More automation, more control!

Your customer data is alive.

Tasks: it’s out of beta!

We’ve been working for a while on the new tasks module, and we’re proud to announce that it’s ready to go out of beta! 💪

Het vandaag-scherm is nu eenvoudiger om mee te werken. Je zelfgemaakte taken krijgen prioriteit en worden bovenaan getoond. De gesuggereerde taken worden daaronder getoond met de meest recente eerst om het doorbladeren te vergemakkelijken.

You can now also make use of handy account inactivity tasks. ⚡ These tasks trigger when an account becomes inactive for x days. The amount of days is customizable and can even be set by pipeline stage.

The fact that the Tasks module is going out of beta also means that we’re now saying goodbye to the Home screen. 👋 All reminders have been converted into tasks, so you can just keep working in the improved tasks module.

Zapier: gemakkelijker te gebruiken, meer mogelijkheden

First of all, we’ve made the Zapier integration easier to use. Many fields have been turned into dropdown menus, so you can immediately find what you’re looking for.

You can now also automatically create tasks, meetings, calls and messages in your accounts using Zapier. ⚙️ This means you now have full control to enrich your account timeline with data from other apps.

We’ve also added the possibility to trigger on new tasks. Want to put something in your calendar or in Slack when a task is created: check!

Import module in beta

Want to load customer data into Salesflare? 💾

We’ve made an easy to use import module with which you can map your CSV file’s fields to the Salesflare fields with a few clicks.

Any data that failed to import is returned in a ‘skip file’, that you can fix and retry to complete the import.

Want access? Just hit us op on the live chat! 💬

Upload your own pictures and logos

In case Salesflare hasn’t automatically found a picture for a contact or a logo for an account, you can now add an image yourself. 🖼️

Resizing and cropping is built in, so you don’t need to make manual changes on your computer before uploading the image.

Create a contact straight from an account

Missing a contact on an account and it wasn’t added automatically yet?

Je hoeft niet meer heen en weer te schakelen. 👌 You can now create that contact straight from the account. Just click “manage” below “Contacts” on the account and then “Create new contact”.

Order your custom fields

Want to re-order your custom fields? 🤔

Ga gewoon naar Instellingen > Velden aanpassen en slepen en neerzetten!

Faster website tracking

We’ve made the website tracking script smaller and faster, to speed up the loading of your website. 🚀

Ga naar Instellingen > Toepassingen & integraties om het nieuwe script te krijgen!

A series of improvements and bug fixes

We hebben de prestaties hier en daar verbeterd, bugs verholpen die jullie hebben gemeld, een aantal appflows aangepast en nog veel meer.

Keep the feedback coming — we thrive on it! 👊

Coming up next… 🥁

  • De mogelijkheid om bestanden te uploaden naar accounts
  • Meerdere e-mailadressen bij contactpersonen
  • Bulk bewerken en verwijderen
  • Meer taakautomatisering!

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