Why you shouldn’t switch from Pipedrive to Salesflare

Sim, você leu o título corretamente.

We get it: Salesflare isn’t for everyone. 🤗

We love our customers so much, and we want to provide them with the best possible product – but there are some things to take into account if you’re looking for an alternative to Pipedrive.

aberto a alternativas ao CRM do Pipedrive

Below are some reasons why you might be someone who shouldn’t sign up with Salesflare in the first place if you’re looking for an alternative CRM. 🙅‍♀️

1. Você prefere a entrada manual de dados do cliente

At Salesflare, we’re all about automation. We want SMBs to spend time on what really matters: building relationship with customers. 🤝

That’s why Salesflare pulls data automatically and dynamically for your contacts using social profiles, email signatures and company information from publicly available data.

But hey, some people prefer to painstakingly enter their data manually – and that’s ok!

Plus, some people just like to keep track of every customer touchpoint themselves. If you’re the kind of person who loves to spend time combing through emails, website visits, calls and calendar meetings manually, then Salesflare definitely isn’t the alternative CRM for you.


Furthermore, if you’re someone who prefers that your CRM does not automatically detect how your team is connected to a company and how strong these connections are – maybe stick with Pipedrive instead. 🤷‍♀️

2. Deseja manter seus dados inválidos e contatos duplicados

O Salesflare foi criado em parte porque estávamos cansados de CRMs alternativos que nos forneciam dados ruins e contatos duplicados.

That’s why we made sure that we built a product that keeps more (and better) data with less work. We want customers to have their data clean and up-to-date. 💪

A última coisa que queremos é que os clientes encontrem coisas estranhas, como números de telefone em um campo de endereço de e-mail ou cinco contatos diferentes com o mesmo endereço de e-mail.

So, if you’re someone who likes having the option to enter phone numbers in email fields, maybe look elsewhere for a CRM.

encolher os ombros

Salesflare also automatically suggests when a contact should probably be linked to an account or when a meeting is missing meeting notes. If you don’t want your CRM helping you with having organized and filled-out data, Pipedrive is your best bet. 👍

3. Você quer que seu CRM seja entediante

O minimalismo monocromático foi um movimento artístico e de design em meados e no final do século XX, e certamente tem seu lugar em determinados designs e funções.

But here at Salesflare, we think when it comes to a modern CRM, the concept of boring, monochromatic design should be left behind. ✌️

If that’s not your thing and you prefer a CRM that includes fifty shades of grey, white or black, Pipedrive is totally up your alley.

Nossos clientes atuais adoram o fato de o Salesflare dar um pouco de cor às etapas do pipeline, adicionar logotipos e ícones de contas e oferecer interfaces visuais para suas listas de tarefas, conversas e muito mais.

We believe that managing customers is a lot of fun and your CRM experience should be as well. After all, if it’s something you’re using day in and day out, it shouldn’t have to be boring.

diversão com seu CRM

But if you’re someone who prefers something plain and boring, more power to you. Salesflare probably isn’t the right CRM for you, though. 🤔

4. Você deseja confiar em seu computador para realizar determinadas tarefas

Você já esteve em um voo para um destino de férias ensolarado e ouviu alguém clack clack clack no computador?

Maybe you’re one of those people – don’t worry, we won’t judge. 😉

But did you bring your computer on vacation with you because it’s the only way to send an email campaign in your CRM?

Ouch. 😬

That’s what Salesflare tries to avoid.

With Salesflare’s app, you can access the full functionality of Salesflare directly from your phone.


Built for both touch and click, on all screen sizes, in the same familiar way everywhere you use it – Salesflare is made for people on the go who don’t want to get bogged down with needing their laptop with them at all times to perform basic CRM functions.

I get it though, maybe you’re someone who is attached to your computer. Again, this is a safe space, and that’s totally fine! 😅

But if you’re that kind of person – someone who just absolutely loves that their CRM doesn’t fully function on their phone – then Pipedrive is the better option for you.

5. Você prefere softwares desatualizados

Mudanças podem ser difíceis.

Some people use older versions of software just because it’s familiar. Personally, I still use Adobe CS6 over their recent-ish Creative Cloud business model because I’m used to it.

But there’s always a problem I notice when I use it: things start to feel very dated, very quickly. And as time goes on, it gets more and more difficult to work with files that are built with newer programs. 👎

Let’s be real, it’s nice to have so much amazing modern tech at our disposal. But the curse is that if you don’t update, you can feel left behind.

That’s why Salesflare is built on Google Cloud and with modern software technology, why it works on every device the same way and with full functionality and why it’s built to organize your CRM data automatically.

CRM incrível

Since it’s built from the ground up to automate your customer data and communication, it’s constantly being updated and improved to give our customers even more automation possibilities. 🎉

If you’re someone who doesn’t like updated, modern software that changes with the needs of customers, then you really wouldn’t like Salesflare. Maybe stick with Pipedrive.

There you have it – if these points apply to you, then it’s probably best for you to stick with Pipedrive. 💁‍♀️

But if these don’t apply to you, and you’re still considering finding an alternative to Pipedrive, it might be time to try out Salesflare.

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Ali Colwell