Cómo escribir correos electrónicos que obtengan respuestas

Un blog invitado de Natasa Djalovic (Directora de Marketing de Autoklose)

Foto de una mujer trabajando en un ordenador portátil tratando de obtener respuestas de correo electrónico
Fotógrafo: Christin Hume | Fuente: Unsplash

Email marketing is one of the most affordable marketing tactics. We’ve all read that for every 1 dollar you invest, you get $44, which is awesome, but many marketers complain that IRL the situation isn’t nearly as great. Are the rumors that good ol’ email is on its deathbed true? By no means! The culprit behind ending up in spam and not being able to get email responses usually hides in plain sight.

Un meme de Brace Yourselves anuncia un correo electrónico sin sentido

Sometimes it’s your ineffective subject line, deceptive copy, or the lack of CTA that puts your recipients off engaging with you any further.

Here’s how to fix it and have get email responses until your inbox overflows.


1. Cree una línea de asunto que valga la pena

Su público objetivo está formado por profesionales ocupados con estilos de vida agitados que, por cierto, sufren una sobrecarga de información. Esto significa que tiene que causar una primera impresión realmente buena para que vean su correo electrónico en su abarrotada bandeja de entrada y se sientan obligados a abrirlo.

Algunos de los consejos para elaborar y pulir una línea de asunto asesina incluyen:


1. Menos sobre mí y más sobre ti

Correos electrónicos con asuntos como:

2 veces más CTR


Consigue 200 demos en un mes

are telling your customers something of value is inside and if you don’t click on it you are missing out (FOMO).

Un gif animado que muestra a Jennifer Lopez tirando una pila de papeles, con el texto Too Long, Didn't Read (Demasiado largo, no leí).


2. Breve y dulce

Unless you opt for the KISS approach, it will be a kiss of death for your open- and click-through rate. Elaborate subject lines, which are longer than 50 characters won’t be displayed on mobile displays properly and in their entirety.

And if we bear in mind that most people check their email on their smartphones, it’s self-explanatory why using fewer words is essential. It would be a shame not to be able to finish your tho… 😉

Consejos para líneas de asunto irresistibles

Este ejemplo lo resume todo e indica a su público lo que puede esperar si abre su correo electrónico.


3. Despertar la curiosidad

While it’s not a good idea to deceive your recipients and lure them into clicking on your email only to discover that the subject line has nothing to do with your offer, intriguing them can do wonders for your open rate.

Un gif animado que muestra al personaje Kramer de Seinfeld reaccionando conmocionado

Not many salespeople know this closing trick…

Por supuesto, asegúrese de ofrecer a sus clientes potenciales algo útil y valioso. Anímelos, pero ofrézcales algo.


4. Hacer una pregunta

This one usually works best when it’s paired with pain points and issues that your audience experiences. Yes, we advise you to play on their vulnerabilities and capture their attention immediately by mentioning something that has been giving them much trouble.

¿Problemas con los bajos índices de entregabilidad?

Such a subject line uses the power of negative emotions and reminds your prospects about their problems, but also implies that your email offers a solution. The trick is to live up to their expectations and offer something of value. So, don’t try to oversell yourself, because you can only fool people once.


5. Utilizar números

Las listas indican que su contenido es fácilmente digerible y escaneable. Nadie quiere leer párrafos farragosos y perder el tiempo tratando de encontrarle sentido al punto principal. Las listas numeradas son mucho más fáciles de leer y permiten a los destinatarios encontrar rápidamente la información que necesitan.

7 consejos para mejorar tu tasa de entregabilidad

This subject line shows the recipient exactly what’s in store for them. It states what your email talks about and promises your prospects content that their brains can easily process.


6. Haga que todos y cada uno de los clientes potenciales se sientan especiales

It’s no secret that successful companies who want to get email responses use sales email automation for their email outreach. But that doesn’t mean that your campaigns have to be generic and sound as if C-3PO wrote the copy or else you’re doomed!

Un gif animado de Taylor Swift aceptando un premio, subtitulado "¡Me habéis hecho sentir tan especial ahora mismo! Gracias".

Autoklose, the intuitive sales automation platform, offers personalization tokens which will help you build rapport with your audience and make them feel as if they’ve just received a carefully penned 1-on-1 email. Moreover, you don’t have to use only predefined tokens – Autoklose lets you create your own and personalize your campaigns to your heart’s desire.

Mike, you’ve left an item in your shopping cart

Una gran empresa como XYZ piensa en ti y te recuerda que completes tu compra. ¿A que es bonito?

Y ésta es sólo la primera capa de personalización. Para que sea aún más probable obtener respuestas por correo electrónico, opte por un enfoque aún más avanzado y vaya mucho más allá del nombre de pila y el nivel de ubicación.


7. Ser ingenioso y polémico

Puede estar seguro de que una línea de asunto divertida y con garra atraerá la atención de sus clientes potenciales.

Un gif animado que muestra al personaje de Lisa Simpson, subtitulado "Va a haber muchos blogs acalorados sobre este tema".

Let’s admit it – people also love shocking news, gossip and attention-grabbing headlines.

However, you should know and understand your audience very well if you plan on using this approach, because when you’re using such potentially flammable subject lines, the situation can quickly escalate out of hand.

Por qué tus líneas de asunto apestan

This isn’t the most controversial example, but it still catches your audience off-guard and invites them to think about what they’re doing wrong.

It’s worth noting that you should stay away from politics and religion as these two topics are too sensitive and can lead to a huge backlash.


2. La anatomía de un cuerpo de correo electrónico eficaz

Now that you’ve got your prospects to open your email, it’s time to show them what you got and make sure that they don’t regret their previous decision.


1. Ajusta tu texto de previsualización.

Esta es una oportunidad adicional de extender su mensaje más allá de este par de palabras de la línea de asunto. Utilícelo inteligentemente para enfatizar el sentido de urgencia e incluir el mensaje principal de su correo electrónico.


2. Don’t talk your recipients’ ear off.

This is an email, not an ebook, and you’re trying to make a point and get your message across in an effective way. Don’t get carried away trying to cram an overload of information in your email. Besides, the most important element of your message is your CTA, so don’t bury it under an avalanche of text.


3. Don’t use industry jargon and sound as natural as possible.

La gente quiere recibir mensajes sencillos y directos. Deja las frases de alta tecnología para los eventos y reuniones del sector.

Un gif animado que muestra al personaje de Alan de The Hangover haciendo intensos cálculos en su mente, representado por fórmulas científicas flotantes.

It’s also worth noting that your email should look like as if it’s written for your friends and family – don’t use caps lock, don’t capitalize every letter in your subject line, and forget about spam words.

However, given that even “free”, “discount”, or “amazing” trigger spam filters, it’s a good idea to check out a list of the most common spam words. Or use the Autoklose Template Analyzer which highlights every single spam word or phrase within your email message and improves your deliverability rate.


4. Don’t brag about your product’s features.

Your prospects don’t care about the technical specs of your latest product. They want to know how it can help them and make their life easier. Switch from talking about the features to describing all the benefits they can experience if they opt for your offer.


5. Cuidado con el desorden.

No matter how much you want to let your prospects realize that all your products and services are just perfect for them, stick to a single offer within your email. Several different offers will turn your message into a hot mess and your recipients won’t know what exactly you want them to do.

Similarly, by including more than one or two links or images, you’ll actually catch the email service provider’s attention and the risk that your message will end up in spam. Only commercial emails and promotions have tons of images and links within their body, and you definitely don’t want Gmail to put you in that category.

Gif animado que muestra al personaje Kip Dynamite sentado detrás de un ordenador tecleando. El texto superpuesto dice "Bla, bla, bla, los e-mails mienten".


6. Haga un seguimiento.

All these tips listed above won’t help you get email responses unless you are persistent. One or two messages won’t make the cut, which means that the reason behind your poor response- and click-through rate might be that your recipients simply forgot or were too busy – and you failed to remind them to have a look.

Echa un vistazo a esta guía práctica sobre cómo hacer un seguimiento eficaz.


3. Make your CTA’s shine

As we’ve mentioned, a CTA is crucial to ensure you get email responses, so it’s important to make it as prominent and powerful as possible.


1. Utiliza imperativos y palabras de acción

Tiene que animar e incitar a sus destinatarios a hacer clic en ese botón y registrarse, descargar, comprar, leer o suscribirse a su producto o servicio. Así que sea directo al respecto y dígales lo que quiere que hagan alto y claro.

Un gif animado de los personajes de Bob Esponja y Calamardo discutiendo. Bob Esponja utiliza la palabra 'imperativo'.


2. Utilizar el refuerzo positivo

Dígale a su público lo que ocurrirá si hace clic en ese botón CTA, es decir, cómo se beneficiará de ello.

Compra ahora y consigue envío gratis

Suscríbete y recibe un regalo

Inscríbete y aumenta tu tasa de apertura


3. Haz que destaque

Much has been debated over the best color for CTA, but in the end, it all boils down to opting for a color which will increase the contrast between your CTA and the background. A contrasting color is always a good idea as it distinguishes your CTA from your brand’s color scheme.


4. Colóquelo en un lugar destacado de su correo electrónico

Sometimes people get distracted or simply stop reading your email because it’s not engaging. To prevent that, place your CTA high in your email body so that it can attract your recipients’ attention immediately and get them to engage with your content.


Cómo obtener respuestas por correo electrónico, en pocas palabras:

If you want to get email responses from your recipients, you should treat them like real people, and not just ATM’s who will pay for your product and service. These tips will help you humanize and personalize your email outreach and make it engaging.

Un poco sobre Natasa:
Natasa Djalovic. Directora de Marketing en Autoklose. Ávido promotor de memes y GIFs, amante de los gatos, con superpoderes de contenido (psst, no se lo digas a nadie).

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