Comment Spotify est devenu la pierre angulaire du streaming musical

Produits emblématiques Épisode 011

Depuis l'avènement de l'internet, l'industrie musicale a été confrontée à une myriade de changements et de problèmes.

From the launch of iTunes and the iPod to problematic peer-to-peer file sharing sites like Napster to the emergence of (much more legitimate) music streaming business models, there have been quite a few changes in how people listen to music. 🎧

Mais l'un des produits les plus incroyables de l'industrie musicale de ces 15 dernières années est Spotify, le service suédois de streaming musical au catalogue impressionnant et à la popularité explosive.

écouter Spotify


With all of the competition in music streaming services, Spotify still remains the most-used globally (though Apple Music is making impressive gains, mainly in the US) with 180 million active users, including over 83 million paying subscribers. 👫

Comment Spotify, société cotée en bourse et évaluée à $30 milliards d'euros, est-elle arrivée là où elle est aujourd'hui ?

Let’s take a look! 👀


Catalogue complet = options d'écoute universelles

Spotify propose plus de 35 millions de titres, ce qui signifie que pratiquement tous les genres et toutes les régions sont couverts en termes de préférences musicales.

By having one of the most extensive music catalogs out there, plus including a free version of the service (more on that in a bit), Spotify has democratized the music industry as we know it. 🎶

You could listen to music nonstop for your entire life and never even come close to scratching the surface of what’s out there.



That’s an insane amount of music. 😲

But what makes Spotify iconic in this regard is that they understand how overwhelming their library can be – where do you even begin?

This is where excellent curation becomes crucial. 👌

From charts that offer rankings of the most-streamed songs in every country (or globally), to Discover Weekly playlists, which offers every user a customized weekly playlist of suggested songs based on their music tastes – Spotify is essentially guiding users to the content that they want.

Having charts gives users a snapshot of what’s popular all over the world, and helps users discover some new favorites along the way.

This also means Spotify has the chance to further promote content that is “hot” at the moment, through exclusive recording sessions and content from the artists directly. 🔥


Le renforcement de la communauté par la musique

Probably one of the most iconic things about Spotify is the community they have managed to create. 💛

Music is naturally community building – for many, it’s a passion. It can create memories or remind you of certain times in your life. Music brings people together in ways that many other things cannot. It’s an insanely powerful thing.

So with this in mind, Spotify takes it a step further. 🚀

Comment ? En créant des listes de lecture.

By using both technology and people together, they are able to create next-level curation for music that covers any genre, mood, season, occasion, location – you name it.

Spotify dispose d'une équipe entière de conservateurs de musique de tous genres et de tous horizons, qui passent leurs journées à écouter de la musique et à élaborer minutieusement des listes de lecture pour les utilisateurs.

Want to get a taste of what that’s like? Check out this great video from BuzzFeed that explains the role in more detail.


A great example of this brilliant curation is one of Spotify’s most popular playlists: RapCaviar.

With more than 10 million followers, this playlist has been called a “movement” by The Verge and “the most influential playlist in music…which turns mixtape rappers into megastars,” by Vulture.

Those are quite some claims, but they’re pretty accurate – there are several instances of artists making it to the Billboard charts for the first time because they were featured on RapCaviar.

This further shows that the human aspect of curation is still very much alive and well – having someone who is passionate about a genre or topic curate the music is what is going to create the biggest buzz and have users feel like the content is fresh and dynamic.

Spotify’s commitment to discovery and thoughtful, human-driven curation really sets them apart from other services. 💪

Sure, Pandora created an algorithm to suggest similar songs to listeners, and Spotify has something similar with its radio feature, but there’s only so much that technology can do to bring you new, exciting music options.

But Spotify’s curators aren’t the only ones creating playlists, there are several musicians who also create and manage playlists.

In some cases, it’s just a collection of their favorite songs and what they’re listening to right now (or songs from their current set, if they happen to be a DJ). In other cases, it can be a way for them to promote themselves or their favorite artists. 👩‍🎤

The community aspect also comes from the users themselves. Music can be a big part of someone’s identity, and Spotify has learned to use this in a fun and engaging way.

Unless you’re on private mode, your friends can see what you’re listening to and follow playlists you create.



Il existe également des listes de lecture de fin d'année qui fournissent des statistiques intéressantes telles que les chansons les plus écoutées, les artistes préférés et la durée de l'année passée à écouter de la musique.

Spotify a utilisé cette information à son avantage dans ses campagnes publicitaires au cours des deux dernières années.

Starting in 2016 with a campaign to thank 2016 for being a “weird” year, this campaign quickly turned into a huge, buzzy success with multiple iterations.

l'homme n'est pas chaud


And let’s be honest, they’re hilarious – I can’t get enough of them.

publicités spotify


Qu'il s'agisse des publicités basées sur la localisation ou de celles qui interpellent les gens sur leurs habitudes d'écoute, elles donnent à Spotify une voix distincte que les utilisateurs identifient rapidement et avec laquelle ils entrent en résonance.

Spotify managed to use its user data in a fun, quirky way – which further adds to the sense of community.


Une expérience Spotify transparente sur tous les appareils

Spotify is the only music streaming service that seamlessly allows you to stream your music from your phone, computer, speakers, TV, you name it – all from the app. 📱

You don’t even need a phone to control it. If you have a smart assistant speaker, you can simply ask Google/Alexa/whatever to play a song for you and it will connect to Spotify with ease.

More and more cars are adding Spotify to their list of apps as well. 🚙

jouer de la musique dans la voiture


En clair, vous pouvez écouter Spotify partout et n'importe où, sans avoir à passer d'un appareil à l'autre.

Et écouter Spotify va bientôt devenir encore plus facile : Spotify et Samsung ont récemment annoncé un partenariat qui permettra à Spotify d'être intégré en natif dans les produits Samsung.

As Samsung’s new go-to music provider, Spotify can reduce even more friction when it comes to switching your music from a speaker to a TV…or to a different speaker. 🔊

De tels partenariats montrent que Spotify comprend l'importance d'offrir un produit facile à utiliser et accessible.

By focusing on the users and their lifestyles – and understanding that people can listen to music anywhere in a variety of contexts – they are ensuring that their product is front and center, always ready when users need it.


Un modèle freemium à valeur ajoutée

Spotify is a freemium service, so other than the occasional ad and limitations on how many songs you can skip, among a few other restrictions, this means that you can listen to just about any song out there – for free. 😍

Il en va tout autrement d'Apple Music ou de Tidal, qui n'ont pas encore proposé de version gratuite de leurs produits.

While I won’t get into the pricing itself, it’s interesting to note that the free version is pretty good in itself – but Spotify Premium really offers users so much more, which makes it a well-justified investment. 💸

For ~$10 a month, depending on your region and whether you’re on a Family plan or a student, you get higher sound quality, offline listening and no more ads.



En créant une formule payante simple et directe, Spotify a réussi à créer une offre qui couvre à peu près tous les styles de vie et tous les budgets.

Whether it’s a free plan or a paid plan, it’s all part of the same aforementioned community and the benefits of both are certainly there.

It’s ridiculously simple – and helps users adopt it as their go-to music streaming service with ease. 👍


De nouvelles voies pour l'industrie musicale

Il est parfois difficile de suivre toutes les nouvelles idées et partenariats de Spotify.

A recent example is their partnership with, the world’s leading genealogy site. You can order an AncestryDNA kit, and once your test results are in, you can visit a website to generate a playlist based on the regions that make up your genes. 🌍

It’s a bit out there, but it can expose users to new musical genres and regions, so in the end, it kind of works – plus the website is kind of fun to play with.

This also extends into the music itself – through a partnership with Genius, while listening to select songs on your mobile device, you can read the lyrics alongside interesting trivia and interpretations of the song your listening to in real-time.

paroles de génie


Spotify manages to create an experience around the music – their users aren’t just listening to a song, they’re being fully immersed in the content. 🎤

Mais il n'y a pas que des partenariats uniques à l'horizon pour Spotify.

A select few artists are now able to upload directly to Spotify, à la SoundCloud.

Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité signifie que des tonnes d'artistes non signés et indépendants peuvent désormais partager leur musique avec le monde entier sans passer par un intermédiaire.

It’s by invitation only at this point, but it will be interesting to see how Spotify decides to expand on this strategy. 🤗

In any case, it’s a huge deal for the music industry.

Non seulement ils vont maintenant concurrencer SoundCloud, mais ils démocratisent encore plus le processus musical, compte tenu de leur poids et de leur influence dans l'industrie.

And all of these partnerships and plans come down to one thing: reaching users (and musicians) in unique and fun ways. 🙌


Au fil des ans, une multitude d'éléments ont transformé notre façon d'écouter et d'interagir avec la musique.

And Spotify has been an integral part of that – which has led to them easily reaching iconic products status.

Spotify continues to push the boundaries of what consuming music means, and we’re excited to see what else they come up with in the future!

Keep rocking it, Spotify. 🤘


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Ali Colwell