras. Voicefox hace que la tecnología de ventas por voz sea superfácil y la pone en manos de las startups.

Just invite Voicefox as a participant to your video meeting and start recording. It’s that easy. ✨

It speaks for itself that we’re already making plans to integrate Voicefox with Salesflare. It’s most probably coming soon… 💪

#2. Sendpulse: Una plataforma para enviar notificaciones por correo electrónico, SMS y push

In this omnichannel world, there’s a ton of possibilities and channels to connect with customers. How to unlock them all easily?

Look no further: Sendpulse has what you are searching for. 👈

Puedes utilizar la plataforma para:

  • Enviar campañas masivas de correo electrónico
  • Correos electrónicos personales (desde su bandeja de entrada mediante SMTP)
  • SMS (con un identificador de remitente personalizado)
  • Y notificaciones push desde tu web.

All from one place 😎

¿Ya estás alucinado? Entonces eche un vistazo a esto:

Configure fácilmente flujos de automatización en Sendpulse

Marketing automation doesn’t get much easier.

Also with Sendpulse we’re looking at a Salesflare que combina la automatización de ambas plataformas. Las posibilidades son infinitas, así que si tienes buenas ideas, ¡pínchanos en nuestro chat en vivo en la web o en la app!

#3. Laboratorios Hype: Conecta teléfonos sin necesidad de conexión a Internet

One of the most annoying things about conferences is the WiFi. Try doing a few demos, chatting with people through the conference app, … it’s usually not all too reliable.

At conferences like WebSummit, with 60.000 attendees, even the conference app pulls gigabytes of data through the WiFi network. That puts a huge strain on the venue’s infrastructure.

Hype Labs cambia eso. Crea una red de malla entre teléfonos, de modo que cosas como la funcionalidad de chat en la aplicación de conferencia pueden dejar de depender de la infraestructura WiFi. La comunicación fluye de teléfono a teléfono.

Amazing. 😵

Te suena que podrías usar esta funcionalidad en tu app? ¡Echa un vistazo a su SDK!

Todo ello, sin necesidad de conexión a Internet.

#4 Y 5. Plynk / Cringle: Message money to your friends

At Salesflare we believe that technology is nice, but that it only gets awesome when it’s designed to be really easy to use for everyone.

Esto es exactamente lo que hacen los chicos y chicas de Plynk y Cringle.

Want to send money to your friends? Just fire up the app and make it rain. 💸

Are your friends slower at getting equipped with the newest apps? Cringle allows you to send money to these friends as well. Just fill out their bank account & phone number and their app takes care of the rest. Boom. 💥

Plynk on the other hand has been founded by one of the first employees at Facebook and recently raised €25M to conquer the market. And they sure knew how to throw a great party at WebSummit. 😏

Super easy, and free.

Which is going to be my app of choice? I don’t know yet. What’s for sure is that the payments world is up for a big revolution.

Beware you banking dinosaurs. ☄️

#6. Carbono Móvil: The lightest phone I’ve ever held in my hands

If anything, I love smartphones. 😍

When I was a student I had my own second hand cell phone business. I’d always get my hands on the latest ones, and still now I switch phones every few months.

Justo cuando pensaba que todos los teléfonos se estaban volviendo más de lo mismo, pasé al azar por el stand de Carbon Mobile en TechCrunch Disrupt.

guy's mind being blown and jaw dropping

De repente, mi OnePlus 5 se sentía pesado como un ladrillo.

Paraphrasing their own words, the Carbon Model 1 is “unnaturally thin, inconceivably light, and absurdly strong”.

  • El más ligero. La carcasa del teléfono está hecha completamente de carbono, lo que la hace inconcebiblemente ligero.
  • Más fuerte. Of course, carbon is not the best material to absorb shocks when your phone happens to fall. Admittedly, it’s less breakable than glass phones, but the Carbon team does not make compromises. To solve this possible issue, they made the corners out of some of the best material to absorb shocks (that includes shocks from bullets 🔫): Kevlar.
  • El más delgado. Last but not least, the casing is only 4.6mm thick, which makes it one of the thinnest phones out there (if not the thinnest right now…).

The Carbon Model 1

And if that’s not enough, the specs are great too. 10 CPU cores in this thin casing… can you believe it?

Looking for a kick-ass phone to use Salesflare on? This is the one. 👆

motioning come here

#7. Quiqup: Pick up anything you need, without leaving your couch

We all love online shopping. But then there’s these dreadful moments we still need to head to a brick and mortar shop somehow.

There we are again: queuing to get into the center of town. Finding a parking space. Paying a ton. Diving into the shopping street crowd. SO MUCH FUN. 😒

For the people of London, not anymore: they have Quiqup now! 😄

Quiqup te entrega lo que quieras en la puerta de tu casa.

You can ping Quiqup to pick up your packages, straight from their app. Groceries, fancy shoes, … it doesn’t matter. They’ll get it.

If shops partner up, they pay part of the delivery cost for you. That way Quiqup deliveries start from just £1.50.

You’re not dreaming. 🦄

#8. Supermetría: Una forma superfácil de informar sobre tus métricas de marketing

If you’re in the SaaS business like we are at Salesflare, metrics and data are your lifeblood. 📊

Only, if you want to report on these metrics with a tool like Google Data Studio, it’s excruciatingly difficult to pull all your awesome data together.

Or so I thought — until I met the guys at Supermetrics. 🚀

Supermetrics pulls all your data from Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, Adwords, MailChimp, Segment, Moz, …

Where have these guys been hiding? I don’t know either, but I’m happy their booth at Slush was next to our food stand of choice. 🍔

And… they had a foosball table at their booth. Our favorite Salesflare office sport. Safe to say we spent a while over there. 😏

#9. Ruiseñor: Permite extraer datos de la sangre para mejorar el diagnóstico.

Healthcare is an exciting and impactful industry, but it’s also very difficult to make a breakthrough in it due to its conservative mindset.

As a biomedical engineer by education, that’s why I left healthcare. It’s way too boring.

You don’t often meet health startups that have both the disruptive potential and the potential to break through rapidly. But when I met Nightingale, I knew they had it all. 👏

Would you want to be diagnosed based on 4 biomarkers… or more than 220?

The metabolic profiling by Nightingale finally makes it really easy and accessible to gather over 50x more data from your precious blood samples. No bµ££shit — it’s backed by science.

What’s most unique about the technology is that the tests are optimized for high throughput and low cost. This opens doors for better and earlier diagnosis and more personalized healthcare. At scale.

The future of healthcare is finally here. ✨

#10. Shoparound: Compre como un lugareño cuando viaje

For the last one in the list, I’ve selected a startup that focuses on something I’m not particularly passionate about: shopping. 🛍️

This one is for everyone who enjoys shopping on vacation, but wants to head off the tourist trail… and shop like a local.

Despite the fact that I’ve lived for six months in Milan as a student, I’d really have no idea where to send you for some real shopping. Until I met Shoparound. 😎

Por ahora, Shoparound se centra en Milán y Roma, pero si he entendido bien, pronto habrá más.

Don’t have an iPhone to use the Shoparound app? No worries, they also have a web version at shoparound.co/shops. 👈

Espero que tú también hayas disfrutado descubriendo estas startups.

If you were rocking WebSummit, Slush or TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin with your company and you believe you should have made this list, please, oh please, let us know! 🤗

Esperamos que le haya gustado este post.

Si lo hiciste, pulsa ❤️ ¡para correr la voz!

O puedes darle al botón de compartir 😏.

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Jeroen Corthout