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A new Outlook add-in + email workflow result filtering

For most Salesflare users, email is the main communication channel with their customers.

That’s why we keep improving the integration with the email inbox, as well as the amount and quality of the data that is collected through this integration.

This latest product update improves both… here’s what’s new! 👇

Use Salesflare in Outlook for Mac, in the New Outlook & on the Web

Up till recently, Salesflare was only available in the classic Outlook on Windows.

That has changed! 🎉

The Salesflare add-in now works in all versions of Outlook ✨

With the new Outlook add-in, you can use Salesflare in:

  • New Outlook for Windows
  • Old Outlook for Windows
  • Outlook for Mac
  • Outlook on the Web

It now uses Microsoft’s new framework, which doesn’t make it easier to install the add-in and keep it pinned. That’s why we’ve created a step-by-step guide for this. 👈

Let us know how you like it! 🤩

Effectively follow up on workflows with improved filtering

Want to filter your contacts or accounts based on who replied to a certain email workflow?

This is now easily possible! 🪄

Filter your accounts or contacts by who replied to, opened, clicked on, … a specific email workflow. 👀

That way you can make list of contacts or accounts who have (or haven’t):

  • Received a specific email workflow
  • Opened an email in a specific email workflow
  • Clicked on a link in an email in a specific email workflow
  • Replied to an email in a specific email workflow

While you could previously get these lists in the workflow analytics, this new and improved filtering opens up a whole new range of possibilities.

Keep us posted on how you use it! 😁

MÄnga fler förbÀttringar och buggfixar

Vi har Ă„tgĂ€rdat de buggar som ni rapporterade, förbĂ€ttrat prestandan pĂ„ nĂ„gra stĂ€llen, justerat vissa appflöden, förbĂ€ttrat datainsamlingen och mycket mer. Som alltid, fortsĂ€tt att komma med feedback via livechatten pĂ„ vĂ„r hemsida - vi trivs med det! 😍

Kommer upp nĂ€sta ... đŸ„

  • Helt nya relationsmĂ„tt đŸŽ›ïž
  • Ditt favorit Chrome-plugin fungerar pĂ„ alla webbplatser đŸ’»
  • FörbĂ€ttrad databerikning đŸ—ƒïž
  • FramtidssĂ€ker webbplatsspĂ„rning 🌐
  • Fler möjligheter att hitta nya leads đŸ•”

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Vi Àr ett lÀttanvÀnt CRM-system för försÀljning för smÄ och medelstora B2B-företag som Àr fullt av automatisering och alltid uppdaterat!

Prova Salesflare:s CRM

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