7 startups géniales rencontrées à SLUSH 2019

et nous pensons que vous devriez vous rencontrer aussi

I don’t think we’re holding the record yet (damn you local Finnish startups!), but this year we visited SLUSH in Helsinki for the fifth consecutive time.

That’s right: the fifth time fighting the cold, and of course the slush ❄️, to attend one of the biggest yet most underground startup events of the year.

We don’t go to SLUSH for the fancy banners at the entrance, although we admit they make for some great pictures. 😍

Oui, nous, ces durs Ă  cuire, c'Ă©tait nous. Et peut-ĂȘtre vous aussi.

La principale raison pour laquelle nous nous rendons à SLUSH est le travail en réseau. Et c'est sans comparaison.

It’s the combination of:

  • 25,000 people attending 🤯
  • une plateforme de mise en relation qui vous permet de filtrer soigneusement les participants
  • and then book efficient 30 minute meetings at one of the 330 meeting tables (or a meeting point if those are full, which we don’t recommend as it brings you back to the stress you’d have at most other events)

Mind-boggling possibilities. 😵

Qui avons-nous rencontré ?

En bref : beaucoup de personnes intéressantes, allant des startups aux agences en passant par les fonds de capital-risque.

For this list we’re focusing on startups that are making a “dent in the universe”, which we enjoyed meeting and we think you should too.

Here we go! 😁

Beamer – beam important updates to your users

So you have a software company and you’re building a lot of cool new features for your users.

You’re emailing them about it and writing about it on your blog… and then you find out that they don’t know about this, because it’s very hard to get their attention while they’re doing something else.

Why not communicate your feature updates (and other important updates) from your software product? 😏 That’s what Beamer facilitates.

Beamer peut ĂȘtre parfaitement intĂ©grĂ© Ă  votre application. Et si les utilisateurs souhaitent disposer d'un peu plus d'espace pour lire, ils peuvent passer au site web autonome.

It allows you to target the right users, send notifications, gather feedback, … and of course integrate with the rest of your tool stack.

Vous voulez vous rapprocher de vos clients ?

Essayez-les. 🙌

Cumul.io – integrate dashboards in your SaaS

You’re still that girl or guy with the software company?

Chances exist that you have some interesting data in your software and users want to visualize it. But building dashboards is a bit too much of a hassle to fit into your feature roadmap.

Meet Cumul.io, the easiest way to add dashboards to your SaaS app. 😌

Le message est simple :

🎵 If you need dashboards, in your SaaS app. Who you gonna call? Cumul.io!🎵

We hope they give us some big discount for this free promotion. 😉

Typegenie – autocomplete for Zendesk

L'un des ajouts les plus intéressants apportés à Gmail au cours de l'année écoulée : la saisie semi-automatique ou Smart Compose.

It’s like it knows what you want to type… and it makes emailing so much quicker.

Now imagine you’re supporting customers and typing the same things over and over again. Wouldn’t you wish you had something similar at your disposal? 🧐

If you’re supporting customers using Zendesk, then you’re in luck: Typegenie brings autocomplete to Zendesk tickets.

Voici Ă  quoi cela ressemble :

Vous voulez ceci ? Consultez Typegenie.

Chatvisor – get eye to eye with your customers

De nos jours, beaucoup d'affaires se font par l'intermédiaire de l'internet.

It brings a lot of increased efficiency, but also makes business way less personal. You can’t easily see your customers eye to eye anymore. 👀

Or can you…

Chatvisor vous offre une série d'outils qui vous permettent de voir ce que voit votre client et d'obtenir un appel vidéo avec lui trÚs facilement (ce dernier est un peu comme nos amis et clients à Crankwheel).

You can co-browse, chat live, do webcalls, … but also see what your customers see when they’re not talking with you with session recordings and heatmaps.

Want to get more personal again? You know what to do. 👈

Al Bicchiere – this dispenser makes your wine last longer

Enough about software tools for software companies. 🙃

Who loves a good glass of wine? 🍷

And who doesn’t like to throw a bottle away because it’s been open too long?

Those problems are over with Al Bicchiere’s smart – and fancy looking – wine dispenser.

Vous pouvez conserver le vin jusqu'Ă  8 fois plus longtemps, c'est-Ă -dire jusqu'Ă  environ 6 mois aprĂšs la date d'ouverture.

And… you can control it with your Google Home or Alexa. 🤯 It’s not on Kickstarter yet, but I’m already a big fan.

If you’re reading this, guys, I’m happy to be a beta tester. 😍

PhĂ©nium – keep an eye on food safety

Ma femme est tombée malade la semaine derniÚre aprÚs avoir mangé une salade au fromage de chÚvre.

She didn’t eat it in some scruffy restaurant. But still, she got sick.

Food safety isn’t easy. Enter Phenium.

Their software makes it much easier to keep track of all the ingredients and whether they’re still safe to eat.

No need to guess anymore. Phenium keeps an eye on it for you. 👀

SĂ©same pour la crĂ©ation d'entreprise – better networking at tech events

SLUSH is great to meet people, but I’m sure we still missed out on a lot of opportunities to connect. We even randomly met some friends we didn’t know were there. 😬

La participation à un événement coûte de l'argent et vous devez en maximiser le retour sur investissement.

Startup Sesame (l'un de nos clients satisfaits) s'en charge.

They’ll soon be launching an app that makes making the right connections at conferences much easier.

Not much has been revealed yet, but do make sure to keep an eye on them. 👈

Bonus : les organisateurs de 5 autres événements : 4YFN, The Next Web, HowToWeb, SaaStock et Attention au produit

As ironic as it may seem, we met the organizers of 5 different events at SLUSH… but not the organizers of SLUSH themselves. 😏

Here’s who we did meet:

  • 4YFN (Barcelone, Espagne) : la plateforme de dĂ©marrage du Mobile World Congress
  • The Next Web (Amsterdam, The Netherlands): the magazine’s yearly tech festival
  • HowToWeb (Bucarest, Roumanie) : la principale confĂ©rence sur les produits dans la rĂ©gion des PECO
  • SaaStock (Dublin, Irlande) : la meilleure confĂ©rence en Europe pour les entreprises SaaS
  • Attention au produit (dans le monde entier) : confĂ©rences et communautĂ©s de premier plan sur (presque) tous les continents

Mark those in your calendar if you haven’t yet! 🗓️

And if you want to visit some more events in 2020, bookmark this article on the top conferences for startups. We’re giving it an update as we speak, so it’ll soon be ready for the new year!

Avez-vous rencontrĂ© d'autres startups gĂ©niales Ă  SLUSH, ou peut-ĂȘtre un autre Ă©vĂ©nement rĂ©cent ?

Let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear who you were excited to meet. 🤩

Nous espérons que cet article vous a plu. Si c'est le cas, passez le mot !

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Jeroen Corthout