Sales automation: the future of CRM software

Los expertos miran al futuro: Joel Capperella

Joel ‘Cap’ Capperella is a solo-preneur in the business of helping small businesses raise their marketing and sales game. He brings over 20 years of experience in marketing of software and SaaS, working with both big fish like Oracle and with smaller startups. He’s an active contributor to some of the most influential business publications, such as The Huffington Post, and FastCompany. We sat together with Joel to hear his thoughts on the future of sales automation.

La automatización de las ventas consiste en que los programas informáticos se encarguen de la gestión de las ventas para que los comerciales puedan centrarse en el contacto humano, por Joel Capperella.

What does sales automation mean to you?

That’s a pretty good question. To me, its mainly about making sales management less of a burden, time- and energy-wise. Sales automation is anything that makes it easier for the sales person to connect with potential customers, get them into the pipeline and subsequently accelerate the journey throughout the pipeline. It all boils down to removing barriers to connect, engage, listen and build relationships.

¿Cuál es su visión de la automatización de las ventas?

Debe encajar en la idea más amplia de que los datos estén al servicio de las personas en una organización y no al revés.

El CRM empezó centrándose principalmente en la gestión de ventas, invirtiendo mucho tiempo y recursos en los datos en lugar de en las personas. Esa lógica se está invirtiendo, ya que los datos y los algoritmos trabajan cada vez más para las personas, en lugar de al revés.

Esta es la dirección que debería tomar la automatización de ventas: el software no sólo debería permitir una gestión de ventas rápida y bien enfocada, sino que, lo que es más importante, el CRM también debería cambiar para centrarse más en el elemento humano de la venta. El nuevo CRM consiste en vender como si las personas importaran.

We’re seeing the same tendencies in HR. HR management tools used to revolve around administrative tasks required to manage a workforce. Yet today, HR software is becoming more and more people-centered. It’s keeping employees engaged, connected and productive. It helps them do their jobs more effectively and manage their career development more personally.

To me, sales and people (HR) are connected like two sides of a circle. They seem opposed, yet are very related. You can’t make sales without employees and you can’t hire people without sales. Software that helps both sides, to put people at the centre and data at their service, will make the relation between people and sales in organisations all the more circular, as it should be.

¿Cuáles son sus mejores consejos o pautas para automatizar las ventas?

There’s so much information out there. And it’s becoming more and more everyday. Somewhere in that pile of data is the exact piece of information, often a combination of bits of data, that you need.

Utiliza programas que te faciliten enormemente el acceso a esa información, siempre. Lo realmente mágico es disponer de varias herramientas reunidas en un solo lugar, de modo que puedas utilizar inmediatamente la información para obtener resultados.

Which sales automation tools are you using?

I’m currently using HubSpot CRM, not Salesflare, mostly because I got a very good deal on it. I have it integrated with ActiveCampaign, my marketing automation platform. I use Zapier to automate tasks between Evernote, Google Sheets and my CRM. For extra hands to help me with some design work, finding email addresses or something like that, I turn to Upwork.

Any tactics you would like to share?

I’m a big content believer. Content is a huge way to connect and engage, plus you can use it in all the different stages of the sales process. The key is to carefully measure what type of content is working best in different stages.

For example, I set automatic series of emails after a specific offer. For each one I will track the recipient’s reaction to it; how long it takes him or her to react, how often he/she opened the email, whether he/she visits my website and how long etc.

Estas métricas de compromiso definen cuánto tiempo tendré que dedicar a una persona para conseguir la conversión.

¿Qué significa para usted la automatización de las ventas? ¡Tweeteanos a (@salesflare), con #salesautomation!

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