Scripts voor cold calling naar echte mensen

Cold-calling potential customers is a part of just about every sales team’s operations in some capacity or another.

But whether your sales team makes 10 cold calls a year or 100 cold calls a day, it’s important to stay human in the process.

cold-calling mannen die tegelijkertijd de telefoon opnemen

Sales scripts are a great way to stay consistent and organized, but you don’t want to be too scripted either.

So, how do you begin creating a script that works for you and your team – and gets you results?

Not to worry – we’ve put together a couple of templates to help you get started and to empower your team to close those deals. 🤝

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Voordat je begint met het koud bellen van potentiële klanten

There are a few things to consider before you actually pick up the phone. By doing a bit of research and narrowing down who you’re actually going to call, you save yourself a ton of time and stress.

If you go into cold calling blindly, you’re going to be reaching out to people who may not be in your target market, leading to lots of hung-up calls and wasted time on your part.

So, first thing’s first: pick who you’re going to call. Consider the target audience for your solution, whether it’s across industries or company size, just try to have a couple of categories in mind to help you narrow your list down.

Ga vervolgens op zoek naar de juiste mensen om mee te praten. LinkedIn is hiervoor een geweldige bron, want je kunt zoeken naar de juiste potentiële klanten via een groot aantal zoekopties.

Zoek op functietitel, branche, onderlinge connecties, locatie en nog veel meer.

Als je eenmaal een goede lijst hebt van mensen die je wilt bereiken, doe dan eerst wat onderzoek voordat je hun nummer belt.

Probeer erachter te komen wat hun functie inhoudt, wat het bedrijf zelf doet (misschien heb je eerder soortgelijke bedrijven geholpen en kun je die pijnpunten gebruiken in je gesprek) en alle interessante informatie die kan helpen om het gesprek naadloos te laten verlopen.

Now that you have a thoughtful, well-researched list ready to go, it’s time to put together your script!

high five-ing herself

Bellen in de kou

Let’s put all of the elements together to create a script.

And remember: because you’ve researched your list before reaching this point, try to work those conversation points into the call.

Ten eerste moet je duidelijk je naam en bedrijf vermelden.

Don’t speak too quickly or in a loud space, as the person on the other end of the line will be annoyed immediately if they can’t tell what you’re saying to them.

walvis hallo daar

Rather than immediately jumping into your pitch, give some space for a couple beats of silence. This allows the person to think about who you are, and possibly give them a chance to exchange a friendly “how are you?”

Dan is dit de kans om het gesprek wat persoonlijker te maken van het onderzoek dat je eerder hebt gedaan. Vraag hen iets over hun carrière, achtergrond, enz.

“Am I right that you are responsible for [current responsibility] at [current company]?”

“First off, I saw on LinkedIn that we both know [mutual contact]. We [did something specific together at some point]. How do you know each other?”

“I noticed you went to [university name]. One of my best friends studied there. How did you like your time at [university name]?”

… or mention/ask anything that you feel comfortable with and that makes a connection.

Connect with them on a personal level, and they’ll most likely warm up to the conversation.

Als je voelt dat ze zich beginnen open te stellen, ga dan verder met het gesprek en voeg een vervolgvraag toe.

But don’t dwell too much – je moet ter zake komen!

kind dat vraagt, "wacht eens even, wie ben jij?".

Either give them the opportunity to ask the inevitable, “why are you calling me?” Or, casually jump into, “the reason I’m calling…”

Zorg ervoor dat je begint met je ervaring met eerdere bedrijven die vergelijkbare pijnpunten hebben. Positioneer jezelf en je bedrijf op een manier die laat zien dat je de uitdagingen van het bedrijf begrijpt.

Example: “I currently work with business development managers in small to medium-sized marketing agencies. My customers are usually looking to minimize the time they need to spend on billing and invoicing clients. Does that sound like something you also face?”

Dankzij je eerdere onderzoek, they should respond with a resounding, “yes.”

In plaats van door te gaan met je verhaal, vraag je hen om je er meer over te vertellen. Dit geeft je de kans om alles te horen over hun pijnpunten en aan te tonen waarom jouw oplossing de beste oplossing is.

Op dit punt moet het gesprek gewoon vloeien. Listen to them, and don’t be too pushy in your pitch. It’s all about them and helping them find the solution they need.

Depending on how much time they have to continue the conversation, it’s probably best that you offer a time for a follow-up call or meeting to discuss everything in more detail.

Vraag hen gewoon naar hun beste beschikbaarheid en coördineer de volgende stappen. And if you promise to send them additional information ahead of your next conversation – do that as soon as you hang up the call!


Great, so you have your cold call ready to go – but what if they don’t answer their phone?

Voicemail achterlaten

Fortunately, we’ve also created a quick and simple script below for leaving a voicemail that hits all of the key points in a short amount of time.

aap aan de telefoon

Hallo [hun naam], dit is [jouw naam] van [jouw bedrijf].

Ik werk momenteel met [vergelijkbare rollen] in [bedrijfstype/branche]. Mijn klanten zijn meestal op zoek naar [pijnpunt dat zou worden opgelost met uw oplossing].

I wanted to see if it would potentially be a good fit for you. I’d love to have a quick conversation with you to discuss a bit further.

U kunt me bereiken op [uw nummer].

Nogmaals, dit is [uw naam] van [uw bedrijf] en u kunt me bereiken op [uw nummer].

Bedankt, [hun naam].

It’s important to give them all of the necessary information upfront so that they have a clear understanding of who you are and how you can help them.

However, after a couple of days with no response, it’s time to consider following up.

Uw oproepen opvolgen

When it comes to following up after you haven’t received a response from someone, it’s important to find the fine line between being tenacious and being pushy.

bel me terug

If you’ve called a few times with no response, it’s time to move on. There’s nothing more annoying than someone calling over and over again when it’s not something you’re interested in.

And let’s be honest: there are many people out there who won’t bother to give you a flat-out “no,” so it’s important to know when to take the hint. 🤷‍♀️

Alternatively, cold emailing is a great way to reach out to potential customers as well (or a great way to follow up once you’ve left a voicemail).

This is something we touched on in this article about follow-up email templates. Check it out for more templates that you can use to close more deals. 🚀

These cold-calling scripts are designed to help your sales team be more uniform and efficient, without losing your human touch – but there are many ways you can tweak and adapt these scripts to fit the needs of your team specifically.

In the end, it’s about connecting the right people and companies to your product or solution. 💛

probleem opgelost

Gebruikt jouw bedrijf een verkoopscript? Wat zijn volgens jou elementen die cruciaal zijn om op te nemen? Laat het ons weten in de reacties!

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Ali Colwell