Più magia dell'automazione

È meglio del Black Friday

All'inizio di quest'annoVi abbiamo promesso 3 amabili funzioni al mese.

And we kept our promise. 🤞

Non è stato solo un periodo entusiasmante per voi, ma anche per noi che continuiamo a lavorare su nuove fantastiche funzionalità.

From this month on, we have decided to lower that quota slightly, to 2 lovable features per month, as we are feeling that it’s a good idea to use a bit more of that time working on improvements of current features and on the overall experience. After all, this makes you and us happier too. 😁

Fear not however if you love your new powers: there’s some really big things in the pipeline. And this month we got a lot of presents already. 🎁

Vi presentiamo: uno scanner per biglietti da visita, modelli di e-mail in Gmail e una quota di e-mail più alta!

Let’s unwrap 🥰

Scansione dei biglietti da visita in tempo reale

Tutti i dati dei contatti vengono inseriti automaticamente nell'Salesflare.

It’s pulled in from email headers, email signatures, publicly available info on social media, unless… someone gives you a business card of course. 🤦 Then you still need to transcribe the card into Salesflare.

Well, these times are over! From now on you can scan business cards straight from Salesflare’s mobile app. ✨

Just hit “create contact”, then the camera icon at the top right, and scan the card.

Eseguite la scansione di una scheda e vedrete i dati apparire automaticamente in Salesflare.

And then it uploads the image to our servers, recognizes the text in the image, extracts the right information from the text, et voilà: the data input has been automated.

A touch of machine learning, a bit of natural language processing, and you can digitize business cards with the click of a button. 🧙‍♂️

Note: like most business card scanners, it’s not 100% perfect. Always scan, check and correct quickly where needed. If you have examples that don’t work, send them to us and we can use it to improve the systems. 💪

Utilizzate i vostri modelli di e-mail in Gmail

Due mesi fa abbiamo introdotto i modelli di posta elettronica in Salesflare.

Quando si invia un'e-mail da Salesflare, ha cambiato notevolmente la velocità con cui è possibile seguire i clienti. Quando si inviano e-mail da Gmail, non ancora.

Today, we introduce email templates from Gmail. 🥳

It’s accessible trough the ribbon button next to “Send”. 👇

Fare clic sulla barra multifunzione in Gmail per attivare i modelli Salesflare.

Come prima, potete creare tutti i modelli che volete. E condividerli facilmente con il vostro team.

All from within Gmail itself. 🤯

Inviare più campagne e-mail

We don’t really count this as an extra feature, but we know that this will make a big difference to many of you using the campaigns. 🤩

So, we’re very happy to announce to you that: email quota on campaigns have gone up for most types of connected email addresses. 🎉

For a G Suite, Office 365, or Outlook.com address that means 2000 emails per day. For a Gmail address it’s 500 per day and for a custom IMAP email it stays at 200 per day.

More on the daily and hourly quota can be found in this how-to article. 👈

Molti altri miglioramenti e correzioni di bug

We fixed the bugs you reported, upped the performance in some places, tweaked some app flows, and much more. As always, keep the feedback coming through the live chat — we thrive on it! 😍

Prossimamente... 🥁

  • See when opportunities moved stages 🕵️
  • Use email aliases when sending emails 📨
  • Email workflows 😲 (it’s a huge feature, so it’s taking a bit longer)

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